Alright first let me give you my examples to make my point clear. Earlier this year, late January I think, I had a dream that my ex would dump me and on the 17th she did, about a week or so later I had another dream her sister was mad at me for something, and after a few of us stayed at her sisters house, she got bad at us for making a mess, I've also had a few, quite a few years ago where I saw a place in my dreams then seeing it the next day, and another where I dream about Egypt and the next day I saw an episode of a murder detective show with an Egyptian theme. So has anyone else had dreams like? If so tell us. Now to move on to ESP (Extrasensory perception) now my experiences with this, is how I've been able to tell someone else feelings for someone else without them showing any sighs or showing the complete opposite feelings. The first out of two I'm going to talk about is one my friends falling for another, but she's only just come out saying she like them and showing she likes them and felt like I've know since last year in August. The second, I've felt like hasn't liked me, even though a few times she's been needy for my attention because I forgot to reply, I picked up she didn't like me last year around May time, but it was confirmed around Christmas/new year. Do you have any experiences with ESP?
This is something that slightly annoys me, but I don't hate it, it's just I like to try and guess if I know who the VA is from show to show, but when someone uses the same voice for everything, to me it takes the enjoyment out of it a little. I know I am nitpicking at this and some of them are fun to listen too (Like James Woods) but I like VAs who give each character a different voice. And I guess someone them really can't help but use the same voice (Which is why it's only minor annoying). Now what are you're views on VAs who use the same voice all the time?
Both of these belong to my Swedish friend, the first one is called Zkinx and the second is called Rexveng This guy is my favourite out of her OC, I guess it's clear with how I drew him. I still need to get the hang of drawing chibis but I think I did okay here, and I know one ear looks longer then the other, I always make mistakes like that. CnC is welcome.
This is more of a 'Getting of my chest' kind of thing, but knowing what people think of this might help. Alright so the deal is me and three of my friends who I talk to the most seem to be in a love square, but it's like this, me (the oldest) J (Gonna used the first letter of their name and J is the second youngest) and S (the youngest) all love K (My ex gf) so of course this has already cause friction between us. Me and S have made it clear we love K (being her ex is my way of course) and K has told me J said she might like K that was, but I'm pretty damn sure she loves K as well. So that's the first thing I need to get off my chest, the second thing if true, may lead me to disliking or hating J altogether out of jealously, which I really don't want to do but, when K dumped me she said she wanted to mature and finish uni then we'll get back together, and I understood this and let her go, but lately she's been saying things that makes me think she's going out with J and not telling anyone, the first thing was that K was going to stay at mine last night, but said she was going to stay at J's and that she misses J (I can't remember the last time she said she misses me even as a friend) and early today she sent me a text which part of it said this. "Of all people I don't like negative reactions from J" Also she stopped texting me for 3 hours while she was with J, and because of this paranoia I've gotten, I'm thinking she was ignoring me on purpose. I will be asking her if she does only love J, but right now isn't the best time, like I said this was mainly to get it off my chest. I really hope I've being stupid, but you can never really tell can you?
-Le random convo a few hours ago- Me: *walking down stairs while half singing this* 'There's just no way that we can win, his cards are epic beasts' Mum: What was that? Me: Nothing just talking to myself Mum: First sign of madness that is Me: ...... *poker face* I'll think you'll find I was born mad mother *walks off and continues to sing* ..................... I really need to find something else to do with me time XD.
