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  1. Redsonic
    Attention Mods: This topic was moved to the creativity corner before, when it doesn't belong there. (Otherwise Kingdom Hearts MUGEN Would be there too). Nowhere in the Corner's rules does it state fangames belong there. I'll move this here for now
    Thread by: Redsonic, Jun 28, 2007, 58 replies, in forum: Archives
  2. Redsonic
    I know how to do it. I'm just not tellin.
    Post by: Redsonic, Jun 28, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Redsonic
    Why? They're still good well-established theories. =O

    Meh, i'll post Big Theory #8

    Posted. Check the main post
    Post by: Redsonic, Jun 27, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. Redsonic
    There was supposed to be a ''big theory'' #8 but I deemed it not too likely.
    Post by: Redsonic, Jun 27, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. Redsonic
    Ok, I've worked out 7 ways the next game could work...all of which worries me.
    However, there is a ''BIG'' theory as #7, and #8

    1.) You play as an armored knight. How they would EVER Make this feel KH-ish passes me. Then again, they said the next KH game would not be KH III, maybe they mean a spinoff in which you play as the knight. just wouldn't feel KH.

    2.) You play as Ven, ANOTHER Sora look-alike. There are two ways for this to turn out
    2A.) They've completed ignored Sora as a playable character, and Ven is the ''new'' Sora for the spinoff or whatever game it is
    2B.) Ven is similar to what Roxas was to Sora. Not necessarily a nobody, but perhaps a new ''type'', maybe something without a soul. But in this case, they would be repeating the same ''game addition'' twice, which wouldn't really be a smart move on Square's part. What they could do, though, if this theory were to be the ''right'' one, is if Ven is a reincarnation, or some type of Relation of Sora in the Future. In this case, a number of weird happenings could occur.

    3.) The knights are the enemies of the next KH Game, but you soon realise the real enemy is the Bald Man, and join forces....or at least, something to that effect

    4.) You play as Roxas in the Organization's ''past'', but this wouldn't make too sense either since the Secret Movie takes place in the future, but in the past.

    5.) Roxas, Sora, and Ven meet.... (Roxas isn't ''dead'', at least, not yet) though, i'm not too sure how that'd end up, considering that Ven might not be related to Sora at all

    6.) Ven is related to Sora, but not like Roxas was to Sora, and Terra ''chose'' Ven for something. Terra confuses Sora with Ven a little bit, realises it's not him (''why is it not you'') and attacks him.

    Big Theory : 7.) The portal Sora goes to in Disney Castle is a portal into the PAST. Also, some knights from the FUTURE Used a portal to GO INTO the Past, so Sora is meeting up with Terra, whom is a knight in the FUTURE, and they end up being in the PAST. In which case, the area Sora fights Terra in is the GATHERING PLACE (name revealed thanks to hacking Kh2fm+), so this would explain some things. Sora looks like Ven, Ven is supposed to meet Terra in the Gathering Place, but Sora ends up going there instead. Which is why Terra is surprised Sora (A ven look-alike) is there instead.

    Big Theory : 8.) Xemnas has captured Aqua (from the future?) and is keeping her in holding, and seems to be using her for some type of experiment. All that's left of (the three knights) are Terra and Ven. They're supposed to meet in the Gathering Place (in the past, the Future could be so dangerous they have to hide in the past? Or this is just their favorite place), but Sora ends up going there instead. Perhaps Terra was waiting for Ven, but something kept Ven IN THE FUTURE...which we may find in the next game. (Xemnas captured him maybe? If the next game is a ''spin-off'' it may be something that occurs while, or before, Sora was kept in the Pod Room. Therefore there is stuff Xemnas has to do before/during Sora/Roxas's adventures)
    Thread by: Redsonic, Jun 27, 2007, 14 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. Redsonic
    As far as your Roxas vid goes, DHA Didn't kill you, the Reaction Command did.

    The video even proves it earlier in the vid.

    When Roxas gets slammed by the RC (Block), he goes T-Stance before the hits from the slash can even register and do damage.

