Just a quick drawing I did using a tablet this morning in class since I got bored. He's just an RP OC I came up with.
If you live in the UK you may have seen this on TV last night, if not now you can. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56BRW7H-WbI
O /|\ / \ Steve the Stick man o O U and Bob the creepy smiling face. Just something random me and a friend on MSN are doing out of pure randomness.
Let's play a little game shell we? The rules are simple, the first 5 members to post in this forum, much do so like they are scared, fail to do so, and you go boom... Let the games begin (...Random and crappy rip of from the Saw movies)
This is something that I have been thinking about since yesterday when I was on my way home and this lad who was fatter then me called me a fat b***ch, now I didn't take this to heart at all since I turned around and said "You can't talk" So anyways it got me thinking, do we really insult other people, weaver they are like us or not, just to make our selves better, or is it just because we don't like the person?
Never, take PM sent by me around this time seriously...since half the time I don't know what I'm saying. because I'm half asleep.
Has gotten an PM from ribbet about another site? if so, the hell is up with him/her? Edit: Sorry about the title, it's 1.58 am and I'm half asleep.
Just another Zombi-Loan tag this time with Michiru
I feel Oh so very Random Who would like to join me for a random party? I have cookies!
Yes that means me as well XD
A forgotten self Lost in time Only remembered In my deepest dreams Won't you let me Find my self once Again... This is a poem I wrote today in class after reading one of my friends poems.
Like always I didn't follow tuts, altought I said I would, but when I got started on this, I just kept on going untill I was happy the outcome. this is the first one and this is the other one where I changed the lighting on Chika's face.
Just a quick drawing I did of what I would look like if I were a guy, it was done quickly so it's not as good as it could be, yes I know one of the arms are thicker then the other and the hand looks odd, but like I said it was a quick drawing.
As you can tell by my mood, I'm sick. I have a head ace, sore throat, bugged up nose and now my left ear has started to hurt... Yet I'm online... Shows how stubborn I can be.
What's the anime in your sig?
Just a few minutes ago I heard my step dad come up stair, now when he normally does that he goes in to my mums room from something, but as he was coming up, I had a feeling that he would come in to my room and talk about burgers, so when he got to the top of the stairs he did just that. Lucky guess or somewhat psychic? I'd say lucky guess but it's also just too spot on to be a mare lucky guess.
He was asking for it!
...Ignored for some reaons... God that fails when that happens... *watches dust ball fly by* And that was random.
Just something quick I did on gimp since I was bored, anyways, the guy in the tag is Chika from an anime called Zombie Loan, I know this isn't very good, but I was just playing around. Edit: I'll follow a tut to make my next one better