i like roxas a little more
um roxas right here
yup you gotta have 1k in posts and 100 rep i think
umm lemme think so this makes halo out of question doesnt it
name:Max age:17 weapon:that weapon that you get when you beat roxas in kh2fm picture: bio:quiet and patent with an anger problem
im 100% sure thats a fake
nvm how but question time with TheChosenOne
question time with idk um ansem the wise 59 lol
ooc-whats its about
drugs how much u want? jk
umm sonmeone thats on?
ooc-this is getting pointless how bought we do this For years Ven,Aqua,Terra hid and trained to sharpen thier power and waited for the right time to attack and save the world from darkness and master xeanort.?
"makes that light come out of the keyblade and aims at you" take that suka
crap how are we supposed to beat him
uses thunder"wheres mr armax when i need it"lol ooc thats why im here
im x2 that skillz
stand by a wall and the keyblade goes threw the wall
no i win for i am all powerful
i guess so NOOB jk
umm good job