its everywhere:rockdover:
kingdom hearts made him all powerful and hes about to kick our a$$'s is that good
we gotta run hes to powerful
"throws keyblade and grabs two more around him"he must have a weakness
yup that hurt"summons keyblade what are we going to do?"
"jumps and attacks him while hes talking"ur mom
'dodges and jumps on you to attack him" ps i dont know and i gotta go
"stands still while anger slowly rises"
its vrey um different
thats easy "runs after you while blocking keyblades and grabs a second one"
wow ur nice
"fine ill go jumps and attacks"
i see 90...........+1
"your move"
Make a word with the letter that i post then use the last letter from the word made to make another word. A
"just stands still as if wanting you to attack" ps wheres eveyone else
i do............. and you guys should give up trying to win because i won days ago
"runs after him then jumps and attacks"
"jumps back and summons keyblade" awww your too scared to fight alone
"dodges and throws keyblade"