i gtg... my mom wants me to do homework...
Love? Where are you?
xD He's hardly on this late.
Shawn is getting more followers!!! MUAHAHAHA!!!!!
How're you? :glomp:
Hey there. ^^
Name: Nexon Gender: Male Species: Nobody Age: 18 Powers: Fire Ball Fire Blast Fire Blade Omega Catastrophe Description: Eye Color: Green Weight: 120 Pounds Height: 6'2 Hair Color: Red Personaility: A very calm, serious person. Usually prefers to be left alone. He hardly trusts anyone as a result of his Somebody, Neon being betrayed a lot. He trys not to get too attached to anyone or anything. Image of the OC if you have one:
Username: Broken Name: Ienzo Original Organization character's name: Zexion Age: 16 Gender: Male Description: He has cut his hair shorter and moved his hair away from his eye. On top of that, he now wears a clean, white shirt to replace the black cloak garb of the Organization. Picture: (I'll see if I can find one.) Weapon: Lexicon (Tome of Judgement) Preview Post: "Ugh... What's..." Ienzo slowly opened his eyes. "Ah!" The Schemer put a hand in front of his face, shielding his eyes from the extremely bright light. He waited a moment for his eyes to get adjusted. Ienzo stood up. He tried to remember how he got there. "Oh yes... Axel and the replica..." He clenched his fists, remembering how he had died... but... if he was dead... why was he here? This place didn't seem like the underworld... what was going on? Ienzo decided to do what he did best, observe and question. He looked at a pig run into a tree. Ienzo let out a small chuckle. "Silly Piggy..."
Nexon closed his book. He stood up just as Zexion came. "Hello Master Zex- I mean, Zexion." Zexion gave a small wave and sat in a chair. He leaned back in the chair.
I freakin hate him...
I gtg... bro wants the PS3...
I'm back. <3
*Makes out* My mom wants me to go shopping... give me 10-15 minutes...
*Smiles and kisses*
*Puts my forehead on yours*
*Kisses head*
*Holds* ^_^
*Kisses* I love you.
^_^ I've been thinking about you all day.
Yeah. *Kisses* You?