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  1. -Xero-
    Hoemygawd... I've literally been reading this series NONSTOP ALL WEK LONG! I'm already on the 4th book and it's scaring the **** outta me about how much I'm reading! This book is almost like crack...I seriously can't stop reading it! AAHHH!!!

    So anyone else who likes this series you can post here, or whatever. XD
    Thread by: -Xero-, Apr 9, 2011, 4 replies, in forum: Literature
  2. -Xero-
    My last KH RP wasn’t really working out for me, so I decided to start from scratch again and make another one. Sorry to anyone that wanted that RP to continue. Hopefully this one will be better than my last...​

    Years after Sora’s, Riku’s, and Kairi’s time as keyblade wielders have passed, new key bearers have been chosen once again. They’re haven’t been very many heartless around these days, and the nobodies seem like they’ve just suddenly disappeared without a trace. King Mickey is glad that most of the heartless haven’t been around, but he seems uneasy about it as well… Why would the heartless suddenly not be showing up as much all of a sudden? And why are the nobodies just suddenly gone?

    The new key bearers are in their own different worlds, some are even in new worlds. As usual, they wondered why the keyblade has chosen them, and for what reason it did. They seem to all have similar goals.
    To find new, and old worlds to explore. To be able to become stronger. Or to become the best key bearer of all time. Some of them may have been different, but they’re fates are the same. Find, and lock the heart of the worlds. Even if most of the heartless have vanished.

    They have been told the story about the keyblade war. Those who searched for one specific keyblade ended up fighting for it and perished.

    After about 3 years passed after the new key bearers have had their keyblades they finally set off to other worlds to fulfill their goals. However, they have been being watched by an unknown group. They have been hiding out in Hollow Bastion for years. They call themselves, the Forgotten Sorrow. They are a group, much more powerful than the Organization XIII due to them being Dark beings (or Antis) and Nobodies allied together and are planning on destroying any keyblade wielders and then taking over Kingdom Hearts.

    No one has ever known about them. They are a fairly new group. They don’t really have a leader; they only follow rules that they have agreed with to have.
    1. Search and destroy any key bearers they see.
    2. If one is found helping a key bearer, they shall be destroyed along with the key bearer.
    All they mostly care about is destroying those who betray and destroying the key bearers. They act as a team as they each go to separate worlds to hunt out keyblade weilders.

    1. No over powering, some power play will be allowed but don’t go overboard with it.
    2. Keep profanity to a minimum.
    3. No overkill!
    4. No killing each other off without permission!
    5. PLEASE NO ONE LINE POSTS! Post at least up to 2-3 lines.
    6. If you have any ideas or suggestions for the RP please PM me about it.
    7. You can only have 3 characters and you can control only one KH character like Sora, Riku, etc. EXEPT ANY ORGANIZATION XIII MEMBERS!!! They all died so they’re not commin’ back… (But note that they are practically adults right now)
    8. Please, for the sake of all of us not puking our eyes out, keep the romance crap to PG!
    9. If you’ve read the rules post this in your first post: Keyblade’s Awakening
    10. Please put what sheet you're filling out! This is so I can easily know what you are.
    11. You should at least know some of the KH logic, if'll just have to play the game for it is very difficult to explain.
    12. No controling other people's characters! UNLESS they give you permission to, or if there is some kind of special event that's happening or whatever.
    13. Keep this PG-13! Teh childrens are watttcchhiiinnnggg.....
    14. Keep the blood and gore to a minimum.
    Have fun!



    Abilities: (Strike Raid, Arial Recovery, your own abilities, etc.)
    Bio: (At least put a small sentence about your character.)

    Weapon(s): (If you have one.)
    Abilities: (Strike Raid, Arial Recovery, your own abilities, etc. If you don’t have a weapon you at least need abilities!)
    Bio: (At least put a small sentence about your character.)

    Weapon(s): (If you have one.)
    Abilities:* (Strike Raid, Arial Recovery, your own abilities, etc. If you don’t have a weapon you at least need abilities!)
    Bio: (At least put a small sentence about your character.)


