;_; I just woke up from a nap to this and this just made my day, thank you for the thought
Alright so, this might sound a bit cliche'd but I don't know how to put it, every so often I have one of these days when I just cannot be bothered to ANYTHING at all, I'll try to play a video game, I'll give up, Play basketball, I can't be assed, go running still can't be bothered and I don't feel like doing ANYTHING at all these days I get can sometime stick for a few days and I hate it when they come, normally enough it'll happen once or twice every month and i can't do anything about it but feel bleh.. Can anyone help me out with what I can do on these type's of days to motivate myself to do something? and before anyone asks me about life problems in itself I've had non, my life is perfectly fine and I'm content with it nothing going wrong what so ever.
I still haven't seen where the damn episode is ..[DOUBLEPOST=1403912821][/DOUBLEPOST] http://www.legendofkorra.tv/book-2/ I also have been rewatching LOA on here
Also I wanted to outline something if this hasn't been discussed yet..but did I just see what looks like Bumi Air bending..? You think he as well might have had some trouble with the spiritual side of Air bending like Korra?
Anyways, what time is are the episodes set to actually air? does anyone know?
I won a once or twice with my monster AMV I belive and Android amv quite a while ago but I can't remember which year it might have been 2011 :L
Old yet I never did submit it to the Video portal here, so I would like to share it with you all though we never did...
Glad I'm not the only one who saw that
Let's leave it at that..atleast we have part 2.
oh wait..sorry i got the post number wrong damnit i'm going insane -_-
Technically i'm the 53rd poster..i think but it says @What? is the 53rd poster LOOK
who won?