Psssh even if they heard the title Kingdom Hearts I would talk to them.
Read Denpa Kyoushi or at least know what it is? If so what are your thoughts about it?
Since Aang is still the last human airbender, doesn't that mean that all of the future avatars who are start out as airbenders are related to him? If all of the people of a particular element die out does the Avatar die too? Like if all of the airbenders did die then how would the next Avatar be born into the next cycle.
You discuss Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy in school and no one knows what you are talking about :(. Does anybody else have this problem?
How did you respond to that? Yeah can give us all types of info.
Wondering which one had it the worst off whether it be helping destroying your father/mentor, to being trapped in the realm of darkness for over 10 years, or just being a sleep for over 10 years.
No need I just broke the front part of the ps2 and use a slide card. I play KH2fm and it works like a charm. Plus, I am not emulating.
So is everyone here using Swap Magic for this?
Is it normal for games created to be slow. Like I created both KHFM and FFX from that site and they tend to be a bit slow when it comes to loading or moving to another section of an area. By the way I am new at this.
Yeah, because everyone has the Internet.
Because we are moving on to another generation of consoles and finding that game can be difficult.
What video game do you regret not getting around the first time it came out? Mine would have to be FF-X, FFX-2, FFXII, their international editions, Final Mixes, as well the first three Ratchet and Clank games. This doesn't have to be games from Square Enix, I just put this here to remember the hype most games were when they came out.
Isn't obtaining Swap Magic illegal as well? Who knows? I just know that I am satisfied.
Well that sounds like a "you" problem my friend. Plus, you are going to have to stand in line because I have heard worst.
Who cares if it is cute or either of our opinions this is the Internet anything could happen.
Be careful dude this site has tons of trolls and individuals who may try to bring you down. This site is not at all like Kh13 since they tend to branch their conversations off to meaningless jargon. Plus, if you wish to post something important and want intelligent conversations don't post something in the Spam Zone like I did.
Defeated all of them. Hated Phantom because I never had enough items to restore my magic and health. Kurt Zisa really wasn't that bad since I enjoyed whamming on him when I knocked him down(even though he was still attacking!!!) The only problem with Ice Titan is that I was just got tired running around in circles in such a confined space. So Phantom was the hardest for me.