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  1. AlexleHoshi
    Yeah I got something done for Zemyx day, up until Zexion finds Demyx, that's how I felt while I was on my way home from work since it was throwing it down.

    By the way this is written in first person and I have asked Neku if it is alright for me to post this, you'll find out why if you read it.


    It had been raining for hours and I have to walk back in this, already I can feel my shirt sticking to my chest, seem my coat is doing me no use in keeping me dry, but I don’t really care, I’ll be home soon where I can get dry and warm.

    As I continue down the flooded street which has flooded my boots, I see a boy, a year or so younger then me and more of a fool, he is standing there with just a t-shirt and jeans on, no coat, no foot ware, as I pass him I get to see his face, a pear of green eyes meet mine, well one of mine since my light purple hair is covering my left eye, and even in the rain I can tell he has been crying. I look up and down him from his wet hair that looks like it was once a mullet to his wet bear feet. Deep down I feel sorry for this boy, because if I’m cold, he must be freezing.

    I hold out my hand and run it though he dish washer blond hair, this makes him smile a little which in return makes me smile
    “What’s your name and why are you out here dressed like that?†I asked he goes to speak but all he can do is shutter, so I take him back the hand and take him home, luckily for him, it’s not far away.

    When we finally get there I open the door for him to take him in side
    “Why don’t we get you in to the shower†I said as I lead him to the bathroom
    “O... Okay†He whispers. Walking in to the bathroom I let go of his hand and start running the shower, When I turn to face him, he is already getting undressed, the look of his thin body make me feel even more sorry for him
    “My... My name is De-Demyx by the way†he whispers as he holds his wet cloths to him. I held my hand out to him and smiles a little
    “Here why don’t you like me dry them for you, and you can borrow something of mine†he slowly hands them to me then climbs in to the shower.

    So here I am hold his wet cloths in my hands, I make my way in to the living room to see a man with sandy brown hair that zig zags asleep on the sofa, I walks over to the fire place and lay Demyx’s cloths on the floor, I then take my own off and lay them next to his, now naked I make my way back to the bathroom after getting two towels. Demyx is still in the shower so I place both towels by the side of the door and pulls the curtain back a little
    “I hope you don’t mind shearing, but I’m-†As I go to explain why I want to share (which is normally rear for me) Demyx smiles and goes to pull me in
    “You don’t have to ask, this is your shower after all†he says after I get in.

    Feeling the warm water fall on to my cold skin makes me happy that I am no longer out side, but also glad that I helped Demyx out, I don’t know why, but when I looked in to his eyes I couldn’t help but want to help him
    “Um... What’s your name?†Demyx asks, I look up to him and realize how close he is to me
    “My name is Zexion, by the way Demyx, why was you out in the rain dressed like you was?†hearing this made Demyx shed a tear
    “I don’t have a home, and where I normally go to keep dry is full, so there was no room for me†normally I wouldn’t care about some homeless boy, but right now, all I do care about is Demyx and keeping him warm. The next thing I know is that I find myself wrapping my arms around Demyx and holding him closes, I don’t care why I’m doing this, but I know I can’t make Demyx go back out there, not even after it has stopped raining...
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Sep 6, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  2. AlexleHoshi

    Back freeze

    I'm sure you all know about Brain freezes right? When you eat ice-cream to fast. Well I don't get them, I get back freezes and they are a pain in the back side... Ow... my back is cold and it hurts now...

    Anyone else get 'em?
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Sep 2, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. AlexleHoshi

    I'm bored

    Someone entertain me, I dunno how, but just do it!
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Aug 29, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. AlexleHoshi
    When people ask others to recommend something to read/watch/eat I mean come on, can't they think for them selfs if they'll like it or not, because the person who will recommend something, may end up doing so with what the first person doesn't like, so don't you agree that this is just a waste of time?

    (Yeah it's 3.48 am here and that's why I started this, because I'm sleep, but don't want to go bed yet)
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Aug 26, 2008, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. AlexleHoshi

    Bye everyone

    I'm going

    To bed night!
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Aug 19, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. AlexleHoshi
    This game took me over 230 lives to beat this game and there are only 7 or 8 levels in it, can you do better then me?
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Aug 18, 2008, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. AlexleHoshi

    The Kitty

    In The Fifth Element's sig makes me lol, don't you agree?
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Aug 17, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. AlexleHoshi
    I dunno, if I find this funny, because I'm sleepy, or if this really is funny
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Aug 13, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. AlexleHoshi
    This is my new OC Melody Nightingale, she will be in the story I'm writing. I'm pleased with how this turned out, and it turn out the way it did because I followed a few tuts, the only thing I'm not pleased with are the hands, but of well. I edited the eyes on paint to give her the white in them

    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Aug 12, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  10. AlexleHoshi
    I find this video funny, but I can't lol since my mum thinks I'm offline
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Aug 11, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. AlexleHoshi
    Has never been so funny
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Aug 11, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. AlexleHoshi

    God damn it

    Is anyone else getting errors on this site again? Because it took me half an hour to get back on to this site when I first got one.
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Aug 11, 2008, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. AlexleHoshi
    I'm thinking of changing my name back to Anniexo, but I'm not sure, so I'll let you guys choose
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Aug 9, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. AlexleHoshi
    I don't wanna go work today, but I gonna... I just hope I have Vic today and not Mick

    Plus today is payday, so I have to go in to get my money XD
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Aug 9, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. AlexleHoshi
    I drew this a few days ago, and I felt like putting it on here... Yeah my scanner killed it, I'll try to get a better one on soon
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Aug 9, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  16. AlexleHoshi


    What have I missed while being away for a bit?
    Come on you can tell me
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Aug 9, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. AlexleHoshi
    Does anyone know where it is? I can't find it and I need to go there to get Locke back.