    So, when Roxas got slammed out of T-stance (As you can see in DHA and earlier in the vid) the hits can now register as if you just got slammed by Sephiroth's RC.
    Post by: Redsonic, Jun 27, 2007 in forum: Video Showcase
  7. Redsonic
    *V.2 coming*KH2: The Ultimate Music Video (2-in-1)


    Video Length: 7 Minutes, 12 Seconds

    The First Song 'Waking Up' describes you realising the only way left to go is forward, Sora realises this in the video. Things are 'changing' and you must be able to keep up the pace.

    The Second Song 'Believe in Myself' shows many conflicts about people 'Overcoming Dangerous Situations' by being able to believe in themself that they can do it. Kairi also awaits Sora's return, wishing she could be like him, helping him...instead of waiting.

    This was one of the first, if not THE First, video to feature clips from the Secret Movie.

    Date of Upload: March 31, 2007


    Edit: A Final Mix Version of this Music Video might come soon =p
    Thread by: Redsonic, Jun 27, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  8. Redsonic
    202C66D0 0803FFCF
    200FFF3C 3C0E0102
    200FFF40 35CE0102
    200FFF44 ACAE0000
    200FFF48 00A0882D
    200FFF4C 080B19B5

    See anything strange here? Probably not. But check this out

    Each address is for a different world:
    20340C9C NNDDWWMM = Doesn't seem to be anything
    20340CA0 NNDDWWMM = Doesn't seem to be anything
    20340CA4 NNDDWWMM = Twilight Town
    20340CA8 NNDDWWMM = Doesn't seem to be anything
    20340CAC NNDDWWMM = Hollow Bastion
    20340CB0 NNDDWWMM = Beasts Castle
    20340CB4 NNDDWWMM = Olympus Coliseum
    20340CB8 NNDDWWMM = Agrabah
    20340CBC NNDDWWMM = The Land of Dragons
    20340CC0 NNDDWWMM = 100 Acre Wood
    20340CC4 NNDDWWMM = Pride Lands
    20340CC8 NNDDWWMM = Atlantica
    20340CCC NNDDWWMM = Disney Castle
    20340CD0 NNDDWWMM = Timeless River
    20340CD4 NNDDWWMM = Halloween Town
    20340CD8 NNDDWWMM = Doesn't seem to be anything
    20340CDC NNDDWWMM = Port Royal
    20340CE0 NNDDWWMM = Space Paranoids
    20340CE4 NNDDWWMM = The World that Never Was

    By fiddling with the villain's vale code, with just one digit..check this.

    202C66D0 0803FFCF
    200FFF3C 3C0E0102
    200FFF40 35CE0102
    200FFF44 CCAE0000
    200FFF48 00A0882D
    200FFF4C 080B19B5

    Supposedly, going to Hollow Bastion doesnt take you to villain's vale anymore, but just goes on with the cutscene. What i tried to do the code is instead make it Disney Castle that takes you to villain's vale

    I would have checked out disney castle to see if that takes me to villain's vale, but I already visited Disney Castle once, and I didn't have a save file that has yet to discover it
    Post by: Redsonic, Jun 23, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  9. Redsonic
    Ok, my gameshark just broke i'll just tell you my findings now

    202C66D0 0803FFCF
    200FFF3C 3C0E0102
    200FFF40 35CE0102
    200FFF44 ACAE0000
    200FFF48 00A0882D
    200FFF4C 080B19B5

