idk whats wrong with my parents and thats like a habit for the cat sit on your sleeping owners til they wake up
yea I guess except the part where my fat cat sits on me in the morning and my parents being grumpy Im fine *falls on top of my piles of weapons...
sure thing pal -wish sword turns into a giant axe-and morning I just woke up *yawns*
10/10 axel^^ 8/10 pretty colors but a little plain no offense and I have being wondering who that character in your sig is? and I thought my sig was bright coz I sorta made it too bright
~offline desu wa ja ne mina san mada ashita ne^^ sore de wa haruhi-chan bye bye desu wa~
hahhahaha no pro desu~~~sore de wa gtg bedtime talk to you tommorrow desu ja ne Julia-san^^
hahahahahahaah its my speacial wish sword only my best pals can get one you wish for whatever weapon you want and it turns into it
ARGGGGGGGG HARUHI-CHAN is ULTRA BORED!!!!!!!!KUSO DESU WA!!!!!!!!!!!-wishs in my head and the island beside mine went boom!!!
okey dokey on it now ^^
idk they say she is a godess but dosent know it so they had to keep tabs on her to make sure she doesnt destory the planet and here have a nickle...
just so you know be off in a few mins!
oh yea dont worry I got to get more ppl to join first before we fully start and here it is if you may choose your character...
uhhhhhhhh no I dont think so like I said the human becoming her friend was unexpected
well what her friends are a time traveler an alien and a esper and a human she wished for an alien a time traveler and a esper to appear but the...
yep yep and yea haruhi didnt know thats why you have to be very careful not to make her mad that she would wish for the worlds end O-o
well first of all Haruhi has the power to wish and whatever she wishs it comes true and I was Haruhi I sinked a island coz i was pissed of course...
hi Julia-san how r you?btw may I ask if you would like to join the Tales of series rpg story zeo-kun is in it too ;)
good idea :D -still a little annoyed- im sorta pissed off at kenny and some other dude from the stream
thats not good D: coz then no one will join hey does Axelkh75 aka your"onee-chan" like tales of series?
hahaha yea it is btw do you think anyony will join the tales of series rpg story ?