Why don't you try and figure out where i live by talking to other people?
That supports me. If you get bored, i shouldn't tell you because that way its more fun. It's somebody ive been friends with for 3 years. He lives...
It wouldn't be as much fun if i told you.
I know who i remind you of. Also, 'come people'? Dear god, that sounds messy
I have a feeling that you'll like me a lot if you get to know me. But just so you know, I'm very candid.
I know, the thread was pushing it. But you know there are some things that i couldnt get away with that others could. Im not going LOL CORRUPTION...
Wait wat, my intro thread was gone and then it reapearred.
And my intro thread. I find it funny how that rape thread wouldnt have been deleted if certain other members created it. If you give me anything...
They are being moderated.
You cant beat the creator,if the creator has hacks. And is it just me or are the threads i make being moderated >.>
But that only makes them even angrier, so it often ends up with "BAWWWWWWWWW I HATE YOU DONT TALK TO ME YOU MAKE ME FEEL BAD BAWWWWWW" Then about...
Try not to go overboard when you talk to me, i tend to toy with people who are overly angry for no reason. If they have no reason, why not have a...
Thats a hint that you need to get more mad. RAAAAGGEEEEEEE TIME
"Who cares what they're like, THEY HAVE A ****ING BLUE NAME!"
On guitar hero you have multiple tiers of difficulty, along with 4-6 difficulty settings, allowing you to go at your own pace. rather than play through on easy, then medium, etc, you could start on hard, on easy songs, or start on medium on difficult songs, etc. Whichever works. However, i do think you're correct. Also, essays are work, and schoolwork is almost never fun, and just the thought that its school work makes it harder.
I don't know you. You were one of the whole three people online in the spam zone, and you had a blue name so i clicked on it.
Less than a day.
/b/, /h/, and i lurk Youtube. I should probably make a yt account, but i dont see a point since i dont upload videos.
Sorry for the long response, i was playing Team Fortress 2
Not of KHV, no