This was a fascinating read, but... ...Yuck. No need to wax... dramatic, the drama wrote itself already. Hoo boy. Pretty crazy stuff, though.
There is no hiring! There's never been any hiring! Hiring is just a myth!
Friendship with Giants
First you better stop waving it like a feather-duster!
Because it's the hero Cartoon Network deserves, but not the one it needs right now.
I really think the length thing is a side effect of watching a 'children's' film with an older perspective; Family films these days tend not to cross the hour and a half mark by too much in the interest of keeping kids occupied for the duration, and it becomes very obvious when you watch two-hour epics otherwise. Animation is my favorite film medium so I'm not trying to belittle animated films at all in saying that, but I'm always surprised going back to animated films I watched when I was a kid and realizing how short they are. Also, it's a current trend for films to be very fast-cut and often as a result, fast-paced. This comes courtesy of MTV mostly, I believe, and there was a period from about the time sound film came around until MTV's advent that movies could be pretty slow and had relatively few cuts. Interestingly, prior to that a hallmark of the silent film era was actually frequent cuts and quick pacing, so you could say we've come full circle. I get the sentiment -- it can be hard for kids to sit still that long sometimes -- but also I think film producers might do well to give kids' the benefit of the doubt more often; if it's a really good movie I think the ones old enough to understand will stay interested. Who knows, though, I could be wrong. In any case -- things very often move a tad too fast in animated movies. It's unfortunate, but it's just a natural result of trying to squish a lot of content into that hour and a half to hour and forty-five minute window. Frozen is even a tad longer than that (108 minutes) and still sounds like it struggled a little to get it all in, although I haven't seen it.
If by that you mean build more walls... Humanity struggles to even seal a single breach in one. One of the mysteries of the series seems to be the nature/origin of the walls, so I don't think it's as simple as building more.'s+groceries
I... don't think it's weird? I mean, I've certainly heard of people doing it before. And it wasn't a huge grocery bill or anything haha, it was just like ten bucks of stuff. But nah I didn't know her. I think she was trying to get rid of some of the money that comes with her school meal plan; the funds don't roll over so by the end of the semester people are always scrambling to spend it.
Not exactly finding money on the ground, but someone paid for my food tonight at the store! I had just handed my money to the cashier and the girl next to me was like "Hey, do you want me to get that for you?" It was a really nice gesture and totally brightened my day after a particularly long week of school. C':
ikr?? this is so woah
Members watching the movie on their own was also what we had in mind, although we've been tossing around ideas for things like periodic streams as well c:. And absolutely, any aspect of the film would be up for discussion.
dat music
Latin script & Kana
all the love for CoM in this thread bless you KHV +1 CoM for fave Kingdom Hearts represent