    See anything strange here? Probably not. But check this out

    Each address is for a different world:
    20340C9C NNDDWWMM = Doesn't seem to be anything
    20340CA0 NNDDWWMM = Doesn't seem to be anything
    20340CA4 NNDDWWMM = Twilight Town
    20340CA8 NNDDWWMM = Doesn't seem to be anything
    20340CAC NNDDWWMM = Hollow Bastion
    20340CB0 NNDDWWMM = Beasts Castle
    20340CB4 NNDDWWMM = Olympus Coliseum
    20340CB8 NNDDWWMM = Agrabah
    20340CBC NNDDWWMM = The Land of Dragons
    20340CC0 NNDDWWMM = 100 Acre Wood
    20340CC4 NNDDWWMM = Pride Lands
    20340CC8 NNDDWWMM = Atlantica
    20340CCC NNDDWWMM = Disney Castle
    20340CD0 NNDDWWMM = Timeless River
    20340CD4 NNDDWWMM = Halloween Town
    20340CD8 NNDDWWMM = Doesn't seem to be anything
    20340CDC NNDDWWMM = Port Royal
    20340CE0 NNDDWWMM = Space Paranoids
    20340CE4 NNDDWWMM = The World that Never Was

    See anything wierd? AC Is in the code above, which is Hollow Bastion... and so is A0, which is ''doesn't seem to be anything''

    Though, it could be coincidence, so, I tested alot of different combinations to test some things, and got some wierd results.

    One of which caused all worlds to dissapear, one of which caused all worlds to lock themselves, one of which made all worlds all shiny and colorful...

    However, my most interesting one, was one where it didn't do Villain's Vale, but actually went to the cutscene, and continued on with Hollow Bastion.

    I was going to experiment further, in hopes of finding some kind of digit system where going to hollow bastion would make you goto another world, but my gameshark just broke, AGAIN.

    Good luck guys...hope you find something interesting with this.
    Post by: Redsonic, Jun 22, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Redsonic
    Uh, to find this evidence, i'd have to find Destiny Islands itself.

    I cannot do that without help. (Hey I found wildebeast valley too, be nice =p)
    Post by: Redsonic, Jun 22, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  11. Redsonic
    Well, let's see...

    How come when Axel takes Kairi out of the Alleyway, and into Betwixt and Between, and to Destiny Islands, there's about no loading times whatsoever?

    I'm gonna do some research. I'm gonna experiment on all the worlds, First Visits.

    Can anyone do second visits?
    Post by: Redsonic, Jun 22, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  12. Redsonic

    It's said the Destiny Islands was supposed to be a playable world, and you can even see it yourself, just look at all that detail in the cutscenes....
    Post by: Redsonic, Jun 22, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  13. Redsonic
    Ok. What we need to do is to either.

    A.) Create a Code to load a DIFFERENT World other then the one you're in.
    For example, load a game and you'll be in Seashore no matter what
    B.) Create a Code to just edit where you land. (For example, whenever you land in a world you goto the Vault instead)
    C.) Keep searching and hope we find some other way in Destiny Islands

    This should be rather easy to do, I think...

    I'm gonna go see if Axel can get me out of the Alleyway
    Post by: Redsonic, Jun 22, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  14. Redsonic
    Yeah. But it makes me wonder by ALLEYWAY BETWEEN and DESTINY ISLANDS Require no loading time whatsoever....I'd love to investigate this, perhaps there's a cutscene ALLEYWAY BETWEEN With Destiny Islands?

    Wait. Xaldin said he found a beta twntw....hmm...perhaps Destiny Islands is somewhere outside of Alleyway Between?

    Good News, Bad News (I wanted this on a brand new page, the quote was geared towards this post):

    Good News.) I got to the Cutscene where Kairi is kidnapped

    Bad News.) Square carefully guarded this one, it begins AND Ends in the alleyway between.

    More Good News.) I found a new the Pride Lands. Activate the cheat, goto Pride Lands for your first time, then goto TWNTW. You can get to Wildebeast Valley
    Post by: Redsonic, Jun 22, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  15. Redsonic
    Actually, in order to make room for most of the data, they probably trashed the debug room, if there was one.

    I think DESTINY ISLANDS is the address right after Halloween Town, since that's when it happens in the game....then again, it might be right before Twilight Town....or it could even be the VERY FIRST Address...hmm....

    Here's something I learned.

    The SEASHORE Code actually puts you in the area of the very last cutscene you were least, I think so.