    Never mind I found it, can someone lock this please?
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Jul 24, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Gaming
  18. AlexleHoshi

    Naive love

    A new fanfic I've written, and this time it's written in first person, if people like this, I may swap over and have it from Zexion's point of view.


    I have been in this organization for three weeks now since I lost my heart to the heartless, but even without one, I seem to remember my emotions very well, maybe that's why I feel this way about him. Even though I get on well with Xigbar and Axel, who enjoying pointing fun at him, I can never seem to bring myself to do the same.

    When ever I'm walking the halls on my own and I see him passing, I so badly want to talk to him, but I just freeze up inside and let him pass, Xigbar, Axel and myself all agree that I only feel like this because he one of the smart member, and being naive myself, I couldn't possibly be good enough for him, even if I would lose anything else for him.

    But still my friends tell me never to give it, and suggested that I hand out in the places Zexion can normally be found, luckily for me, it's always the same place, the libaray, and since Xemnas order music books so I have something to read, I always used them as a reason to go there.

    I would always sit in one of the corners where I could see Zexion, that meant that I never got much reading done, but I didn't really care, as long as I could watch him, I didn't care if I did nothing.

    So here we are in the library again, with me sitting here lookig like I'm reading while watching Zexion lost in his own little world as he did what I should be doing. When I see him getting up to put the book back I quickly look down at my book and hold it over my face

    Tap, tap, tap

    I can hear Zexion walking over to, he couldn't be coming over to talk to me could he? No maybe I'm just sitting near where his book should be, but when his footsteps stop I slowly look up from my book to see him standing there, with his usually cold expression, I gulp a little and go to smile, but the coldness in his eyes prevent me from doing so. Just like every time it's just me and him, I cannot talk, unable to breath a word. Out of the corner of my eyes I see Zexion rising his hand and taking hold of my book and pull it from my fingers
    "You do realizes that you are holding this upside down, don't you Demyx?" his deep voice rush though me so fast that I almost didn't get what he was saying to me, as he titled his head to one side as if to show he was waiting for me to reply, I could feel my cheeks turn red
    "I..Um...Er" Oh well done, now I bet he thinks I'm even more stupid then before now.

    After embrassings my self, I bow my head so I don't have to look at Zexion, but I could still feel his eyes on me
    "You've been watching me, haven't you?" My head shot back up at this question, I gluped again and gave a quick nod, for the first time, since I layed eyes on Zexion, he was smiling, even though it was a small one, there he was, with a smile
    "Yes, Xigbar and Axel told me you've had an eye on me for awhile" with each word he said, I could feel my face becoming even more redder, I couldn't believe what I was hearing, all this time and Zexion had known.

    Maybe I was just fooling myself, what am I talking about of course I was making a fool of my self, I will never be good enough for Zexion, and everyone knows it, I guess telling Zexion that I like him was Xigbar's and Axel's idea for a curl joke, that only they would find funny. I looked down again and mutter that I was sorry
    "Why are you sorry Demyx, didn't they tell you that I myself, have an my eye on you" Did... Did I hear Zexion right, he liked me, of please I beg of you Kingdom Hearts, please don't let this be a dream.

    I once again look back up at Zexion, but more slowly this time and just like seeing his smile, for the first time, I was able to speck to him
    "They didn't say anything to me about you liking me, so I just assumed that you felt I wasn't good enough for you... We even agreed am not" Zexion let out a long sigh and took a seat next to me
    "I won't tell you to stop being friends with them, because I know they were your first since joining, but don't believe everything they tell you, now I know your naive and that's what I like most about you, but be careful with what they tell you" I turn to face Zexion and smile myself, I can feel myself being able to open up to Zexion now that I know how he feels about me, but the one thing I want to give to Zexion, I fear I will never be able to do.

    Zexion then cups my chin in his gloved fingers and leans toward me, even though I was naive I knew what Zexion was doing, it was like he knew I wanted to do the same thing, but could not. I closed my eyes as he moved even closer and then I felt them, his soft lips pressing next to mine, I couldn't help myself after that, I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him back.

    I can't believe my luck, me and Zexion are now together, and I hope that we will be long after we get out hearts back, and the best thing I love about Zexion is hearing them three words, that reminds me each time that much he loves me.
    "I love you"
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Jun 28, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: Archives
  19. AlexleHoshi Before the Pokemon anime went down hill.

    Don't ask, watching a stepmania video made me think of this.
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Jun 27, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. AlexleHoshi

    Big spider

    Just now, while I'm roleplaying with DSK I saw something move in the corner of my eye, so when I look at it, I see a spider that's 3 times bigger then the one's I normally see.

    Now they don't bug me, but as it got closer to me, I moved away and watched it head for my bed to go under it, but when I move my sheet so it can, it ran back the way it came... I don't like them big
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Jun 25, 2008, 19 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone