Search Results

  1. Marluxia912
  2. Marluxia912
  3. Marluxia912
  4. Marluxia912
    *Jumps all over the place*
    YES!!! This is exactly what I needed
    And I'm finally getting a PS3 so this means I can sell my old Kingdom Hearts games and get money for when this comes out. . .possibly XD
    Please Square Enix~ If you love your fans, you will make this possible.
    I will love SE forever if they do this >w<
    Post by: Marluxia912, May 31, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  5. Marluxia912
  6. Marluxia912
  7. Marluxia912
  8. Marluxia912
  9. Marluxia912
  10. Marluxia912
  11. Marluxia912
  12. Marluxia912
  13. Marluxia912
  14. Marluxia912
  15. Marluxia912
  16. Marluxia912
  17. Marluxia912
  18. Marluxia912
  19. Marluxia912
  20. Marluxia912