Perhaps. xD Thanks. ^_^ I have to go. we'll talk later if you want?
I hope I do too. <3
Okay. ^_^ I love you.
Yeah, why is my town's school board so stupid? Maybe, but you still helped. ^_^
I have no idea. O_o Thanks man. ^_^ That helped a lot.
Yeah, never really understood why they named it that. Possibly, the names were kinda hurtful though.
It's kinda like Recess. ^_^ I don't think I am. A lot of people actually say i'm a really nice guy. Sure, i'm not smoking hot, but i'm not ugly...
I hope you have a better day tomorrow. ^_^ I had a pretty good day until about Advisory Time. I was made fun of by 4 girls I didn't even know....
Quite alright. ^_^ So, how was your day?
Oh... xDDD My gf and I were talking. Sorry if we got a little freaky. ^_^
Hey. ^^ A fellow Zexion fan, I see.
Gtg take a shower. *kisses*
*kisses more*
*kisses more, grabs your bum*
*gasps, smacks yours*
*laughs and continues*
*blushes and slips tongue in further*
*kisses deeper*
*puts tongue in further*
*puts hands up the back of your shirt*