. . . You are not using me as a test dummy >_>
Nuuu~ I dun wanna be raped by Ra @_@ It's already bad enough that your deck rapes me on a daily basis XP
You have a deck built around Ra That's not happening @_@
Yeeeaa-Nooo I'm not dueling you x_x
Testing a new deck @_@ I'm probably too late, but I wouldn't want to be the target of that new deck And, no, it's alright~ I'm fine with the deck...
Hai Hai Riku Uhm. . .what are you cutting there? .__.
lol nope~ It's Night XIV, with a space. But you know that now XP
Alright~ I are on my way~
Oh gosh @_@ Here goes the master plan. Well, I'm done with my PS3 for today. I can duel you if you want. Even though I know I'm gunna lose XP
Knowing you, I'm sure you could pull it off somehow XP
Just make sure you have a crapload of monsters in your grave or something XP And yet somehow still have enough life points to survive the rest of...
oh my gawd @_@ It's already bad enough that you have Exodia, but now you have Exodius XP Are you trying to destroy the world of Yugioh or something DX
Wait Exodius? Is it much more powerful?
lol, he didn't want you to summon Exodia XP I would've left too, especially since I know you have that monster in your deck @_@
lmao, he barely lost the duel and he already left @_@ He knew it didn't stand a chance XP
If I make Kingdom Hearts cupcakes, I'll be sure to take a picture of the Aqua one *ninja mode* The Aqua and Riku one XP
Nuuu~ I'm too shy to talk to people I don't know >< And I don't know yet @_@ I just got my PS3 and I'm playing Bayonetta. So I doubt I would be...
You tell her >< I would totally make kingdom hearts cupcakes too >_> That sounds like fun and I can draw @_@ But it would probably take forever XP
Wha-What >< Why do I have to tell her @_@ I can't even talk to people I don't know in real life >< Wh-Why can't you tell her D:
Yeah, but if you ever end up dueling him again, don't let him know that I know okaies? I haven't talked to him in weeks, so once we start talking...