    Name: Xero
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Weapon(s): Prosaic Condemnation, Forward Unto Dawn (Click the links to see: I GIVE FULL CREDIT TO THE ARTISTS WHO MADE THEM!)
    Apperence: Xero's Apperence (Again, ignore the PKMN stuff!) Eyes are red, hair is black, shirt is dark red with a black undershirt, skirt is a dark grey, leggins are ablack, shoes are white and black
    Abilities: Arial Recovery, XIII Blades, Striking Darkness, Anti-Form, Strike Raid, Ragnarok, Pulverizing Darkness, Dark Pulse
    Partner: Who ever she chooses to go with at the time.
    Bio: She lost her memory after becoming a Nobody. She is able to control darkness and has incredible speed. She seems to be gaining her emotions back some how and is still trying to get some of them back. She is a keyblade rebel, but if the others of her group see her weilding the keyblades she has, it could be fatal to her...
    Other: (Keyblade's Awakening) Abilities are from KH 1, KH 2, and some I made up.
    Thread by: -Xero-, Apr 5, 2011, 206 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  3. -Xero-
    Make it stop...MAKE IT STOP!
    I swear this has been going on for an hour! It's driving me crazy! And there isn't anything bad going on outside or whatever because I've looked constant times. They're just screaming for the hell of it!
    If this is some kind of "game" they're playing then they need to go down to the flippin' coldasak and scream over there... >.>

    This is why I hate children...
    Thread by: -Xero-, Apr 3, 2011, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. -Xero-
    I hope you guys will take the time to read all of this...I could really use the help right now...

    I've been depressed lately for some odd reason... I've refused to go to school for 3 days cause I've just been so depressed that I don't even want to be around people. All I've been doing for the past week is just lying around doing nothing, I won't even eat anything! My stomach says that I'm starving but I'm saying that I'm not hungry. I've been this way all week too...I've also been unmotivated to do almost anything.

    My mom called a theripist and she came over to my house to talk to me. I liked her, she was pritty nice, but she kept saying the same thing that my mom was saying... "If you don't go to school you'll fail the grade and have to retake it, and you'll be sent to court for truency!" and other crap like that. Sigh... can no one say something different?

    It's not that I don't want to go to school, I've just been really depressed... I don't know why, but at the same time I also have somewhat of an idea of why I'm depressed.

    I think most of it is because I've held in alot of my emotions in sence I was a kid, and I never really had someone to talk to. I felt awkward talking to my parents about my feelings. Also my parents are devorced so I feel a little abandoned... and not only that, my great grandfather just passed away in September, so I've also been thinking about that alot too... My whole family was crushed to hear that he died, he was like our role model, (he was in the army once too) and now my family's been up and down with their feelings. My grandfather was his son and I've noticed him being more angry than usual after my great grandfather died.

    Anyway, after my parents devorced, I remember asking my mom everyday whre my dad was. She just said, "He's not here anymore." Then I asked, "But why?" and I wouldn't get an answer... My mom knew that I would't understand, and I agree that I wouldn't... I was also right in front of them when they caled for a devorce. Of corse I didn't know what the hell that ment but when I was young I felt that, that was a bad thing... and was right.

    So I guess I've just got alot on my mind lately about my past and everything else. My depression started when my other great grandfather died when I was 10. Now that, was the worst thing ever... I was sevearly depressed for days and days. (He was also in the army) I remember fighting with my mom alot after that too. But like I said, I just got done talking to a therapist and she kind of cheered me up... not much though...

    So does anyone have any suggestions for getting rid of stress related depression (I guess that's what it is cause I don't know what else it is that's causeing this...)?
    Thread by: -Xero-, Apr 1, 2011, 9 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  5. -Xero-
    Okay, you ask a make a statement about something and the person to reply will either say that he or she is guilty/innocent to the statement.

    1st person- You have made a cake for someone.
    2nd person- Guilty (or innocent)

    Get it? Its pretty simple... Okay now start!

