Thank you. It should be fun. It's a class just for manga and anime artist. And he's bunches of fun~ We've been dating for a year >w< I also have a...
I will be known as...SCP-1514: Nightmare...
Nothing much. Still job hunting, turned 21 on sept. 12th, trying to start art classes at a community college and I think I already told you that I...
Sure. *evil laughter* XP
xD We can send the heartless on them and send them to the shadow realm *ninja mode*
Good. I was hoping you would since I vanished out of nowhere x-x Then I remembered that it was fun to talk to people on here. You're one of the...
Reinzel! I've returned from the dead and saw you changed your name O_O I don't even know if you'll remember me. I vanished from this place at the...
I'm back to say....I turned 21 today :P
I'm back...sorta x_x
*sneaks onto profile like a ninja* >w>
Uhm. . .>< *uses Kingdom hearts memories* Can I guess @_@ I bet it's from Dream Drop Distance. And if it is, I'm betting young Xehanort @_@
I thought Light killed L and then in the end Ryuk killed Light Or something like that. . .yeah, Light killed L XP
Nuuuu!~ I wanna be Mello >< Rem was useless D:< *goes in a corner*
Dawe~ I wanna be part of the pattern @_@ I've seen Terra's and adamboy (Near and Light) I totally wanna be Mello, but someone probably already has...
Nyan?~ A strawberry? Hm. . . Okaies, but only if it has chocolate >w<
Persona is that japanese anime game isn't it @_@ Nya!~ Ryuzaki >w<
my persona? Sorry I never replied, I left for a vacation @_@
Ugh, this rape-age is gunna kill me >_> Guess I'll meet you on dueling network. I'm already getting my epic music @_@
UGH Fine >_> But just this once DX *sighs* I'll need to get my own epic battle theme song for this duel >_<
Nu-uh!~ Don't get all teary eyed on me D:< It's not gunna work ><