no clue?-? maybe
idk I havent being there much these days and all I remember is about something is wrong with her cables and all thats why
nope sorry I have youtube too want to become friends?mine is Yaminoyuki25
ok^^ IM bored sisi has not being on for days -ding- (-.-)''' bored as heck -shoots a bird and makes a feather sword out of it -
awesome!and you got youtube?O-o
huh?a shot I didnt hear anything and ok sure
uh huh I can see that cool btw
oh rite lets see van and you choose the other characters coz I only know symphonia and abyss the best ^^'''' -shoots draclua then hides gun--evil...
hi slip nm you?
well however you want the story to start post on that and we can start while I give you the role of sync too
nothing.....-makes closet disappear- well ok if not much ppl join and you can start the story off and if im not on and ppl want to join just...
hmmmmmm could work before that AH -.-''''-runs and hides my weapons in a closet-you didnt see anything.......
good good Im just thinking of something my rpg story hmmmmmm I guess we could start it off then see if anymore will join and I think the selcetion...
hihi zeo-kun im back desu wa^^
mew talk to you later zeo got to clean my room before dad does it and my things go into a trash can O_O
wow damn!!!!! I need to change mine
oh O_O must work hard then xD
konnichiwa desu yo suzumiya haruhi-chan here!:P so wasup
yea lol btw I want to change my username is there a way?
yes you feel this heavy thing on you and its stepping on you too do you think anyone can still sleep???