    You have been on the forums for over an hour.
    Thread by: -Xero-, Mar 31, 2011, 24 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. -Xero-
    I put them in spoiler tags so the post wouldn't look so crowded/big. Anyway, The first two are my OCs the 3rd one is a weird looking Axel I drew and the last one is a pic of me and my friend's OCs.
    So there ya go.

    Thread by: -Xero-, Mar 29, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  7. -Xero-
    (I'm honestly not sure where to put this topic o-O)

    Okay... I honestly don't really give a crap about the 3DS due to movies being overloaded with useless 3D effects now, but the only reason why I may get it (depending on the price, etc.) is because of Kingdom Hearts 3D. I also heard that this thing can jack your eyes up real bad. I'm not trying to discurage anyone to get it, I'm just saying what I've heard.
    But I honestly hope that this game will be at least a little more challenging, like Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories/ Re: Chain of Memories. That game was actually the hardest of all the KH series... Anyway, I saw the trailer to KH3D and it looks pritty badass to me.
    I herd that you get to play as Riku for like half the game too! Sweetness!
    Thread by: -Xero-, Mar 24, 2011, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. -Xero-
    Kingdom Hearts, the ultimate sorce of power. He who controls Kingdom Hearts, controls the universe. But that power has been currupted by darkness. The King has set out to find the chosen weilders of the Keyblade. So far he hasn't had any luck. He is running out of time... In 7 days Kingdom Hearts will be engulfed in darkness, and once Kingdom Hearts is destroied, the whole universe will be.

    The King has been searching for about 3 days, but he hasn't had any luck of finding any chosen weilders. He then set off to another world to find weilders of the keyblade, but then suddenly disappeared. Panicked, the Queen called for a search party to find not just the King, but also other Keyblade weilders. Only 4 days remain until the darkness overtakes the universe, they must search fast and carefuly.

    Okay, there are about 3-4 perspectives of this RP.
    1- Nobodies: They are wanting to take control of Kingdom Hearts. But they must team up with the Keyblade weilders to clear the Darkness in Kingdom Hearts. Once that is done, then they make their move.
    2- Keyblade Weilders: They are of course the "main characters" of this RP,and the ones needed most. Everyone, even Nobodies are looking for them. They need to clear the darkness of Kingdom Hearts.
    3- The Search Party: They are the ones who are searching for the King and the Keyblade Weilders. If they find the Keyblade weilders first, they will go to Kingdom Hearts to free it from the darkness over taking it.
    4- Dark Beings: They are the ones trying to prevent Kingdom Hearts being freed from the darkness. They're all around in different worlds trying to wipe out the Keyblade weilders. So far they've wiped out about half of them. That's why the King hasn't had any luck of finding any weilders.

    -No overpowering, power play, or god modding
    -Keep the romance to PG-13
    -No killing each other off without permission
    -Cussing is alowed just keep it to a minimum and at resonable times, like battle scenes for example
    -If there are some kind of spoilers in your post make a warning in an OOC
    -If you read the rules post "Unknown Hope" in your sign up post
    -You can have up to 3 characters
    -You may play as the original characters of Kingdom Hearts like Sora, Riku. etc.

    Sign Up Sheets:

    Nobody Sheet:
    Nobody Creature You Command: (IE- A dragoon, samurai,etc.)

    Dark Beings:
    Heartless Creature You Command: (IE- Neoshadows, Waveirns, etc.)