Sometimes I do wonder What it'll be like If I wasn't here? Would theirs lifes be better Or worst without me? I try to be nice But past mistakes I have surely made. I just want to be important To at least one person. But what if I'm useless To the whole intire world? I do think I should Just disappear from this place But a stong light within Is keeping me here. I use to wish to be alone But now I hate that dream Enough to make me cry. Oh what a change of heart I seem to have had. I am now stronger Or weaker then before For this to have happened? I never use to trust before But now I can't help myself. Yet I fear it'll get me hurt More then ever in my past. Still I will take this risk And finally open up I just need more people to listen Since the one is not enough. So I will have to stick around If you like the fact or not. And if you dislike Be honsest and tell me why. For I know I've done wrong by people But I don't always know how. And I want to make it up to you All I need is a chance. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I started writing this because I was feeling a little low, but as I was writing it, I started to feel better. The first two verse, I've been like that for years, thinking it would be better for everyone if there was no 'me', but not letting that feeling win no matter how bad it gets. Third speaks for itself, when I was younger I just wanted to be left alone, I even told my own mum that I wished to be alone, since that's when I was happiest, but now being alone with no one too turns me scares me so much, it does make me want to cry. Fourth is heavily linked to my past, since I had no friends and I was always making my mum mad, I had no choice but to lock my problems up (She knew some of them, but others I wanted to keep locked up) but now I'm slowly trusting people, right now I only trust one person, but I should trust more since I don't want to burden them all the time. And the firth, this is just saying that I am going to be around for ages, and if you don't like it, at least tell me why.
Okay only the people who knew me back before Alice was banned may get this and most likely say WTF with me but remember when I made so many typos? And how I got annoyed at anyone who pointed them out? Well I've just watched a video on youtube and I always read the comments, and I saw two that looked like this; First comment; some thing is wrong whith ur face you like to read cauze u have no cable and btw ur disgusting no one likes ur review then how do u know the movie stupid your just jelous cauz ther famous Second comment; i agree the comment of foomde that ur review sucks and i click this video cauz i got distracted of ur disgusting face i thougt this was a handicap videoi like handicaps beterr the u Now I know my spellings have never been that bad, and you'd think I would leave them alone about the spelling but, I told them both off about it.... WTF right? Since when did I become a Grammar Nazi? Not that I'm a very good one.
*looks at you all through a window with a creepy smile* Hi there
Having a 7 week old kitten fast asleep on your lap
This is something a friend posted on facebook, and since I like the games, I checked it out. So okay I can't say anything on the adopted part, but since I'm fat should I be 'OMFG this game is offending me!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!' This guy is just being silly IMO, it should be the little girl feeling the rage not him, but she seems alright with it even if she 'didn't' hear it, I know of another adopted person who played this and wasn't bothered at all.
A very nice thread you have there
(Late night rant so there may be typos) Alright this is something that is going on now, but since it isn't in the news, so no point putting it in 'Current Events' and since this is more of a rant, I don't think it should be in 'Help with life'. Anyway, some time back in 2002 my mum started to look after twin boys, because their real mother said she couldn't cope with them and her two girls, (one who is 18 mouths older then the twins and the other who is 7 years older) and a few years later when they started school, my mum fully became their legal guardian but still allowed their real mum to see them. About 7-8 weeks ago the younger twin got burn thanks to my mums ex, (who she soon kicked out after what happens next) once the burn mark had almost disappeared they went to stay at their real mums (let's call her Mona from now on) for a few days, but as soon as my mum got home from dropping, Mona rings and tells her that some stuff was coming out of the burn mark so she's taking her son to see a doctor, but she also gets social services involved, meaning my mum couldn't take them back. The day after two social workers go to see my mum and ask her to sign something and they tell her that it's so my mum can see them, but since she was in tears and didn't have her glasses on she couldn't read what was on the hand written piece of paper. About 3 weeks after that my mum thinks that she could finally take the twins home but is told by the school she can't because on this paper she signed it also said that she'd never take them hope, which really upset her even more since she sees the twins as her own sons. Now 3 weeks ago Mona stopped my mum from seeing the younger twin saying that he's upset every time he goes back to hers from my mum seeing him. And last week Moan stops my mum from seeing the older twin just because my mum doesn't reply to her texts asking for the twins DS'. Good news is that last Friday the court said that the twins could go back to stay at my mums for the next 8 weeks until she has to go back to see who can have them for good, but she also herd these two things from a dinner lady who works at the twins school. Conversion 1: (before mother's day) DL: Are you going to make a mother's day card? one of the twins: Yes DL: You'll have to make two then won't you? Twin: No DL: Why not? Twin: We only have one mum, we've come to the conclusion that she never really loved us (Now the way the Dinner lady and my mum took it, they were talking about her and not their real mum) Conversion 2: Twins: We're hungry, can we have some more food? DL: Hasn't your mum gave you any more money? Twins: No she doesn't have any DL: Then she should get a job Twins: She has one (Note, that their real mother has been on holiday at least once this year and already books about 2/3 more for this year) Both these conversion have taken place while they were with their real mother, so not only do we believe she's poisoning their minds, she is also mistreating them. I know there is other stuff, but I really can't remember right now... Other then Mona making them sleep in the same bed when she lives in a five bedroom house.
