someones username is !!!!!!!!!!!! look at the members list
if we can ill make a save right before i fight him and never save
im sure they will have a secret ending about her
not the almighty stick he has one master thats is I
i wonder if it will show the 14th member
i doubt they would do that the fight would be a good boss battle in kh2fm though
it might but if its based on organization 13 it might have a story about them?
i think he does
ask him it is his
now i win do you want to join ansem the wise's rp
i dont count:(
i call ven
wow ur addicted to that now i win
drains all you magic then has my clone thing destroy your remains
my almighty wet stick defends me
summons baldys keyblade do you want to die?
almighty stick go get him "throws a stick"and while you stare at the stick dumfounded i shot you
so im by myself?? and i will use this
"knocks him out with my gun" my name is ishotansem for a reason
"grabs shot gun"so ansem the wise what does my name mean?