    Keyblade Weilders:

    Search Party:

    Nobody Sheet:
    Username: -Xero-
    Name: Xekra (Pronounced: Zeck-rah)
    Age: 17
    Apperence: Has black hair and emerald green eyes. Her hair is spiked somewhat in the back and the rest just lies on her back. Her bangs are about to the bridge of her nose. She wears a black shirt with red designs on it while her hoody is sleevless and is also red and black but striped. Her blue jeans are ripped up from her knees down. They also have a lot of zippers on them. She has black armwarmers and black converse.
    Power: Darkness and Fire
    Weapon:A pair of Chakrams named, Midnight Flames
    Bio: She can't remember much of her past life before she became a Nobody, but she does rememer being kidnapped by some creature. She isn't like other Nobodies wanting to find Kingdom Hearts, that is the least thing she cares about. She isn't sure what she wants to find first. After she left the Organization, she took back her true name and won't tell anyone her Organization name is.
    Other: She still has some emotion left,and some personality. She still has her mischeviuse personality, along with her sly attitude. She is very fast in battle, and is skilled with the chakrams she posseses. The Organization XIII once tried to recrute herbut she refused.
    Nobody Creature You Command: Dragoon

    Keyblade Weilder:
    Username: -Xero-
    Name: Roxella
    Age: 17
    Personality: She can be a little cold hearted at times, she is quiet and also pretty nice once she gets to know someone.
    Abilities: Aerial Sweep, Aerial Spiral, Aerial Finish, Aerial Recovery
    Bio: Born and raised in Hollow Bastion. Roxella suffered the loss of her friend, Xekra. This caused her to change compleatly. Before, she was rather a happy-go-lucky person, but now she is quiet and rather cold hearted at times.
    Other: When fighting in midair she becomes almost unstoppable. She is a close range fighter, and she can also quickly move around with ease. She was Xekra's friend when Xekra was still alive.


    Approved List:
    Thread by: -Xero-, Mar 20, 2011, 130 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  9. -Xero-
    Best Nobody to You? (NOT ORGANIZATION XIII!)

    What do you think the best Nobody is? (THIS DOESN'T COUNT THE ORG. XIII!)

    Mine would be a Dragoon: [​IMG]
    Thread by: -Xero-, Mar 19, 2011, 10 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. -Xero-
    Kadaj and his gang have returned to collect the ones who suffer from the Geostigma once again.​
    But something isn't right... Something is different about them, but what? A lot of strange things have been happening lately, and everyone has been panicing about it. Strange creatures have been coming out of no where it seemes. Not only that, but men in black cloaks have been spotted around the world. People have also been saying a boy with a giant key has been running around. What has the world come too? Are we all just going crazy?
    Most of all, what is Kadaj back for exactly, other then people with Geostigma? The Turks have been going around searching for the men in black cloaks. Some of the citizens however, have been acting strange in some parts.

    Alright, sign up sheets! *= REQUIRED! You can have up to 3 characters, just make sure that you're active with all.

    Your character can have "some kind of special ability" or whatever if you want. Just add that to the sheets!

    Gender: *
    General Appearance: *
    Skills: *
    Weapon: (You dont have to have one)
    Partner(s): (You may have up to 2 partners)
    Bad Habits/Vices:
    Best Qualities: *
    Worst Qualities: *

    1- No flamming others about whatever!
    2- No trolling!
    3- No suggestive themes unless they are MILED!
    4- No over powering!
    5- Swearing is aloud just don't over do it.
    6- Blood is aloud along with a LITTLE gore.

    Name: Zerithia "Zerith" Yoru

    Birthdate/Age: 7/14/1993, 17

    Gender: Female

    Height: 5'7''

    Weight: 145 lbs

    General Appearance:[​IMG] <-- Click for full view please!
    IGNORE THE PKMN STUFF ON HER! I just felt like drawing her in a PKMN trainer uniform.

    Eyes: Red, with a small tint of purple

    Hair: Black and spiked in the back

    Skills: She is almost unnaturaly fast, and flexible. When she has her scythe with her, she has compleate control over darkness, along with summoning creatures from "another deminsion."

    Weapon: A scythe with 2 blades; one on each end.

    Partner(s): Reno and Axel

    Phobias/Fears: Being left alone forever, spiders, hights (not exactly hights, mostly just falling from high places), and the fear of death.

    Bad Habits: Daydreaming constently, and eats when she's bored.

    Best Qualities: She has a very unique personality, she likes to be around her friends, and she draws a lot on her own time.

