I am of the firm belief that many aspects of the 90's were singularly awful lol, so I don't miss them that much to be honest. Also, those of us born in the early to mid-nineties barely qualify as nineties kids :'c. More like 00's; by the time we came around shows like DuckTales were just reruns... But I digress. Some of the cartoons however I can get behind. Powerpuff Girls was probably my favorite show as a kid, lol. And Dexter's Lab, et al. I didn't watch Disney Channel until a bit later.
IT'S REALLY WEIRD YOU SAY THAT because you were in my dream last night too?? I dreamed about going back to school and you were at my university for some reason It's a professional grade CRT monitor, so the picture is better than a normal set and it works a little differently. I would peg it somewhere between an arcade monitor and a CRT television? I paid the exorbitant fee of about fifty bucks for it, because no one wants CRTs anymore The advantage for arcade games is that it's a 15khz monitor that takes RGB, which is otherwise unavailable on North American televisions. RGB is what arcade games use and hypothetically produces the best picture for 240p content. Europeans have it much easier with RGB SCART tl;dr it's better than an arcade monitor imo at a fraction of the price, and not half as dangerous since it's encased, lol.
I think it's really easy to get like... Lost in Agrabah. At least for me, lol. As I recall it was hard to find your way around because there were lots of hidden doorways you had to get to through platforming, and lots of doors that looked the same? It's been yeaaaars tho.
OH hah when you mentioned them together I thought you meant that moving your PS2 broke the TV, but you meant that you unplugged it accidentally and the TV broke another time, lol. That sucks though. I used to leave my PS2 on all the time before I had a memory card when I was younger (poor thing lol). I finally got one for Kingdom Hearts actually and then for whatever reason I was convinced I had to shut the console off to plug it in and lost all my progress. I was in Agrabah... :c
Done, thanks.
Ahah, I suppose it is.
It's good to hear no one was hurt. Hopefully the authorities can track him down.
Thank you guys!~ @Accelerator -- I mean you may have had a similar television? Trinitrons were both made for professional settings and for the consumer market, and they were pretty popular! Also d...do you mean you ripped out the entire AV plug from the TV!? Well I do not have a Genesis on hand unfortunately, but I'm going to be hooking up my consoles to it until I have the rest of the cabinet ready~ mame party at my house, errybody get over here I tested it today! It works, but it has a few quirks lol. I was expecting that tbh; these monitors see a lot of use in their normal environments and it was probably knocked around some during shipping besides. Spoiler: warning incoming nerdy info dump There are three inputs (Line A/B and RGB) and Line B is totally borked, it works for a few minutes and then devolves into unbearable flickering. I didn't actually try an input on it, but I doubt it would look good. I don't care so much about Line B so long as RGB is okay, and it doesn't have that problem (at least with the menu, I don't have the right cables to hook it up yet). I hooked up my PS2 through composite today (protip: megaman x collection outputs at 240p natively!) and I was actually surprised at the result. Dot crawl is a lot more prominent, and it's a little less sharp than my regular CRT. The whites are also on the warm side -- I suspect the blue is a tad weak. The colors are richer though and the scanlines are INCREDIBLE. The settings were all mucked up when I got it so I can't help but conclude this monitor has Seen Some ****; I reset it back to factory and it's much better other than the problems I mentioned (it makes a concerning noise when it first powers on though .___. ). As it turns out, there are still some technicians in my area who claim to repair CRTs, so I might see how much it would cost to get it recalibrated by someone. Spoiler: Composite comparisons My Toshiba CRT Trinitron PVM~ The difference on that purple is really interesting to me; I think that's an effect of the weak blue. That's also an... Interesting black and white line at the top of the helmet there the Trinitron is producing, lol. And just for shits n' giggles, here is my 720p Samsung LCD (lmao): just a little horrifying I'm interested to see the difference with RGB; composite has a lot of color bleeding going on. The warmth of the picture is a little worrying because I'm not sure what can be done to fix it. I think the picture could do with being a little crisper also, but I suspect that's just how a low quality signal looks through a Trinitron grille. There's probably a service menu with options to fine-tune all of these things. I'll have to look into it.