    So in order to goto Destiny Islands, we'd have to goto TWNTW After Kairi gets Kidnapped by Axel
    Post by: Redsonic, Jun 22, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  16. Redsonic
    Was? If anything, they removed it and made it a FMV That plays instead.
    Post by: Redsonic, Jun 22, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  17. Redsonic
    Wrong. There's only 4 ''Doesn't look like to be anything''s in the I doubt Org. Meeting room is one of them in NORMAL KH2
    Post by: Redsonic, Jun 22, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  18. Redsonic
    I have to replace them with save points that allow Roxas to goto TWNTW

    Now, the bad part:

    So far, after a certain point, when trying to goto TWNTW, it'll send you back to the world map. Trying to find a way to avoid this

    Hmmm...I suspect we might need a new code similar to Villain's Vale in order to unlock Destiny Islands or whatever Kairi meets Selphie and Axel

    Ah, Here we are. Ok, There's four ''Doesn't seem to be anything'' codes..

    And in conjunction, there's four CUTSCENE AREAS

    1.) Villain's Vale
    2.) Seashore
    3.) Destiny Islands
    4.) The Vault

    All we need to do is find out which is which

    *Party Mod*

    Each address is for a different world:
    20340C9C NNDDWWMM = Doesn't seem to be anything
    20340CA0 NNDDWWMM = Doesn't seem to be anything
    20340CA4 NNDDWWMM = Twilight Town
    20340CA8 NNDDWWMM = Doesn't seem to be anything
    20340CAC NNDDWWMM = Hollow Bastion
    20340CB0 NNDDWWMM = Beasts Castle
    20340CB4 NNDDWWMM = Olympus Coliseum
    20340CB8 NNDDWWMM = Agrabah
    20340CBC NNDDWWMM = The Land of Dragons
    20340CC0 NNDDWWMM = 100 Acre Wood
    20340CC4 NNDDWWMM = Pride Lands
    20340CC8 NNDDWWMM = Atlantica
    20340CCC NNDDWWMM = Disney Castle
    20340CD0 NNDDWWMM = Timeless River
    20340CD4 NNDDWWMM = Halloween Town
    20340CD8 NNDDWWMM = Doesn't seem to be anything
    20340CDC NNDDWWMM = Port Royal
    20340CE0 NNDDWWMM = Space Paranoids
    20340CE4 NNDDWWMM = The World that Never Was

    NN = Slot 4
    DD = Slot 3
    WW = Slot 2
    MM = Slot 1 (Main Slot - Sora/Mickey)

    00 = Sora (Roxas during the prologue)
    01 = Donald
    02 = Goofy
    03 = World-Specific Character (Auron, Beast, Riku, etc.)
    04 = Valor Sora (Dual-Wield Roxas during the prologue)
    05 = Wisdom Form
    06 = Master Form (Crash)
    07 = Final Form (Crash)
    08 = Anti Form
    09 = Mickey
    0A = Invisible
    10 = Nothing (Put this in if you don't or can't have a 4th character)
    11 - A Pot
    0A - Sora Model
    0B - Valor Form Model
    0C - Wisdom Form Model (?)
    0D - Master Form Model (?)
    0E - Final Form Model (?)
    0F - Antiform Model (?)

    Using the Villain's Vale Code, Twilight Town sent me to

    Alley in Between gonna activate the DI Cutscene then try going to TWNTW

    Tried it, game crashed. Gonna try again, though.
    Post by: Redsonic, Jun 22, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  19. Redsonic
    Hey Evilman, I finally managed to get past Twilight Thorn with Full Party...

    I'm at the struggle tournament now....gonna head to TWNTW And see what happens....

    If this works, the Destiny Islands cheat takes approx. 3 hours to do since you constantly have to activate/deactivate Donald and Goofy and there's so much to it...
    Post by: Redsonic, Jun 22, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  20. Redsonic
    There is none.

    The Special Gauge is only called for in Boss Battles.

    There's no way to get the Special Gauge outside of Boss Battles
    Post by: Redsonic, Jun 22, 2007 in forum: Code Vault