    Worst Qualities: She suffers from depression, she has a bad memory, she also has ADHD.

    Approved Members:
    master of keyblades
    Destiny's hand
    Carl Jung
    Aerith G.
    Thread by: -Xero-, Feb 27, 2011, 18 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  11. -Xero-

    Axel and Siax befor the Organization XIII. Their from Radiant Guarden too.
    Thread by: -Xero-, Dec 27, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. -Xero-
    Mine is:

    "Eh, your Mom's cool...WHAT THE HELL AM I SAYING?!"- Reno Final Fantasy A.C.
    Thread by: -Xero-, Dec 16, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. -Xero-
    This is a huge fanfiction that me and my friends are doing. And it'e like one giant navel too. We're almost done with the first FF and when we're done we're gonna make a 2nd.

    NOTE: This isn't the final draft, it's what we're starting off with. And when we're finished I will post the updated and final version.


    This is purely fan fiction and should not be sold for commercial gain. Furthermore I do not own Kingdom Hearts, nor any of the Disney/Square-enix properties appearing in this fan fiction.
    I do however own the following characters:
    Rinaxe (Raeni)
    Xuromimi (Kuromimi)
    Mistex, Mirix (Mira)
    Xero (Zerona) in the form they appear in, in this fan fiction.


    This fan fiction contains spoilers to the following games: Kingdom Hearts
    Kingdom Hearts II
    Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories
    Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories:Re
    Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
    Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep.
    It is best to complete the following in their entirety before reading. Time line in this fan fiction will difer slightly from the order of events in the Kingdom Hearts 2 video game, (Most importantly, Sora does not visit the Disney worlds twise, instead, as in the Kingdom Hearts 2 official Manga, completes both stories on the same visit.)


    Chapter 1
    The City of Endless Starlight: Part One

    The worlds were only connected once before, but now they seem to be drwaing near again. Devilish black skinned creature's known as Heartless are created when these world connect and the evils inside peoples hearts seeths and boils untill the hearts themselves burst. These are creatures of nightmare driven on one primal instinct, to multiply. It is unsure how these beasts were created, but the enitre cosmos has seen their destruction. These are not the only nightmares though. Once the heart has left the body, the body can act on its own, forming a 'Nobody' a hollowed shell of a person. Only the people with the strongest hearts can become coherient Nobodies and powerful Heartless. However unlike the Heartless, Nobodies are creatures of logic, lurking through nothingness, scheming, plotting, preparing for one final goal. To make themselves whole again.

