I was on youtube the other day listen to can you feel the love tonight in Japanese, and while it was playing I started to read the comments, and one person asked what Watashi and two other words were, now I though watashi was what females say for I and ore is what males say for I, so I said that, but then this guy came on and said 'i know you're trying to be helpful but you should really check what you're writing is correct before you post it.watashi isn't used just by females its genderless.men and women use it.watashi wa igirisu jin desu is i am english for both sexes.ore is a really rude way to say i and its mostly used by young japanese men cause its seen as cool so i wouldn't recommend using it to the japanese.i studied japanese at uni and learning to be polite is the first thing we're taught.its a big thing in japan.' Now fair dos I got my info wrong, but I think this person went a little over the top in saying I was wrong and adding s/he learn Japanese in uni came across as kinda snobbish to me, now if they had just said 'Just so you know it's Watashi for both male and female ore is the rude way of saying I' then I wouldn't of made this sarcastic comment 'Well sorry, but I only know bits of japanese, we don't all study it in uni (Saying you do makes you sound like a snob, but I'm not saying you are) So give us who know some japanese but not a lot a break.' So they said I had taken there comment the wrong way and was getting all worked up over it, now I understand why they said that since it isn't easy picking up sarcastic comments, but the way they had put that I had taken it the wrong way and was getting worked up over it made them seem more snobbish. Do you think it is a little snobbish or am I just taking it the wrong way?
This is something that I've been thinking about since I saw an ad for a film called the unborn and this is what I came up with. What if unbirths are people who died before they were born, and their souls became unbirths. I know there isn't much there, but it's just something quick I came up with.
The say that if a person Says a glass is half full They are optimistic But if it is half empty They are not But what if a person Where to view the glass In which it was filled Would that mean That a half full glass Has never had a single drop Taken from it like a new born child Who has yet to know What it means to change something In it's own life And a half empty glass Has had water taken away In order for it to change Like all our lives do ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I got this idea from thinking of the Half full half empty glass thing, where it shows how a person sees life due to what they pick, but I looked at this in a different light as it shows in this.
Alright so I got a psp for xmas, but it won't let me play any games, I just put them in like I think they should but nothing happens, anyone know what to do, to sort it out ps. it's second hand FYI
I got this from a video I found on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8NsnLfIAcs&feature=related You just got pwned, FTW Now you're dead, you're dead cause we killed you We took you by surprise (Hmm? Boo! AAAH!) We just saw you roaming the forest And said let's kill those guys (Yeah! Good idea!) You're a squirrel who somehow has money And sometimes swords and shields I don't care if you're a cute bunny, I'll kick your ass for realz! Lets all dance right next to your corpses, We're happy that you're dead yay! yay! hooray! Now we might play chess on your carcass Or soccer with your head La la la, you're dead, la la la la We killed you, la la la No remorse, la la la la la la La la la la la la!!! YEAAAH!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXfUui26l_Y This is just an idea I got after hearing how Vexen says silence
To go play Runescape but then again, I'm half not temped, what do you guys thing and those who say yes, wanna join me if I do?
I'm not sure if this is true, but if Ven does say 'Erase me' and he does get Erase, what if part of him like his heart becomes connect to Sora which could be the reason why Roxas and Ven look alike. What do you guys think and sorry if there is something like this already.
So I was on facebook the other day and I was really bored, so out of pure randomness I search my dads name and found a guy who lived in the same town as me, so I PMed him and asked if he knew my mum. So I got a reply saying he did and he told me that the last time he talked to my mum she told him she was getting married and moving house, since she said was true, he then talk me about my little sister that I knew off but never met. I got talking to him and a few things he said that he remembered of me were right, like how my mum had to tape ads for me to watch to keep me quit (don't ask why I was about 5 or 6 at the time) so I know it's my dad and I'll be seeing him on Sunday. So that's how being bored and random helped me find me dad after 13 years.
Who the hell are you guys, I've been away from the spam zone for so long, I don't remember anyone in here!
My town is flooded because we've had so much rain, the puddles in the road are so deep the cars have to slow down to drive though them or they'll wet people from head to toe, or they may spin out of control or something like that. And I got so wet while on my way to a friends house after work (which is only a 2 minute walk) I got so wet, that she borrowed me a top and pants while she dried my for me. Luckily it stopped raining by the time I lefted. The when I was down the road from my house, a guy was setting off fireworks by leaning them on his bin, and this one firework hit the bottom part of his roof and it landed few doors down so I stood there watching it and waiting for it to go off, I just feel sorry for whoever lives in that house.
I wrote this a few days ago after talking to my boyfriend who was feeling down since he misses me while he's at uni, anyways after awhile he said he felt better because of our talk and this came in to mind. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When I take a look at myself And see all I've done over the years In which I can remember I can never seem to see myself As someone who is great in anyway So the same old question Runs around in my head 'Am I great at all?' But even though I cannot an answer Someone else always comes along And shows me where the answer is To myself I'm not so great Just another person Walking on this earth But to other's to whom I'm close too Seems to see the greatness in me and while they are showing me I can just see how great they see me But when I return to being alone With not a soul around me I still try to look for my own greatness That I do for myself Deep down I know that my Determination, To get though all the bad times Kindness To cheer up a sadden friend And my unique personality Maybe what makes me so great In the eyes of others.
So both me and my mum have facebook and we play this game called parking wars, anyway I went on today to find that I could ticket her limo for over 7k so I did. Then when she found out she started to rant and rave like she had gotten a real life parking ticket. So yeah she need to get a life.
So I was in class working on my project, and I got bored so I opened up the cover for the project to try and make it look nice, but while I was doing that I was looking at the fonts, but while I was I fond one that mead me lol
Someone come chat to me here now! http://xat.com/chat/room/36480383/
[I'm off to work, so I'll see you all in a few hours (like 5)]
I kneed a guy in the balls while I was at Judo, I swear I didn't mean to, I had to throw him then hold him down, but as I was going down I kneed him... I then stepped on his toes when I went to throw him again... If was funny.
No lie, watch it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VryQDsx5Ad8&feature=related
And I... Like crazy people =3 Hi crazy people I like... Unless I've already told you, I don't like you
What one fruit can you get two out of?