ok sure^^I will
zeo where did you go?
wow whats your username btw mine is Yaminoyuki25 and I got an KH amv too
nm on youtube talking to ppl
This Kairi-chan hates bugs alot and loves to bug her cat
hi maranda wasup
avvy:8/10 cool but scary sig:10/10 that one is sweet
hi nothing really you?
hi!!!!! zeo im back and in stream
oh wait nvm dinner bbl
ok tell me when ou get there on here and no you cant leave Zann and fire alone
well rite now im not there anymore im going to mel's im leaving the lover birds alone they need it anyway
OC:T_T really lonely and sad-starts to hum a lullaby http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1-Y6HqHqy8&feature=channel_page
me 2 well im inother streams but im bored and sad and lonely
hii zeo wasup and I saw you you went to mel's stream before rite
OC:sign~~~~~~~ fine im just gonna watch the story -walks out the door-
yuffie:mad now-throws textbooks at OC- OC:O_O no not textbooks
yep^^I will try thanks for the advice skittles ^^
oc:gets popcorn and throws some chocolate at yuffie-eat some its great! yuffie:yea....but one hit me in the face you idiot! oc:oops lol
nah btw mel sisi says hi to you and she wont get on this site coz of cable problem^^