    Zerona woke up with a start in her dark room. She had been having the dream for weeks now. It was always the same lights in the darkness next to her falling into the abyss. There was no way to stay up or avoid it. She threw the covers off of her bed and walked to the window the shudders were open and a cold wind was blowing in from the empty, dark streets of Starlight City. She closed the window of her room and turned and heard a rustling,
    “Who is there?†she called into the shadow. There was no way anyone would have been able to climb through her window, but she had a feeling like she was being watched. The rustling became more frantic, it was coming from behind her bed. She looked behind her bed. There was a boy, hiding in the shadows.
    “How did you get in here!†She yelled at him jumping him. He fell back in surprise. He was wearing a black trench coat with the hood resting against the back of his head. He had light brown spiky hair that rose from his head on one side.
    “Dang it,†he said flipping backwards making a break for the door but she blocked his path.
    “Not so fast!†She held her arms to block the door.
    “Who are you?â€
    “No one, I’ll be going now.â€
    “You're someone if you break into my bedroom, so what do you want,†The boy sighed.
    “My name is Roxas, ok, and I was just leaving,†She looked at him and decided she wouldn’t get anything else out of him. There had been a lot of thing vanishing in the City lately, this kid was probably part of whatever was going on.
    “Ok, sure, go ahead,†She said getting out of his way. Without a word he pulled his hood back over his head and ran out the door. She wasn’t done yet though. She followed him as he went down the huge sair well of the building making her stepps as light as posible so he wouldn't hear her. Stalking through the shadows chasing after him. He walked out the front of the building as soon as he stepped foot out of the stairwell and broke into a sprint. She ran after him matching their footsteps. He lead her through the depths of the city. Huge buildings loomed up around them. He was obviously new in the town because he was stumbling around the building’s not really knowing which way he was going.
    She finally followed him to a dark alley, and he stopped looking into the darkness. She hid behind a garbage can. A man apeared out of the shadows and greeted him the boy walked up to the man as they both took off their hoods.
    “Ok, Axel, I finished the recon,â€
    “You look like you’ve seen a ghost Roxas,†Zerona’s heart dropped, the man looked like he was about twenty, he had spiky red hair pulled backwards.
    “The Heartless are going to be here soon, but that’s all I could dig up, this city is more advanced than some of the other one’s we have gone to in the past,†Zerona stared at the red haired man with glassy eyes. She wanted to introduce herself but felt like she was glued in place,
    “The Heartless act on instinct, obviously enough people here have darkness in their hearts to make this world attractive to them, got it memoried?â€
    “If worse comes to worse this world will be great for heart collecting, I would say we are done here lets go for ice-cream,â€
    “You think Xion is done with her mission as well, Axel?â€
    “She will come if she wants to,†he said with a shrug then raised his hands in the air and a swirling hole of darkness appeared on the ground. Zerona stared at the well of shadow in awe as the two of them walked into the darkness. As soon as they left she ran up to the dark hole. It seemed bottomless, there wasn't anything to throw into it to test her theory so she tried to stick her hand into it but she only hit the concrete ground of the alley. She sighed. She really wanted to meet the man with the red hair, Axel, the boy called him. But he was out of reach now,
    "You two. can you hear me?" she called into the darkness but no one answered,
    "Ok, well, don't break into my bedroom again, ok?" she just asumed they heard her because the darkness closed leaving only the cold ground.

    The second light in the darkness. Mira fell through the shadow faster than the rest. And was the first o hit the bottom. She couldn’t feel it though. She ended up on the floor. The three falling lights fall over her head. She was standing on an illuminated platform. It looked like it was made of stained glass and in the center of the platform was a giant Key. She felt a presence. Something that was there but at the same time wasn’t, It spoke to her in a voice invisible and bodiless, but she could hear it clearly,
    “This world has been connected,†it spoke, to her,
    “Connected?†She asked, “What do you mean?â€
    “Tied to the darkness,†The voice said again, darkness appeared under her, and started to engulf her, “Help!†she called up to the lights in the sky but they were far out of reach,
    “But don’t be afraid,†The voice said to her as the darkness wrapped around her face, “Your heart is the strongest weapon of all,†She felt something in her hand and the darkness exploded, washed away by a wave of light. It crawled among the ground a formed figures, small hunch backed creatures with beady eyes staring her down. She looked at the thing that materialized in her hand. It was a massive key just like the one on the platform,
    “Fight, Mira, it is only you who can overcome the darkness,†She held the key in both hands and it guided her movements. She pointed it at the form and it cowered retreating into the shadows. It appeared behind her and knocked into her with a light blow, enough to knock her forward but not enough to knock her down. She turned and slashed at the thing with her key. It cut right through the darkness and the thing evaporated into dust. More of them appeared behind her and she easily cut into them. She could feel her strength being amplified by the giant key, pulsing with a radiant power. The shadows moved and combined, a huge creature rose from the shadows. It had a heart shaped hole in its black chest. Its hair was a collection of dark tendrils wrapping around its face.