I was sort of aware of such books never took my time out to look for any, but today I was in waterstone's looking in the scifi part, and just as I was about to leave a book called Dead Space caught my eye, so I pick it up to see if it was a game based book and I was right, so I look around to see what other books I can find like it, most of them I could understand; Halo Assassin Creed: Brotherhood Fable Wow But then another caught my eye which seems more WTF then Wow (only because I understand why wow was there) I saw a Runescape book, at first I though it just had the same name as the MMORPG, but the text font of the title was the same. I was also tempered to get it, just to see what it was like, but changed my mind and walked off. So is there any other game based books out there? And if you've read them, are they any good?
We all say that we are all human, So how can it be then, may I ask? That most of us say, that we're sane in this world of madness. When we have felt the love and hate we all know of. The same emotions that will, have and always will, Drive us all mad. Both and more that make us all regret our actions. Now to moments of madness, With no emotion tied to the actions or words that come out. Speaking when the words are out of place. Coming in to contact with people unknown. This is our madness. Who we are. Try to deny as you will, Insanity is apart of us all, human and animals. And maybe we who know, we're insane, Are the most sane of all, but how can that be true? When we are all mad. Then is it true, that it is possible? That everyone, even a newborn life. Can be insane? For we all live in a maddening world. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Been a while since I posted in here isn't it? Anyways I started writing this in my creative writing class, at first it was just the first five lines and last four lines, but I looked back at it today and felt like it should be longer, so I added more. The main idea for this (If it isn't clear enough) is how on so many different levels, we are insane, and how maybe not even newborns are fully sane (I put newborn life because I wasn't just talking about humans). I think lines 8 to 13 are the weakest part of this poem but I left it in for the hell of it. But the next five lines are better, but that's just my opinion.
So I am.... And no I won't make up my mind, I might disappear after a few days again for weeks on end.
I'm back... That is all...
I am the protagonist yet the antagonist I am the hero but also the villain I am the light in the darkness which I am also I am the right way and the wrong way I am kind as well as cruel I am an angel that is the devil as well I am good and pure evil at the same time Only one thing can be all these at one time But thinking about it may not bring the answer Unless you know ... What you are. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I wrote this awhile ago after I googled Silent Hill and I was reading up on Alessa/dark Alessa and how Cheryl (from the game) and Sharon (from the film) are half of her soul / The good side of her soul and since Alessa and Cheryl/Sharon are the same person I came up with this poem on how we all are good and bad.
I said I might come back and here I am, not sure how long I'll stay till I disappear again, so anyways what have I missed? And how long have Prem members had rainbow names?
Okay since I haven't been on much lately I think it's best if I just stop coming on all together, I'm not sure if I will come back, I may visit the site, but only to see what's knew on the games. If you wanna contact me, my MSN is in my profile but I may not talk much to you on there unless I know you well, or find me on deviantart, same name So see ya around, if I come back or not, you'll find out sooner or later bye bye.
I'm bored and feeling a little random, so I felt like doing this. Just post a random lolcat picy So