That's really a shame :c If you're interested in other fine arts, I'd really recommend taking a music course! Not the sort where you have to make music necessarily, but the sort where you learn about it. I've taken one about American music and a music appreciation course (still taking it currently), and I've gotten good grades in them and really enjoyed myself. The only caveat is that there is a lot of memorization to do, and it can be the sort of the "remember this for the exam and then forget" category of memorization unless you're really passionate about what you're learning. You could also try a film class; I took one last semester and while it wasn't my favorite class, we did get to watch a lot of interesting films I'd never seen or heard of before. Film classes can depend a lot on the instructor and what kind of film s/he is interested in (or I guess more accurately, whether they are interested in the same sort of film as you), but even if your tastes are wildly different you're at least guaranteed an interesting new perspective. I can't know if the professors in these other disciplines would be better than this art one at your uni, I mean... It's possible I've just gotten really lucky, lol. But speaking from experience, I've rather enjoyed my classes concerning the arts and maybe you'd like stuff in the same vein. Good luck, either way.
sony vegas 7.0 represent you kids and your new-fangled video editors. get off my lawn
the explanation is simple, i transcended the confines of spacetime to produce a join date with impressive expansion across the fourth dimension i am sorry for the confusion nobody panic
yay im old (thank you this is really sweet ;~; )
& when life gives you lemons Spoiler: surprising no one don't make lemonade GET MAD I DON'T WANT YOUR DAMN LEMONS, WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THESE
Lmao, Wes is the symbol for Creator's Pet. Perfection c': .
i've relapsed into megamanism
Watched it with friends from about 1-1:45 AM. What I took away from it mostly was that it was really cold outside. Red moon was kind of cool I guess though. Not a cloud in sight here.
The situation with Mega Man is kind of a mess; ever since Keiji Inafune left Capcom in 2010 they've refused to touch the franchise -- either out of ill will toward its creator or uncertainty over how to handle the brand, we can't say. But considering they've cancelled multiple games since then (Universe, Online [although to be fair I think I heard this was on the Korean developer's end], the infamously ill-fated Legends 3 project and the first-person shooter Maverick Hunter have all been canned), not to mention refused Inafune's own offers to finish Legends 3 himself, it's obvious something is going on & I've gotten the impression that there are very few if any Mega Man fans who can say they are okay with how it's been treated lately. I can't speak for all Mega Man fans everywhere but in my experience with them and as a huge one myself I think many people would be on over the moon if Nintendo bought the rights to Mega Man; I certainly would be. Their treatment of him in Smash Bros., at least from the available footage, has been outstanding in my opinion -- with a careful attention to detail in every homage that makes it obvious how much the developers love and respect the series. Now, his appearance there has come under a bit of debate, mostly stemming from his blank expression (as Nintendo is very committed to preserving the look of his NES sprites), so your mileage may vary I suppose. Personally, although I realize some of his other incarnations have been more expressive, I love how they've handled him in Smash so far. Regardless of what happens, Mighty No. 9 will be there to ensure that the series' legacy continues in some capacity, and to be fair Nintendo purchasing Mega Man would probably result in a few unfortunate side effects (e.g. the American comic book series would probably get cancelled then and there). I also get the impression that there are some folks at Capcom that really do care about the franchise and are simply powerless to do anything in terms of games -- hence the frequent merchandising & occasional character cameo appearances. But if it would result in games being made with any amount of the love and care put into the series in its prime, I think the sacrifices would probably be worth it. And as Capcom has been struggling financially, it's not a wholly unfeasible possibility that Mega Man might eventually end up in someone else's hands. I honestly think it would be sad to see Capcom go under and I'd like to see them recover and begin treating Mega Man -- among their other mishandled franchises -- with more respect. But if Nintendo bought Mega Man, I'd have few qualms with it. I think it's clear Nintendo respects the series a lot.
I noticed lol! How'd that happen (dare I ask)? It's funny because the first time I played CAH, I lost miserably. I think I've just been getting...
he just SHOWS UP
[incoherent screeching noises] theY'RE PERFECTTTT
pc gamers have made a petition to get wil wheaton crashing an actual spaceship on their platform
'Kay guys, this is crossing the content line at this point, keep it appropriate~.
Aaaaand I know I'm not the first to say this but Percy Jackson is nothing like Twilight lol. Imo anyway. Anyhoo I read the original series in middle school and liked them ~ It's been a long time but they were really fun as I recall. I wouldn't call the series a paragon of great literature or anything, but good fun. Takes me back ;~;
reset it~
Ahh, gotcha. It was sort of the other way around for me as a kid -- the film was a little intense for me and I always got scared part-way through. I actually didn't see the movie in its entirety until a couple years ago. I remember they used to show it on Cartoon Network a lot and I always shut it off. :v Interesting how it had sort of the opposite effect on you, lol. But yeah, I agree this scene is pretty excellent. Makes me want to watch it again, haha. Too bad Netflix has a habit of removing all of my favorite movies from streaming j_j
Do you not like animated films or...? Just curious. I love The Iron Giant, really great film imo. Not wholly original but nicely executed. Brad Bird is a fantastic director.