Search Results

  1. Nieva
  2. Nieva
  3. Nieva
  4. Nieva
  5. Nieva
  6. Nieva
  7. Nieva
  8. Nieva
  9. Nieva
    They are being moderated.
    Profile Post by Nieva for Catch the Rain, May 19, 2009
  10. Nieva
  11. Nieva
  12. Nieva
  13. Nieva
  14. Nieva
  15. Nieva
    On guitar hero you have multiple tiers of difficulty, along with 4-6 difficulty settings, allowing you to go at your own pace. rather than play through on easy, then medium, etc, you could start on hard, on easy songs, or start on medium on difficult songs, etc. Whichever works.

    However, i do think you're correct. Also, essays are work, and schoolwork is almost never fun, and just the thought that its school work makes it harder.
    Post by: Nieva, May 19, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Nieva
  17. Nieva
    Profile Post

    Less than a day.

    Less than a day.
    Profile Post by Nieva for Catch the Rain, May 19, 2009
  18. Nieva
  19. Nieva
  20. Nieva
    Profile Post

    Not of KHV, no

    Not of KHV, no
    Profile Post by Nieva for Catch the Rain, May 19, 2009