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  1. Redsonic
    It seems bosses have ''Special Gauge''

    All bosses share this gauge, and they're the same thing. The only thing that changes is what the ''game'' calls them in the battle, and what they do.

    For example, Saix's ''special gauge'' is BESERK and shares the same special gauge as everything, including Luxord and Dangerous Program and everything.
    Post by: Redsonic, Jun 22, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Redsonic
    Ok. Work your butt off?

    Find a way to activate FULL PARTY at the Struggle Tournament hting
    Post by: Redsonic, Jun 21, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Redsonic
    You do need a new save file...

    I tested it. Also, it freezes when you try to get past THE WOODS... If only there was a way to disable/enable it....

    Post by: Redsonic, Jun 21, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Redsonic
    How do you activate Full Party? I tried loading my Roxas save but nothing happened, do I have to start a new game?
    Post by: Redsonic, Jun 21, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Redsonic
    Guys....I got the new gameshark today...but it's STILL Not working properly.

    I believe it's because of my master code. Can anyone post the correct working Gameshark or RAW Master Code?
    Post by: Redsonic, Jun 21, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Redsonic
    Nevermind, My gameshark was broken...AGAIN.

    I'm getting it replaced...AGAIN
    Post by: Redsonic, Jun 21, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Redsonic
    But you're using an AR MAX. I'm using a GAMESHARK

    I have to convert the codes, so maybe the converter is messing up the codes?

    Full Party

    40340C9C 00130001
    03020100 00000000

    Make sure you didn't mess up the code, please
    Post by: Redsonic, Jun 21, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Redsonic
    Yeah. The SEASHORE Code is freezing for me, as well as the FULL PARTY Code you provided.

    I'm using a gameshark, so I have to convert those AR MAX Codes to RAW Format, maybe that's why?

    If you think i'm doing something wrong though, by all means tell me what. (
    Post by: Redsonic, Jun 21, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  9. Redsonic

    Hmm..well...let's see....why would It crash.......

    Maybe it's cause i'm using the Seashore/Vault code...and not the Vale one?

    OH! Is it an AR MAX Code? or an AR 2v2 Code?
    Post by: Redsonic, Jun 21, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Redsonic
    Still tryin'. The game's freezing on me as soon as I pop it in. Are you sure that's the right code? I'll try something diff.
    Post by: Redsonic, Jun 21, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  11. Redsonic
    Because I don't know the code to force donald/goofy into Roxas's Story

    Use the RAW Code Provided, goto Atlantica for your FIRST TIME, then exit whenever you can, then goto TWNTW.
    Post by: Redsonic, Jun 21, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  12. Redsonic
    Well, Since you didn't read my other post...

    The Vault/Seashore cheats are the SAME THING. Same code and everything, all you gotta do is head to that world, then goto puts you in a cutscene area.

    What if we used the WORLD MAP Save Point hack as Roxas, and went to the TWNTW as Roxas before the Destiny Islands Cutscene occurs? It could place you in Destiny Islands, where Kairi is in the cutscene.

    That has logic, right?
    Post by: Redsonic, Jun 21, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  13. Redsonic
    Yeah. You could use a Joker of some type to force yourself to be Sora as you enter TWNTW

    Hmm...WAIT! The Vault/Seashore cheats are the SAME THING. Same code and everything, all you gotta do is head to that world, then goto puts you in a cutscene area.

    What if we used the WORLD MAP Save Point hack as Roxas, and went to the TWNTW as Roxas before the Destiny Islands Cutscene occurs?
    Post by: Redsonic, Jun 21, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  14. Redsonic
    I could have sworn...Wait, yeah.

    I remember seeing one...but where...Oh well, give me some time on this

    Villain Vale Raw/Seashore Raw

    202C66D0 0803FFCF
    200FFF3C 3C0E0102
    200FFF40 35CE0102
    200FFF44 ACAE0000
    200FFF48 00A0882D
    200FFF4C 080B19B5

    202C66D0 00000000
    200FFF3C 00000000
    200FFF40 00000000
    200FFF44 00000000
    200FFF48 00000000
    200FFF4C 00000000

    Hmm...WAIT! The Vault/Seashore cheats are the SAME THING. Same code and everything, all you gotta do is head to that world, then goto puts you in a cutscene area.

    What if we used the WORLD MAP Save Point hack as Roxas, and went to the TWNTW as Roxas before the Destiny Islands Cutscene occurs?
    Post by: Redsonic, Jun 21, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  15. Redsonic
    It would be my pleasure, i'll get something on Youtube as soon as I finish inputting these codes

    BTW: What's the world code again to put yourself in any world you want? The world digits code
    Post by: Redsonic, Jun 21, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  16. Redsonic
    If it doesnt work, then why was I able to use Session and get out of Villain's Vale, and SEE DESTINY ISLANDS Before falling into oblivion?

    Edit: I'm about to try it again
    Post by: Redsonic, Jun 21, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  17. Redsonic
    Actually, there is a way.

    By using either Riku's SESSION or Peter Pan's Neverland...

    I've managed to get pretty far off the map....However, we need a cheat code to have INFINITE LIMIT GAUGE, and NO MP CHARGE...which we already have
    Post by: Redsonic, Jun 21, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  18. Redsonic

    Ok. We found MINNIE...

    We must be getting close to Xemnas....
    Post by: Redsonic, Jun 21, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  19. Redsonic
    Okay, then I guess whoever I was talking to fed me complete bullcrap.

    Someone named Tom7 said he was able to ''edit'' kh2 and get out of VV...

    Lol, I fell for it. Ok then, hm...there has to be a way to get into DI though
    Post by: Redsonic, Jun 20, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  20. Redsonic

    That's not what we mean.

    Get this. We can ESCAPE Villain's Vale by combining INFINITE TIME with PETER PAN to float in the air. Escape Villain's Vale Backround, and from there, have access to every map in the game.

    Of course travelling between the maps would be HARD AS HECK, we could even reach Destiny Islands!

    In order to do this, we need a way to activate limits outside battle
    Post by: Redsonic, Jun 20, 2007 in forum: Code Vault