My MAME monitor! :'D i have yet to plug it in for fear of electrocution or spontaneous combustion or i don't know (also I don't have the right cables or BNC adapters yet anyway) but i'M REALLY EXCITED let's celebrate khv (and then grieve when it turns out not to work)
the high today was 110 degrees here and bc of humidity it always feels hotter get on my subtropical level
It's that time again! Thank you all for submitting; there were really excellent videos this week! This Week's Judge(s): Stardust 1. you will be safe in here :: you will be safe in here :: Submitted by: muff monkey Song: Clumsy by Our Lady Peace Details: Wonderfully done. The overlay was well balanced with the footage -- & combined with the effects and transitions, it lent a soft vibe to the video that fit the song very nicely; the editing was such that it still worked when the music grew more intense as well. Great job. Link: http://kh-vids.net/media/you-will-be-safe-in-here.901/media 2. Black Night/Golden Circus Submitted by: Knightshade Song: Black Night/Golden Circus by Strawberry Girls Details: Nicely done! A strong color hue like the blue is hard to get right but I liked it. I can tell a lot of care was put into matching every beat. At times this becomes a bit overwhelming I think (when there are lots of cuts to black in succession) but everything was put together really well. The overlays occasionally made things a little chaotic but they were well-integrated overall, and a very cool touch. Link: http://kh-vids.net/media/black-night-golden-circus.906/media 3. skin of the night (serah/noel) Submitted by: muff monkey Song: skin of the night by m83 Details: This song has a really ethereal quality that I think was matched excellently with the way this was edited. The colors and overlay add to the effect. Great work. Link: http://kh-vids.net/media/skin-of-the-night-serah-noel.903/media 4. {Another Heart Calls} - KadajXAerith Submitted by: Ankoku Song: Another Heart Calls by All American Rejects Details: Very creative video! It was cool to see all the ways used to convey the story for this. I feel that there were some unnecessary effects here and there, and I'm not personally a huge fan of frequent lip-syncing (just my taste though), but all of that was well-done and thought out. Link: http://kh-vids.net/media/another-heart-calls-kadajxaerith.897/media 5. [W H I S P E R S] - [Birthday AMV] | [Audition] - [Distinctive Memories] Submitted by: Accelerator Song: Whispers in the Dark by Skillet Details: Holy cuts and effects! There's a lot going on in this video. That said, I can tell a lot of work went into it, especially matching the beats. Impressively done. Link: http://kh-vids.net/media/w-h-i-s-p-e-r-s-birthday-amv-audition-distinctive-memories.899/media Congratulations to all who placed this week! You will be receiving a Top 5 pin if you haven't got one already! (I am slightly behind on handing these out but I will get them to you all shortly, no worries!) Haven't placed yet? Don't give up! Your video certainly was not bad, and you may place in a future week.
ho myogd it's ok when i saw all of those alerts i thought it was going to be a flood of "i hate this game" lmao "Shut the **** up X, we get it!" gold
i hate this game? i hate this game. i hate this game .__.
i hate this game. i hate this game. i hate this game! i still hate this game
I actually linked it in the Top 5 post where I said we completed it, ahah.
Hey guys! It's time for the first Top 5 in a really long while, huh? We didn't get that many entries this week, so make sure to submit your videos for a chance to win! Without videos, there's no Top 5, after all! This Week's Judge(s): Stardust 1. almost everything; almost everything; Submitted by: FurySp4rk Song: Almost Everything by Wakey Wakey Details: This was excellent! The voiceovers are really well-integrated, and I especially loved them at the end when the music grew more intense. Your flash transitions were very nicely done -- not jarring, and well-timed. And I was especially impressed by the use of static text, which is so difficult to do, but it looked great! My only note would be to make sure and maintain consistency between cropped clips. Link: http://kh-vids.net/media/almost-everything.888/media 2. KH-vids MEP 2012 // KH Ultranumb Submitted by: Accelerator Song: Ultranumb by Blue Stahli Details: Nice job matching the mood and beat! There was a real intensity in the video. I would simply caution the use of effects like the TV Simulator, as they can be easily overdone. As a side note, we did in fact complete the 2012 MEP! Link: http://kh-vids.net/media/kh-vids-mep-2012-kh-ultranumb.895/media 3. in the shadow of your heart; Submitted by: muff monkey Song: Cosmic Love by Florence + The Machine Details: The overall smoothness of this video was wonderful. You did an excellent job working with the lyrics and atmosphere, and I especially liked the ending. My only major concern is the quality, as it seems quite fuzzy. Perhaps experiment with other formats/methods of compression? Link: http://kh-vids.net/media/in-the-shadow-of-your-heart.896/media 4. AkuRoki/Anti-RokuShi ~ Misery Business (FLASH WARNING) Submitted by: Ankoku Song: Misery Business by Paramore Details: Nice job on this! I can tell a lot of care was put into going with the song. I would advise against the use of hard flashes in such quick succession, especially when there is no cutting to go with them, however it was really fun to see the creative ways you utilized to match the lyrics! Link: http://kh-vids.net/media/akuroki-anti-rokushi-misery-business-flash-warning.890/media 5. Final Fantasy VII- Unknown Soldier Submitted by: ~Phoenix~ Song: Unknown Soldier by Breaking Benjamin Details: Great use of atmosphere in this one -- it fit the song really well! In terms of critique, I thought the red effect/overlay was a bit heavy, and I would suggest editing it more closely to the lyrics and major beats at times. Cropping it to remove the subtitles may also be worth considering as an extra finishing touch, or for the future. I enjoyed it! Link: http://kh-vids.net/media/fina-fantasy-vii-unknown-soldier.889/media Congratulations to all who placed this week! You will be receiving a Top 5 pin if you haven't got one already! Haven't placed yet? Don't give up! Your video certainly was not bad, and you may place in a future week.
I'm half-inclined to agree but also a lot of people grew up with them and got through 'em hah. Kind of a tough call! I think it would have been cool to have grown up with those but I missed out :'c In terms of younger relatives I have a lot who seem to like DS games. Pokemon comes to mind. Putting console stuff aside (I liked Sly Cooper as a kid), I used to play a lot of PC remakes of old arcade games. Frogger, Breakout, that sort of thing. These were generally less-than-stellar early 3D releases, and Frogger 3D in particular was HARD, but I have a lot of nostalgia for them. Also some of them had really excellent music.