No, that's not it. I found out he was just using me, so I'm leaving him for good this time It had nothing to do with the duel at all :|
The ex of course. I can tell you this though, we're officially done. I went over his house and was considering getting back with him, but it's...
lol, try to talk to me more often? I was on dueling network weeks ago talking to Terra Me and him were dueling my ex XP
*Jumps all over the place* YES!!! This is exactly what I needed And I'm finally getting a PS3 so this means I can sell my old Kingdom Hearts games and get money for when this comes out. . .possibly XD Please Square Enix~ If you love your fans, you will make this possible. I will love SE forever if they do this >w<
lmao XD That sounds so bloody and violent. . .I like it >w> I might try that one day on someone XD
Draw and quarter? .__. Sorry if I'm being a little slow today. I have a headache @_@
Pfft! No! I find out where they live and troll them in real life. . .then possibly kill them. . .I'm sorry, my evilness shined through for a...
lawl so I would've kept that replay to myself and whatnot. Knowing the trolls of Youtube and stuff >_>
lol and put it on youtube? You know how people/trolls are on youtube :|
lmao, really? That's one badass way to beat him XD
Wait. . .I'm so comfused @_@ What do you mean by that? I mean. . .I beat Vanitas lingering sentiment by using a crap-load of mine shields and...
So you beat Vanitas' Lingering Sentiment. . .with no attacks? Just magic o_o
Oh in Final Mix 2? I think all the absent silhouettes are hard to fight Even the Vanitas one in BBS .__. I finally beat him with Aqua in the...
Pfft!~ Marluxia was easy as crap The only two people I had a problem with were Vexen on the 3rd try with Sora and Larxene on the second try I...
We've tried blocking and to no avail since Sora blocks so slow and then you have to wait 2 seconds just to block again And the guide told us that...
Crap. . .uhm. . .there are two moves And that's his sword combo when the whole arena turns purple and the meteor/black matera move :T Those two...
A move of Sora's? Hm. . .Ragnarok and Ars Arcanum. It helps bring Seph's health down faster, but uses a crap load of magic ._. And I need the...
My brother level him up to 80 We were using a strategy guide we found on the internet and it said lvl 80-85 was preferred. And they put...
It took me seven years and three hours DX Luckily I didn't die when I finally beat him but it took me forever .__.
Yeah well I haven't beaten him yet .__. I mean, it took me four years to beat Ansem, seven years to beat Kurt Zisa and my brother beat Reaper for...