yuffie:-twitch-what was that?! oc:-sits back and watchs-continue I want to see this
hahahah you are funny sonic^^sees gage on a houses rooftop- hahaha he really flew
oc:um ok?me really bored yuffie:-doesnt care thinks about what to teach next-(lol)
hey thanks ^^hah -takes his hand-
oc:O_Oyaoi huh.....-thinks for a min- -meanwhile Yuffie is trying out new technology stuff-
ok^^I will and thanks btw your coment on my drawing the only part I dont get is where to put the wrinkles
-throws mine too and sees gage go flying with some other annoying ppls-kaboom!lol
oh ok but sorry im not really interested but good luck on your web
sure^^-takes dynamite-
oh yea well at first they were suppose to be a rough design of Zneox and megumi but then I drew Zneox like prefect so I just coloured them in and yea I know Im trying to get the wrinkles but some how they are well I dont know where to put them but im working on it yea they do haha I need work and thanks :D but my sister still says they are ugly TT^TT talk about mean
for me I might coz no one really inside that place likes me as a friend I get ditched at dances left out in the games and they dont even pass me...
yea I know then bro wouldn't have to go back Dx
yea but im going to say this just in case but.......im still lazy :P
well I dont have a scanner ^^'''
*hugs bk* well my bro went back to south africa coz school started again darn school....
yep^^I wish I had one but im too lazy to go and get one
im good a little sad....
oops I ment yea alot of names but I can keep track no pro with this -taps head- lol