E001FFFB 0035B55C ---Hold R3 when walking into a new area to have Donald And Goofy in your team, and play as Sora 11CFA3FE 0000005C 11CFA400 0000005D 11CFA3FC 00000054 E001FBFF 0035B55C ---Hold L1 to battle Saix with Axel in your team, playing as Sora 11CFA3FE 000006C9 11CFA400 0000060A 11CFA3FC 00000054 E001FEFF 0035B55C ---Hold L2 to battle Axel with noone else, playing as Roxas 11CFA3FE 00000051 11CFA400 0000060A 11CFA3FC 0000005A E001F7FF 0035B55C ---Hold R1 to battle Xigbar with Riku in your team, playing as Sora 11CFA3FE 00000622 11CFA400 00000819 11CFA3FC 00000054 E001FDFF 0035B55C ---Hold R2 to have Cloud and Leon in your team, playing as Sora 11CFA3FE 00000688 11CFA400 0000061C 11CFA3FC 00000054
NEW CODE Place Donald/Goofy back into your party at any time, HOLD R3 when walking into a new area --- E001FFFB 0035B55C ---Hold R3 Walking into a new area to restore Donald And Goofy 11CFA3FE 000005C 11CFA400 000005D Good for, say, when you kill a boss battle, and want to avoid the game freezes.
(Update: Things with a * next to them, without anything else are ones I highly believe will freeze the game) 3F1- Xaldin (T-Stance with Spears behind him) 326- Executioner thing from Halloween Town 327- Nothing?? 328- Door that opens/closes in HT 329- The Experiment's Foot 32A- Christmas Tree Paper from HT 32B- Christmas Present (You can go inside it) 32C- Conveyer Belt 32D- Some Rope 32E- A bonquet of HT ''Flowers'' 32F- *Freeze 330- *Freeze 331- Belle (Regular Attire, Dummy) 332- Treasure Chest w/ Hi Potion 333- Treasure Chest w/ Hi Potion 334- Treasure Chest w/ Hi Potion 335- Treasure Chest w/ Hi Potion 336- Treasure Chest w/ Hi Potion 337- Treasure Chest w/ Hi Potion 338- Treasure Chest w/ Hi Potion 339- Treasure Chest w/ Hi Potion 33A- Big Treasure Chest w/ Hi Potion 33B- Big Treasure Chest w/ Hi Potion 33C- Big Treasure Chest w/ Hi Potion 33D- Big Treasure Chest w/ Hi Potion 33E- Big Treasure Chest w/ Hi Potion 33F- Big Treasure Chest w/ Hi Potion 340- Big Treasure Chest w/ Hi Potion 341- Big Treasure Chest w/ Hi Potion 342- Big Treasure Chest w/ Hi Potion 343- Big Treasure Chest w/ Hi Potion 344- Demyx (T-Stance..FINALLY, Not a Chest!) 345- Rubber Ducky on a Scooter Shoe 346- Jack in the Box (Object..Not the Enemy) 347- Wall? Door? 348- *Freeze 349- *Freeze 34A- *I'm on Strike! I want Xaldin to post more of his digits. I'm doing all the work here!! 34B- *I bet this one freezes, I just bet. 34C- *Freeze... 350- * 351- * 352- *Freeze 353- * 354- *Freeze...I'm still on strike! 355- I'm gonna try working backwards... 3FF- The Beast (Formal Attire: Dummy) 3FE- Triangle 3FD- Some Kind of Special Effect. It Goes away soon after you enter the room 3FC- Some Kind of Special Effect. It Goes away soon after you enter the room 3FB- Some Kind of Special Effect. It Goes away soon after you enter the room 3FA- Nothing 3EF- A piece of a DC door 3EE- *Freeze 3ED- ORG. Member in Cloak w/ Abs (T-Stance) 3DC- Door 3EB- *Freeze 3EA- *Freeze 3DF- * 3DE- * 3DD- *Freeze 3DC- Little Auron Statue
(I never said there wasn't people getting annoyed. They should have PMed me asking me to stop though, I would've if they had pmed me. I said NO in response to your ''its only 'you' comment'' =p. anyway, off to digit testing) 3F1- Xaldin (T-Stance with Spears behind him) 326- Executioner thing from Halloween Town 327- Nothing?? 328- Door that opens/closes in HT 329- The Experiment's Foot (will be adding to this list as I find more)
I'll take that. (And no. There's lots of people in the video Chatroom, Xaldin. I was trying to get you to join because it has a guest video thing, so it's easier to keep track of digits) Anyways. I found Ursula's T-Stance in what I assumed was a freeze... Makes me wonder. Anyway, i'll take that bolded one, kay? BTW, We barely even touched the 200s...
