I love it I finished the anime and Im reading the manga now but D.N angel is awesome
well I read both and it depends on which one you want to read first I dont think the story it too difficult if you start with tsubasa chronicles or xxxholic first
nm too just reading manga ^^
hihi wasup?
avvy:10/10 cute its mew sig:scary......8/10 but still cool
yea I guess ^^''' gothic lolita haruhi you mean
hahah ok but rite now call me Haruhi if you plz ;P
avvy:10/10 cool sig:10/10 sweet =^^=
cool I was watching the anime when I heard god knows
yea i do too xD
cool^^Im suzumiya Haruhi now xD
konichiwa!xD nm you?and cute profile pic its dorthy from Mar rite
wait wait let me get a bag before I vomit
.:yosh suzumiya Haruhi here!lol wasup zeo-kun!!!
avvy:10/10 sig#1:9/10 good but the last one too bright yellow sig#2:awesomeness=10/10
im good too^^and ok I call you tobi! >:D lol
cool im making wallpapers and icons
aw thats cute and nm you?