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  1. Redsonic
    Failure (Epic Movie)
    Post by: Redsonic, Jul 3, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Redsonic

    Actually, Riku is on the Statue of Liberty page
    Post by: Redsonic, Jul 3, 2007 in forum: The Playground
  3. Redsonic
    banned Cause I abuse my powers
    Post by: Redsonic, Jul 3, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Redsonic
    Lemme guess, you beat him on Normal Mode?
    Post by: Redsonic, Jul 2, 2007 in forum: Archives
  5. Redsonic
    There's a public beta available. Check the first post
    Post by: Redsonic, Jul 2, 2007 in forum: Archives
  6. Redsonic
    FF7:AC Is copywritten, they tried to copy a scene from the movie, but that scene is copywritten, which benefits the creator because, well, ''legally'', SE thinks the company gets ''popularity'' which detracts from SE's popularity for a ''Scene'' that SE Copywritten. Legality, go figure.

    You mean the Public Beta, or an actual demo?
    Post by: Redsonic, Jul 2, 2007 in forum: Archives
  7. Redsonic
    Actually, it is entirely legal as long as I do not profit from the program, which I am not, as the program is entirely free. Copyright only takes effect when the ''thing'' questioned makes a profit for the person. It would only be illegal once I demanded pay for the game, among other things.

    Do your legal research right next time, 'kay?
    Post by: Redsonic, Jul 2, 2007 in forum: Archives
  8. Redsonic
    Try it on Proud Mode with REGULAR Mp.

    Infinite MP Is only there for testing purposes. If you want the real challenge, go Normal Mp/Proud Mode
    Post by: Redsonic, Jul 2, 2007 in forum: Archives
  9. Redsonic
    Keep trying, or as Demyx would say ''Get to the Beat''.
    You'll find out his attack pattern soon enough, here's a hint though;

    1.) Wisdom Form is his ''ultimate'' weakness
    2.) Valor Form also comes in handy, as well as Master Form
    3.) You can attack the water clones with your normal slashes, but you cannot attack the Water bullets
    4.) Dodge Roll can help you dodge some attacks to get closer to Demyx
    5.) Do not get too far with Demyx, he will destroy you long range
    6.) If you're caught in a huge combo, Aerial Recovery WILL Save your Life
    Post by: Redsonic, Jul 2, 2007 in forum: Archives
  10. Redsonic
    That's supposed to happen
    Post by: Redsonic, Jul 2, 2007 in forum: Archives
  11. Redsonic

    Don't get too hyped yet though, I left alot of stuff out from the combat system. There needs to be SOME Surprises for release day, right?

    In any case, do not think this is anywhere near complete. The story for the game, well, I've decided it will be Sora and Riku's explanation of the events of Kingdom Hearts II. There's no way Kairi isn't letting them get away without knowing the full story! This also means there will be portions where you play as Riku, as he explains things left unsaid in the actual kh2! (But explained in kh2fm+, though). However, don't think it will be too to-the-point, that's not all there is...there can't be a story without a villain! The story mode itself will be very grand, though you don't see much of it in the beta, other then the portion with Demyx. The Cutscene you see is a ''3d cutscene'', which only occurs in some situations. The game's cutscenes will mostly be similar to Chain of Memories, with text boxes.

    *waits for comments on it* *will congratulate anyone that can beat Demyx on Proud Mode (without infinite mp mode)
    Post by: Redsonic, Jul 2, 2007 in forum: Archives
  12. Redsonic
    Controls (as of now):

    Mouse & Keyboard:
    Shift: Jump
    Space: Attack
    Down: Down Activator

    Up: Up Activator

    Wisdom Form: Z
    Valor Form: X
    Master Form: C
    Limit Form: V
    *Locked*: B
    *Locked*: N
    *Locked*: M

    -=Physical Attacks=-
    Sonic Blade: SPCE while moving on ground
    Strike Raid: SPCE while moving in air
    Dodge Roll: Down+SPCE while moving on ground
    Parry: Down+SPCE while standing still on ground
    Aerial Recovery: Up+SPCE When Attacked

    Ice: CTRL on ground
    Cure: CTRL while holding up on ground
    (working on Thunder and ect. Not in beta)
    Xbox 360 Controller (and keyboard)
    A: Jump
    B: Attack
    Down (Analog): Down Activator
    Up (analog): Up Activator

    Wisdom Form: Z on keyboard
    Valor Form: X on keyboard
    Master Form: C on keyboard
    Limit Form: V on keyboard
    *Locked*: B
    *Locked*: N
    *Locked*: M

    -=Physical Attacks=-
    Sonic Blade: B while moving on ground
    Strike Raid: B while moving in air
    Dodge Roll: Down+B while moving on ground
    Parry: Down+B while standing still on ground
    Aerial Recovery: Up+B When Attacked

    Ice: A+B on ground
    Cure: A+B while holding up on ground
    (working on Thunder and ect. Not in beta)
    Post by: Redsonic, Jul 2, 2007 in forum: Archives
  13. Redsonic
    True. Ok, I might release it sometime if someone else other than Mirai posts in the topic, lol.

    BTW, if you're interested in private testing, you can PM Me.

    And if noone ever does post in this topic besides you, Mirai, i'll always post it on GameFAQs' Current Events board
    Post by: Redsonic, Jul 2, 2007 in forum: Archives
  14. Redsonic
    18183... o.o
    Post by: Redsonic, Jul 2, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Redsonic
    Well...while I wait for more people to see it (Since I want maximum impact), I'll give some more fun facts.

    *1.) It's compatible with a Xbox 360 Controller
    *2.) It can be played in Full Screen
    Post by: Redsonic, Jul 2, 2007 in forum: Archives
  16. Redsonic
    Good News. The Public Beta is coming out, TOMMOROW!

    With Demyx as your enemy.

    Edit (June 2, 2007): . . . .I'm not too sure If I should release the Beta right now....looking at the page views
    Post by: Redsonic, Jul 1, 2007 in forum: Archives
  17. Redsonic
    Wait...there's a secret ending?

    I saw the secret MOVIE but a secret ending? Hmm...
    Post by: Redsonic, Jun 30, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. Redsonic
    It's not a secret ENDING. It's a secret MOVIE.
    Post by: Redsonic, Jun 30, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  19. Redsonic
    Wow, have you guys even read the FAQ? It says when it's coming out right in there...

    Wow you guys are lazy.
    Post by: Redsonic, Jun 29, 2007 in forum: Archives
  20. Redsonic
    Heh. There could be a public beta coming out sometime.

    The last one had Xemnas, so this one might have someone else...or maybe Xemnas again. I don't want to spoil too much.
    Post by: Redsonic, Jun 28, 2007 in forum: Archives