Favorite Things - Incubus Misty want those brushes?
Going away to college - Blink 182
No, we just slang crack and sip henny.
Anaheim blows hard. I hate that place, Inglewood for hte win.
I liked the game but you make plenty of wonderful points. Mainly on the gambit system, its really took away some time of play for me, mostly cause i didn't understand them until halfway through the damn game, and they got really gay when everyone was out of magic and you were the one left, while all the other panzy ass characters sat around waiting because they would skip a chain of command. Secondly, very Star Wars and I did spend the whole time I played trying to figure out why someone would design his abs like that.
And when you go to bite down hard on something it suddenly locks and you have to shove your jaw to the other side and even then it doesn't fully unlock and it pops out then back in. Then you are to scared to bite down again.
I dun got some good ones, I shall MSN them to ya.
Mine does the same thing every now and then, its been a while but I know what you mean. I think there is like a piece of cartilage back there or something, that or it was because I have broken my jaw but it sucks and hard.
Gross, down south is better without a doubt, its too hot and nasty up there, I don't know how you stand it.
Its still the same general area, its all pretty much burbank.
Cha, its like 10 min. north of where I grew up. Midcity, Inglewood.
You live in Norwalk..my guess.
Represent! Born and raised in mid city near world on wheels LA Live just south of Arc here.
No energy is being created, its using stored energy of the magnet. And there is energy being let off as heat and friction.
Best get my emo stabbing knife.
Who the crap is Sora 13
Cause that doesn't denote some perveted action.
Well, why it is very unfair. It really depends on what they were looking for, if it was stated as a religious event then I guess that it would all make sense. But if it was promoted solely as a talent show then it is showing completely hippocracy to what christian values stand for, which I personally see alot of times, that we except everyone but look down on those who aren't with us, but I digress. Now yes it sucks but its all within context of the event.
$427, pay day was friday, and I just made bank. yes thats in my wallet It was about 550 a few days ago.
So thats where all the magic happens eh there kitty.