Get a stickam account and join us
WE ARE LIVE: JOIN US!- http://www.stickam.com/profile/redsonic 3F1- ??? 3A3- Freeze 354- Freeze 377- Freeze 38A- Ursula (T-Stance) SPECIAL- Mcp (Boss!) : 6E2
OLD My Video Came First! =p BTW, I'm live now http://www.stickam.com/profile/redsonic 2F1 - Nothing 2F2 - Nothing 7C9- Nothing" 6CA- Xemnas (T-Stance: First Fight) 6CD- Ice Block 7CA- Nothing/Open the Door Reaction 6B1- Timeless River Door 6CF- Saix (T-Stance, The Eyes Don't Glow) 6D0- 5 Bee Heartless (Dummy, Part of the 1000 Bee Battle w/ Riku) 6D9- Train Door 7E1- Nothing 6E2- MCP (Boss!) 6DD- Sora Kh1 Costume/Limit Form (T-Stance) 6E9- Winnie the Pooh Thingie 6F8- A pair of teeth? I don't know... 7E4- Nothing/Freeze 7ED- Twilight Town Salesman (NOT A DUMMY!) 2DF- Assuming this one freezes 2EF- Assuming this one Freezes 25A- Freeze 3E4- Lumiere (Dummy)
http://www.youtube.com/v/06OqhMoqSNA Roxas Tifa and Yuffie VS Xaldin
One of the codes I found. A globe that says AMERICA on it...not JAPAN, but AMERICA
5A1- ''Open the Door'' Reaction...AND an Attackable Sora T-Stance Model 5A3- Same 5A5- Same 5B1 - Globe that has the word AMERICA on it 5B3 - Honey Pot VIDEO: No Youtube Video is attached to this post, sorry!
560- Goofy's Shield 572- A Rock from Space Paranoids, LOL 575- *Freeze 578- *Freeze 57A- *Freeze 581- *Freeze 586- *Assuming this one freezes 58A- *Assuming this one freezes 58E- *Assuming this one freezes 593- *Freeze VIDEO: No Youtube Video is attached to this post, sorry!
558- Bee Heartless 559- Space Paranoid's Wall 55C- Santa's Sleigh 561- Nothing? 562- Goofy's Shield VIDEO: Pumba Plus Bonus: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Egs4BDd4Ta4
200-300 and MOST Of 500 have barely been touched, actually
543- Grandma (Dummy) 544- Grandma (Dummy) 545- Grandpa (Dummy) 546- The Little Boy (Dummy) 552- Pumba (WORKING! Lol it's funny to see him run around) 553- Dolphin Sora (T-Stance) 554- *Freeze 555- Shadow (Larger then Usual?) 556- *Freeze COME WATCH ME TEST DIGITS!! http://www.stickam.com/profile/redsonic
522- Seifer (Dummy) 523- Fujin? (Dummy, the Big Buff Guy) 524- Rajin? (Dummy, the Girl) 525- Setzer (Dummy) 526- Merlin (Dummy) 532- TT Salesman (Dummy) 533- TT Saleswoman (Dummy) 534- TT Woman (Dummy) 535- *Freeze 536- *Freeze
Guys, After looking through the digits... We BARELY EVEN TOUCHED 200-300 200 - 201 - 202 - 203 - 204 - *Freeze 205 - 206 - 207 - 208 - 209 - 210 - 20A - 20B - 20C - 20D - 20E - 20F - We can get started here...
You never credited me for finding the skateboard.
It's DEFINITELY The Final Fight Riku, seeing as Trapped Sora comes right after him
It freezes alot. Try Beast's Castle. Shouldn't freeze there