welcome sonic to the first level btw chaos control only lasts 15 mins in this space fight shiva warn you there is alot to fight and shiva is...
dodges -jumps into time-hehe well I the great suzumiya Haruhi has decided to play a game called battle tag try to catch me btw just to warn you...
sure thing luke(Jade)-gives Indigation- mieu and spirit:GAH another mean one T^T Haruhi:glomps on zeo cookie-
hello sonic i believe our fight was suppose to be on today
*glomps you* Haruhi turn you into cookie >:D
Haruhi:btw from yesterday and now Im filming it now so thats why its fun hahahah mieu and spirit:I dont see how this is fun..... Tear brings...
Tear:huh oh ok -runs to find Jade- Haruhi:this is fun
genki desu demo *yawns*sleepy desu wa sore de wa mada ashita ne Julia-san sayonara
live it while you still can......
Oyasumi desu wa mina san mada ashita desu wa Haruhi-chan out -disappears into time-(btw luke,yuri,spirit and mieu I got every that happened...
Haruhi:flims it down hahahahahahah that was a good one mieu and spirit:-in hiding- Tear:doesnt know what to do
ok goodnight zeo/luke/yuri
mieu and spirit:I think we lost him Haruhi:filming this(this will be great for the SOS club) Tear:um maybe I should stop luke
hahahaha.....as I thought im bored......
mieu and spirit:GAh how rude the name is spirit and mieu! and noooooooooooo they both flys away from luke and mieu breaths fire at luke...
haha...same >,.,< just reading manga as usual
hahahah thing # 2 xD -spirit goes to mieu-spirit:he is sooooo scary mieu now I know your hardship ;-; mieu:you finally understand me T^T *shiku...
gonbanwa Julia-san ogenki desuka?
hi~~ nm you?
hahahah lets not be too cruel spirit:master he is luke-sama rite I heard from Mieu that he is mean to little things gahhhhhhh no -trys to fly...