hahahahaha never get tired of that ooc-is there any action yet
wow thats alot
ooc forgot i joined this so "walks in from nowhere" boo!
its kinda funny how the riku code started all of this how closer are we to it
if i can come back on later ill get it but if not someone else will because i gotta go
so..................any new codes is anyone on?
evilman said he didnt know about the command menu mod
who here thinks its possible to make a command menu mod? and hey everbody
name:Chris age:20 attatude:laid back good or bad:bad the world that never was why you are there:trying to defeat my inner light
id like some to
i gotta go tomarrow i guess good bye
oo-yup so what now?
lol no wonder im usually one of the spamers lol
ooc-cheapass jk ummm hmmm im out of ideas lol
ooc-continuing i didnt think djc was gonna leave i got an idea"starts to shot the light thing at kingdom heats
what do you keep stocking them or somthing
good bye djc.............:(
umm i dont know i wanna earn one though
wow they arnt that bad