    Bright yellow eyes burned through the mask of darkness. Its legs were out of proportion of its body. Its feet were bent and the creature stood on them unable to walk because of its strange body. This monster of insanity existed somehow even against all odds. She ran at it with its key and slashed at its feet but it did no damage to the creature. It slammed its hand on the ground which created a shockwave of dark energy hitting her square in the chest knocking her down and burning her clothes. She charged the thing with her key and slashed at its hand. The dark energy seeping from its hand ,which was now embedded in the ground, created shadows which lunged at her but she cut into them easily and continued her assault on the monster. It lifted its hand out of the darkness and stood there observing her as if wondering what its next move was. It raised it's hand in the air building up dark energy between it's fingers. Mirix jumped away from it but it wasn't aiming for her. It slammed its entire arm into the ground as if reaching for something. She took the opportunity and slashed at the thing’s face cutting through its mask of tendrils and making a tear in the black skin. It pulled its hand out of the plate holding a massive ball of dark energy. It flew into the air and it started to rain darkness. She dodged the falling shadow and continued to attack the creature. She drove her key hard through the creature's hand and it pierced right through cutting into the darkness. The thing grabbed its hand and staggered backwards, falling into the darkness.

    Kuromimi fell the slowest, hanging onto the light as best she could and climbing back up step by step. She finally got back out of the darkness when she woke up. The sun rose over the city and she stood up out of her bed,
    “Kuromimi! Get to work the store isn’t going to clean itself!†called a haggard voice from the outside of her room. Her and her mom lived alone in the top floor of their shop, the space had been converted into their home as well as their work. Her mom worked with herbs, medicines, and specialized in making pesticides. It was her job to clean up after the woman once she had finished brewing whatever concoction she was asked to,
    “Coming Mom!†she called walking up to a cage behind her bed,
    “How are you doing today Lee?†She asked tearing small piece of lettuce off of the vegstable she kept next to her bed and dropped it in the cage for her Guiney pig. She sighed as the animal ate the lettuce without so much as a thank you. She pulled back the curtains separating her room from the rest of her house and walked down stairs. Her mother was working in the back of the store, standing over a boiling pot,
    “Kuromimi! I need you to clean up, we had a vial of rat poison explode in the stock there is glass everywhere!†She sighed, “Ok, fine,†she said taking the broom from the wall behind her mom and went into the store room. Inside the store room the walls were adorn with thousands of vials, each holding inside some particular cure or poison of some kind. She could see where the rat poison blew. The vials around it didn’t seem damaged but there was glass on the floor and the shelf. She brushed the visible glass into a trashcan lid ,
    “Alright it’s done,†she said walking out of the store holding the lid of glass in one hand and the broom in the other,
    “Good, good, put it in the dumpster now, use the waiste containers though,â€
    "Where are they?†she pointed at a container to the side of her mixing tools,
    “Mom, you know what the city said about pouring chemical’s into the city dumpster,â€
    “I don’t care what some ‘city officials’ say I’m running a business here!â€
    “And you wonder why dad left,†She muttered under her breath as she walked out the door.

    The streets were illuminated with a warm glow reflecting off most of the large buildings. Her mother’s shop was on the bad side of town though; most of the buildings were decrepit and run down. She walked over to the trashcan behind her mom’s shop but there was someone there. A boy about her age with dark brown hair that want to his shoulders,
    “Excuse me,†she said dumping the shards of broken glass into the dumpster,
    “No problem,†he said turning to her. She looked at him puzzled,
    “You’re not from around here, are you?†she asked him examining his face, “No, I am not,†he said, “My name is Raeni,†he said holding his hand out to her,
    “You’d better not I’m covered in rat poison,†she said and he put his hand to his side,
    “Freeze!†a voice called behind them, she turned to see a enforcer standing blocking the alleyway. Enforcer’s were the cops of the city, walking around looking for anything suspicious. They wore a badge with a star on their chest giving them authority over any one living in the city. The mayor controlled these goons and they walked the streets endlessly getting rewards every time they brought some one in. They often made up charges just to put more money in their pocket,
    “You're the theif! I finaly caught you†She turned to him and he was gone,
    “Raeni?†She the space where he was gone. The enforcer walked up to her,
    “Where did he go?†he asked her looking around,
    “I don’t know,†she said confused as well, “Well, I’m going to have to take you in,â€
    “What? Why!?â€
    “Assisting in the escape of a criminal,†he said grabbing her by her shoulder,
    “Come with me please.â€
    Thread by: -Xero-, Dec 14, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  14. -Xero-


    Ok. I keep hearing this over and over and over again... I think it's all a load of crap. What do you think?
    Thread by: -Xero-, Dec 14, 2009, 37 replies, in forum: Discussion
  15. -Xero-
    There has been a number of possable new recuits spotted around in different worlds. The members of the Organization must find and recuit these new Nobodys. As leader of the Organization, I will give them their new names, and numbers. But first you must observe them for a few days and if they seem elegable enough, ask them to join.

