Me happy :=D:
Thanks sis *hugs* Hope you are feeling better. OMG you're almost 18 D:
I was about to go "who are you again?" Im so sorry im slow ; ; and I dont know. I doubt I can read everything and be able to fit on. im really...
I would love to meet you cx
God I'm so sorry I havnt replied yet. I will reply hopfully this weekend. Life just fuuckin sucks right now im so sorry.
It's alright I understand x3 I know right? But at the same time it isnt always a good thing xD But those cheese fries you keep talking about...
I feel like ima bout to pass out I need to rest. My brothers gf is coming over tomrrow so im already stressing so I need to rest. Thanks for...
It's okay cx Ya im restin right now. I think this ice cream and fudge taste a bit too good D:
Im feeling really sick ; ;. Everyone is fighting again. im trying to drown it out. Thanks x3
Thank you. I know *hugs* I love you're avatar ; ;
Thank you. I'm so sorry to ask. Can you stay a bit longer? Ima have to reply to thePM tomrrow cause I cant think. The whole family just got into a...
Im really sorry about all this sis... okay ; ;
I'll be right back sis my parents are screaming at me and my brother is treating me like sh!t I need to go outside
You should worry about yourself a bit more sis. Me no want you getting hurt ; ; Alright... Glad things are calm on you're end x3 I guess you're...
Alright x3 You really shouldnt worry so much sis you have you're own stuff to worry about. It is hard to believe. at this point in time I have...
Sorry. ; ; I wills leave you alone til its sent. Sorry im such a bother ; ;. And dont worry about it. I just say it cause im just pissed and upset...
Ive just about had it with my mom...... save me..........
No rush take as long as you need just needed to make sure it got through x3 <3
Hey i just wana make sure my pm went thrugh. the net was crappy last night so i dont know for sure if it was sent
Good cx Oooh I see xD Well thats awsome!!!! x3 YAY!!! What should be on them? x3 Alright sis rest well <3