This is a question I find myself asking me a lot, I know the most simple way to put it is 'not normal', but when you think about it, who is? So if we are all insane what makes us so? Are we born like that or is it something we grow up to be. I'm saying the formal because being unclosed and alone for so long (I know unborn babies are with their mothers, but do we really know that's where we are at the time? And a for twins and such then just out rule the alone part) could go be the first steps of human insanity. (I hope this makes seance(sp)) then after we're born everything we have to face adds to our insanity. To put it more simple, I don't think any one is born sane.
Though I was a guy? Even when my name was Anniexo.
And a friend said I looked like someone from the Beaties
And it was bloody awesome, how many of you can say you got to play lazer quest for free as part of an interview?
Last night I had a dream that there was a Final Fantasy 13-3, but it was a mix up of 7, 10 and 13 and what I saw of the game was that they where in a weird factory, where the main bad guy was using some weird mushroom creatures to take over peoples minds and make them make a new dimension for when he destroys the one he's in, so Tifa, Yuna and Sarah go and fight him, but to get to him, they have to pretend they are being controlled by the mushrooms, Cloud was going to help them, but he staid somewhere to fight off some other monsters that killed him, and Tidus was still dead from the first ff10 so the perfect ending of 10-2 was not canon XD. That's what I remember of my f-ed up dream lol
I've started to watch something the other day, anyone wanna guess what it is?
Okay this is sort of linked to this and another thread I made a few years ago. Anyway since last night, when ever I'm alone I start crying over everything that has ever upset me, no matter how long ago it was, but the main thing has been when my girlfriend dumped me (Back in Feb), I've been dumped in the past and I've been all 'Meh so what' but with her (My first female parter) I really do feel like my heart is breaking, and it doesn't help that I've had a lonely childhood/teen years (Being bullied by both family, other students and one or two teachers, as well as having no real friends until college) and some other really bad stuff but this isn't the site to talk about it. So I've started thinking of a few things. 1. What have I done wrong? I know I haven't been the most well behaved kid when I was younger, but sometimes I feel like I must have done something really bad to have to go though all this pain, was I evil in a past life or something? Or is it just my life purpose to feel so much pain? (I know people have been through much worst, just in case I'm sounding whiny) 2. Why haven't I gone mad yet? You'd think after 17 years have being bullied and all the other crap I've had to deal with, I would have done something that would land me a one way ticket to the mad house.... Is my will that strong that I'll held myself together and not ended up killing myself? 3. Why can I just turn them off? Due to what's going on right now and everything coming back to haunt me, I just want to turn off all emotions for a while, but I can only just try to hide them. I just really want to start my life all over again and try to avoid all this crap.
What shall I have for lunch? Maybe some chips dodo dodo Who would I rather be? Sponge Bob or Mr T I want a butler space monkey 'Cause I'm the Queen~ I have been randomly singing this all day..... Why? WTF do I do most random things? I dunno XD
Photos I've edited a little on Photoshop, I'll add more when I edit more. 1. 2. 3.
How are you lovely people?
I won't go in to much detail here but, for a while now, I've been having some problems with three of my friends, and I've almost sorted things out between us, but for the past few weeks my feels keep changing about them. My main feelings for them which are the normal ones are that I want to protect them, and I'm like this with most of my friends, but these three the most. Second is that I want to blank them out of my life altogether. I have gone half a day not caring that I'm not talking to them much. And the third is that I really hate them and I want to hurt them. I've told one of them (who is my ex) that I keep going from still loving her, to hating her then back again, and since she said she's busy we said we'll talk about it when she has time. So this is making me think, am I becoming a schizo? since the second and third I don't feel like myself, I feel like I'm someone else but I'm still in control some how.
And I wanna play a mmorpg anyone know of any good free ones?
Seen my voice, this cough has lost it and I kinda need it back. Edit: It's came back lol
That I feel great nostalgia when ever I hear these sounds?
And the only game I've gotten for now is Dungeon Hunter , and I was in a place where there is nothing but spiders. I was some what creeped out by them, then I find two vemonus sprides that chases me around a little. Even more creeped out..... And then I get to where the boss is that is a much bigger spider with the upper body of a human. My reaction: ....... WHAT THE **** IS THAT!!!! FREAKED OUT NOW!!! And I've played horror games and not gotten this freaked out before XD
And I don't feel like going to bed yet, my mother is gonna be annoyed if she finds out I've stayed up all night lol. And what's this KH-V is looking for new staff members? *pounders on this for a moment* ....... Nah besides, I don't think you guys would like the idea either XD. Early morning Thread of stupidness FTL XD
This is one of the two animes I have watched lately and finished (Other being Black Rock Shooter) and I really enjoyed it, I will admit I started to watch it because I heard it was a Shōnen-ai (From JesuOkatu's top anime openings of 2011) but as much as I like Shōnen-ai, in a way I'm glad there were only three scenes were the main characters showed affection to each other, which if I remember right, is the first episode, episode 7 and the last episode, so if you don't mind seeing two guys kissing. but not over doing it, this is a good anime to watch. As for the plot, it's okay, since it's based on a manga that isn't finished yet, it ended with a few questions, the main one being 'How the heck did happen....? So it has made me want to go read the manga, just to get the answers.
The epicness that was soku? that was one epic dude!
Remember this chat from like ages ago?
Quite a few years ago (Around the time GameBoy SP came out I think maybe before) I was given one of them 50 in one games so of course I tried it out, but out of all the games on it, there were only two I remember playing Pokemon Diamond and Jade, of course back then I didn't use the internet to get my gaming knowledge I do now, so I didn't know their were fake until I started playing. There isn't much I can say about it that isn't said here other then I didn't have a hard copy of just the fake game and I couldn't save at all (So I had to sit through the opening every time I wanted to play any game) Anyone else play these fake games or any other fake games?