spirit is its name it can transform and sooo -pissed off haruhi- PUNISHMENT TIME YOU STUPID PET!!!!!!!!!spirit:gahhhhhhhhhhhhh sorry master!...
zeo...what was that last part???!!! -Haruhi appears out of time- and did I just see an imposter? sees the spirit and grabs it you!how dare you be...
hahaha you are the silly one sonic jumping into an unknown space you never know whats in here well enjoy -jumps out and closes that space
zeo just to tell you you are alive bye -my spirit disappears-
revives zeo -well see ya later zeo -jumps into a space time-
hahahaah too bad it takes more then that to catch suzumiya haruhi -jumps into a space and you cant get me out no matter what so give up-
well ever heard of suzumiya haruhi and crap seems like the fight will have to wait gtg sonic and watch it coz you cant get me -disappears into time-
yea I got that well looks like i got to help zeo-kun now....Suzumiya Haruhi at your service!-takes out sword of time and space-
um ok but seems like im too late O_O
um ok?how to turn you back?
oh yea btw want help in fighting sonic?
yep its by square enix too its soooo cute xD we play classic storys but FF style xD and there is minigames too
um why you turn emo?
well no I dont have photoshop I use something else and yea I did its cool im playing chocobo tales on my ds rite now its so cute xD
hahahahaha just playing around with something I also got Gothic Lolita nagato too
hi sonic!wasup?
hey zeo if you want to see mikuru she is in my sig I made that I have on rite now
well a wallpaper sigs icons anything that has to do with suzumiya Haruhi oh and im drawing her too
ok -im just making some stuff at the moment-
sure but I have to do that later coz im sorta busy rite now ok x3 but I promise