But it looks so smexy >w< I just wanna snuggle with it XD
XD You leave my avi alone. I love my skeleton What about your avi? You should be arrested because of how smexy your avi looks >w<
Waaah~ *ish glomped* Hey, Riku @A@ What's up?
This Undertaker is doing well She was busy on another site, replying to roleplays, chatting with a few friends, things of that nature Ah, and working on a few art requests for some friends ^^ Undertaker was very busy today @_@ How is my darling Grell doing?
I must agree with our lovely Mey-Rin I would love to see this thread painted red with what you have bought. :)
Dawe, poor Sebastian. That just might've been the best cat for him to ever find. Ciel, why can't you let him have this one thing? I mean, it has a rainbow for gosh sakes XD Who doesn't love rainbows?
Well, I've been gone for so long It's hard to tell ><
Oh dear. . . Is the family going back to being perverted again?
*sighs* That's Sebastian for you. Never thinking about the servants until the last minute >< Typical Butler
Haha XD Yes, yes I would. I hope you're taking care of the fridge since you seem to leave Finny starving for days I'm surprised the poor boy didn't turn into dust yet, hm...
Wait. . .for as long as I've been gone, Sebastian still hasn't given back the fridge? O_o Hm. . .I wonder what he's doing with it >w>
It's a good thing. I'm on facebook right now too. Playing a game, but I'm available. . .kinda
Good. Eli and I broke up :)
It's nice to be back. I must say that I missed everyone here. I hope everyone missed me just as much :) I hope I haven't missed much while I was away
Hai hai everyone. Your dear Undertaker has returned. I must apologized for my extended absence for things have been getting a little more than chaotic. But everything is slowly turning back to their original state. Also, I had the weirdest Kuroshitsuji dream last night, and I think it was trying to tell me that it was time to come back to my family. So, this Undertaker has returned ^^
That's right. Sorry for the extremly late reply on my half. I didn't know Midnight replied and things have been getting hectic in my life. But I'm back, updated this weeks vocaloid video and ready to keep going. Thanks for the bump Saxima, or should I say, Dr. Saxima XD Fail joke was fail ><
OOC: Sure, I don't see why not. It'll move the RP along faster. I apologize for my absence. Things have been getting chaotic in real life for me. ♪The Shadow of the Circus, Night Cross♪ Night was surprised when Ella suddenly ran out in front of her and Amber. She laughed quietly as she took Amber's hand, not wanting the other to fall behind and get into trouble, before hurry to catch up with their Petal. She was careful not to run too fast since she didn't want Amberosia to trip or anything. But, Neo-Shadow will admit that tonight was. . .chaotic, to say the least. Meeting those from the audience and whatnot. And yet, Stitches stayed out the action all night. Well, she couldn't blame her. Amber was a shy girl and liked to stay out of trouble as much as she could. Shaking the thought from her head, the moment they reached their tent, Night decided to release Amber from her friendly hold and run on ahead of Ella as well. She moved strands of her wind-whipped lavender hair out from her eyes and opened the tent for her fellow performers to hurry and slip inside before they were caught. Once those two were in, Night quickly followed behind, glad that they were able to make it just in time. At least she was right about her assumptions and Flandre was already in her bed sleep. After all that's happened, Neo-Shadow just wanted to crash on her own bed and forget the whole day. Tomorrow will be nothing more than a repeat of the events that took place earlier this morning and through the whole day. Practice, practice and more practice before the show. But maybe this time, there would be no late night distractions As the night slowly sunk away and turned into day, the bright sunrays waking up those that lived in the city and those that lived in the forest as monsters. Yesterday's performance was lovely, beautful, stunning and. . .scary to most. While the events that followed behind for our dear performers was. . .shocking. Audience members coming to see them? And for what reason?. . .Always try to expect the unexpected. Especially when it comes to a Circus. You will never know what you're going to get. But will today's events be a repeat for these Circus Monsters, or will the Ringmasters have something different in store. Only time will tell OOC: At this point, anyone can start off the next day. Also, sorry about the slight character control, Star and Jayn. I just wanted to move the story along without having to post more.
Alright, only people who are dark and evil are hot. . .except Aqua. Since that rule applies for Riku >_>
Ugh, Riku -__- Of course you would say that lol Oh, and for clarification, that theory also doesn't apply to Roxas or Ventus. . .mainly Roxas....
Hahaha~ :D Everything is quite alright, Grell-san. Things are slowly fixing themselves. But you will be the first person I notify if I need...