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  1. ReverofEnola
    Post by: ReverofEnola, Nov 5, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. ReverofEnola
    I'm okay with her because she is one of those characters who just out rights states that Sora is just too stupid to understand what is going on.
    Post by: ReverofEnola, Nov 5, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  3. ReverofEnola
  4. ReverofEnola
    When and how did you learn about Final Mix for the series plus how old were you? Or did you expect something like this was going to happen since FFX had done so as well. I was 12 in 2007 and learned about it over the Internet after wondering about that scene in KH2( when there reviewing Sora's memory) where Xemnas attacks Sora at Hollow Bastion. Then I got upset over what Japan was doing. Your turn.
    Thread by: ReverofEnola, Nov 5, 2012, 13 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  5. ReverofEnola
    Dude your name is hilarious [​IMG][DOUBLEPOST=1351802512][/DOUBLEPOST]
    A bit egotistical aren't we?
    Post by: ReverofEnola, Nov 1, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. ReverofEnola


    Yeah last to comment!!!!![​IMG]
    Post by: ReverofEnola, Nov 1, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. ReverofEnola


    Yup a spam thread. Lay down your ideas/ memes because I am really bored.
    Thread by: ReverofEnola, Nov 1, 2012, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. ReverofEnola
    Hilarious, Meno Grande with excellent points.
    Post by: ReverofEnola, Oct 31, 2012 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. ReverofEnola

    Age 6 in the year 2002 saw on the commercial got it that Christmas. Didn't know what I was doing until 2004.

    Post by: ReverofEnola, Oct 31, 2012 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  10. ReverofEnola



    Got really bored had to use this.
    Post by: ReverofEnola, Oct 31, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. ReverofEnola
  12. ReverofEnola
  13. ReverofEnola
  14. ReverofEnola
  15. ReverofEnola
  16. ReverofEnola
  17. ReverofEnola
    The Final Fantasy characters didn't play a crucial role within Hollow Bastion or any other world or series. Which explains why there are even less Final Fantasy characters as the series progresses with the last one being Zack Fair. They only time they were useless was in the first game on Traverse Town when Squall explained the situation to them. When the characters came to Hollow Bastion all they did was fight and multiple uses for jargon that didn't contribute to the whole(real) plot of Kingdom Hearts. Plus, they had grouped all of the Final Fantasy characters(except Auron and the kids from Destiny Island who are still doing nothing) into one world because that was all they could do for them. Why couldn't they just reverse the task when it comes to Disney characters? Or at least have bring a another series to crossover with it that appeals to a younger audience.

    This clear lack of settlement within the story just makes it clear that it was only for pure fan service or to get everyone hyped for obtaining something which relates to a popular gaming series. They game would have still been successful without these poorly thought-out wannabe characters from our favorite gaming series since the series itself is edging within its own direction further. Plus, Square-Enix has had plenty of time to integrate an FF character into the plot, who knows about other worlds/travels them, could have helped out Sora in any of his final battles(like Mickey, Donald, or Goofy), or they could have just added a recurring FF villain who follows Sora throughout the games(like Pete). Plus, they could have changed the butt-monkey of any FF game and turn them into a complete badass in this one( like with just about all of the other Disney characters). However in the end they were just here to bring the hype and nothing else. Soon comments like this may occur within the future if it keeps up.......
    Maybe Noruma will bring some development to them in the future or..........not.
    Post by: ReverofEnola, Oct 30, 2012 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  18. ReverofEnola
  19. ReverofEnola
    It didn't contribute to the real plot whatsoever it could have been just "Deep Jungle" for all they care.
    Post by: ReverofEnola, Oct 28, 2012 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  20. ReverofEnola