    1. No godmoding!
    2. No over powering, (Unless you talk about it with someone and ask if it's ok or not.)
    4. If you are innactive for 1-2 weeks you will be removed and your spot will be open for someone else (if you're part of the original members)
    5. You may betray the Organization if you wish.
    6. Please fill out the forms below to join or ask to be one of the original members. You are able to have up to 2-3 charactors but only one from your OCs, one from the members, and from other KH char.s (Only 1-2 of each from those catagories if you have 3 char.s)
    7. No one liners, please put 3+ lines a post.
    8. Be literate and have some understanding of capitalization, punctuation, grammar and spelling.
    9. No powerplay
    10. Use quotations ("") please!
    11. if you're going on a long vacation or so, please notify me! (If you want someone to take your place while you're gone, notify them and me please!)





    Vexen: TheDeadGuy



    Saix: xemsai-superfan

    Axel: Alpha Sonix

    Demyx: water mage


    Marluxia: Smackdoodle McGiggles

    Larxene: La Sofa

    Roxas: kingdomhearts530

    Xion: keybladewarrioroflegend

    (Like Sora, Donald, or Goofy for example. I'll start off with the main char.s and if anyone wants to be someone else I'll put it down and put your name by it.)


    Ansem (Heartless): -Xero-


    True Name: (The name they had before they became Nobodys')
    Fixed Name: (The name that has an "X" in it)
    Home Word: (Where did you originate from?)
    Title: (Example: Axel- The Flurry of Dancing Flames)
    Element: (What element do you have?)
    Possistion: (Starts off from 14 sence Xion is the 14th member O.o)
    Nobody: (What type of Nobody do you manuplate?)
    Bio: (you don't have to fill this out but it is recommended, but at least tell how you lost your heart.)

    My Charactor (OC):

    True Name: Zerona
    Fixed Name: Xero
    Gender: Female
    Home Word: The World That Never Was
    Title: The Night's Harbiger
    Element: Dark
    Personality: Quiet, and cold, Attacks swift and quick
    Wepons: Reiki Kaze (Her double edged scythe):
    Possistion: XIV (15)
    Nobody: Dragoon
    Apperence: [​IMG]
    Bio: Before Xero became part of the Organization, Ansem (Xananort's heartless) was very interusted in her and saw a great amount of darkness in her heart. He then tested her of her strength after giving her the power of the Reiki Kaze Scythe. Ansem saw good use to Xero and asked her to be his parter to find and take over Kingdom Hearts. She accepted. Ansem then ripped out Xero's heart at the scene leaving nothing but a hollow shell of Xero's body. After Xero become a Nobody, she still had the weapon Ansem had givin her from before. Xemnas thought it was a little strange for a stray Nobody to already have a weapon. Ansem still watches Xero closely as he slowly takes over her...​
    Thread by: -Xero-, Dec 11, 2009, 185 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  16. -Xero-
    Ok this game is like true or false.
    1- The first poster has to say a true or false Question.
    Example: You have gotten up on a table and started dancing on it.
    2- the second poster has to say GUILTY or INNOCENT
    Example: 1st poster- You have gotten up on a table and started dancing on it.
    2nd poster- GUILTY/INNOCENT (<-- Only put one!)

    Ok! Now hopefuly we all know how to play! NOW START!

    Have you kissed someone the same sex as you? o3o
    Thread by: -Xero-, Dec 11, 2009, 86 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone