Then why would they announce it as a crossover?
Stating the obvious but the series as a whole has become too Disney-oriented sure the plot to the actually Kingdom Hearts story is fine but all of the worlds are in fact Disney(except KH worlds), the only 2 keyblade users(who aren't from KH originally) are from Disney and they are both Masters(one is tired), and even the latest KH game to come out had no FF characters. Plus, with the lack of these characters the plot within the worlds just become too predictable and childlike.
Hey did you know that people actually care about what your traumatic experience was? No? Me Neither!
Well you should have put this in another forum where this wouldn't have occurred.
Yeah don't really feel like it and name calling won't get you anywhere in this world.
Don't feel like it. I think I may want to stay after all trolling is just so much fun. Plus, with it being on the internet makes it twice as much fun
Because this is the Spam Zone
Well if I had to then yeah you are and about being rude.....
Not really seeing the intimidating part.
Yao Ming the basketball player because of the meme
The school work or the procrastination?
Not like it is going to change that much for me in college. Peace and War how are you even in school? Do you ask other people for the assignments?
Then you hurry and try to finish it the period before it is due.