Best innuendo ever. Give you a dollar if you get it.
I think the answer is go to a bar
Like concentration camp..they can concentrate on being german
I thought it was german at first
I say we all just derep him untill he is like the anti ctr
I personally love the fact than when you hover over it it says Xendran
I have to go with pogo sticking into it and or fence jumping.
Just for reference this song is titled 'Comedown' And yea I agree Sixteen Stone was their last one and it came out in 2000, granted I love every damn song on the CD but it would be nice to hear something new from them.
I know right, I think its emo time for the site.
Glycerine Amazing. Little Things Brilliant. Zen Awesome Swim Orgasmic. I love this band the entire album Sixteen Stone is just great I love this band.
Victory - Bad Religon
I don't even know you, so I don't care
The Warning - Nine Inch Nails
Way to idolize yourself and seem arrogant.
I do it twice a day. Once before and after my morning coffee.
Skank bear get to singing.
My god n00b necro bump from beyond the grave, what did you have such low self esteem that you had to search yourself on the forum.
Tearing Down the Boarders - Anti Flag
Everyday Struggle - A Day In The Life of A Fool by Notorious B.I.G. and Frank Sinatra
Weigh on my mind - Transplants