So I got a pre owned Pokemon SoulSilver and Diamond today, and one thing I like to do is check what Pokemon the last owners had, SoulSilver didn't have much just some good Legendaries... But then I checked Diamond... Now there were 201 Pokemon at a certain level...... And that level would be 100 Yes after clocking in over 220 hours of game play, this guy had gotten 201 level 100 Pokemon and they are; Party Regigigas Electivire Metagross Dragonite Snorlax Box 1 Rotom Persian Parasect Empoleon Crobat Pidgeot Floatzel Wigglytuff Dustox Gastrodon (pink) Kricktune Bibarel Gastrodon (blue) Pachirisu Chingling Lopunny Skuntank Medicham Golduck Azumarill Clefable Tentacuel Cloyster Torkoal Dunsparce Gengar Aggron Magcargo Box 2 Torterra Typhlosion Meganium Venusaur Charizard Blastoise Swampert Blaziken Ninjask Pelipper Staraptor Sableye Weavile Farfetch'd Rhydon Shedinja Dewgong Quagsire Armaldo Mightyena Volbeat Camerupt Beedrill Cradily Castfrom Plusle Tropius Cacturne Muk Toxicroak Box 3 Whiscash Lindone Skarmory Lanturn Banette Electrode Steelix Pinsir Donphan Corsola Solrock Primeape Feraligatr Swalot Breloom Lunatone Flareon Hypno Weezing Umbreon Mr.Mime Poliwrath Fearow Xatu Rayquaza Espeon Masquerain Spinda Box 4 Relicanth Ninetales Exploud Exeggutor Machamp Arbok Slowbro Roserade Abomasnow Swellow Togekiss Nidoqueen Nidoking Venomoth Omastar Unown E Kingler Butterfree Wailord Kangaskhan Starmie Altaria Marowak Octillery Luvdisc Slaking Furret Grumpig Sceptile Box 5 Drifblim Manectric Ledian Bronzong Giratina Ludicolo Victreebel Porygon2 Porygon Dodrio Yanmega Lickilicky Tangrowth Absol Scyther Girafarig Delcatty Bellossom Kabutops Hariyama Granbull Kingdra Shiftry Aerodctyl Delibird Chimecho Illumise Box 6 Heatran Zapdos Mew Lugia Entei Registeel Suicune Latias Latios Megnezone Ho-oh Kyogre Arceus Glaceon Articuno Manaphy Azelf Uxie Dialga Raikou Mewtwo Leafeon Phione Groudon Tyranitar Palkia Regirock Box 7 Rampardos Infernape Jirachi Flygon Moltres Deoxys Vaporeon Crawdaunt Ampharos Tauros Lapras Cresselia Mamoswine Box 8 Magmortar Ariados Walrein Golem Mesprit Seaking Honchkrow Gyarados Arcanine Dugtrio Straptor Slamence Hitmonlee Box 9 Froslass So one of my friends is gonna help me move them ALL to my 5th gen games because I don't want to delete any of them by making a new game.
After read this and watching a video where I first heard the news , I'm going to have to side with the kid. Sure his joke was taking it a bit to far, but that's what dark humour is right? The video -
So last week I started playing Tales of the Abyss again, and since I like cute things I really like Mieu, so I drew what I think he would look like if he were human. Before anyone asks, he has purple hair because when I colour pick his eye brows from an image I was using for colour ref, I got purple so game him purple hair.
What have I missed since being away for about a year? Anything.... Nothing.....? Peanuts?
And I enjoyed it.
So after reading this. I'd like to ask, when is taking drugs and/or trying too kill yourself classed as murder while you are with baby? What if the woman didn't know she was having a baby due to the effects of drugs and/or depression as well as not finding out before hand?
Clicking videos in the Suggestions list again, and I come across one I would like to show you all. [video=youtube;n4J7huMyvnY][/video]
Finally after eleven long weeks, Ano Hana or Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai has finished at my anime club, and the last episode did deliver in making my react in the way I hoped it would..... It made me cry. I had heard from other people who had seen it before that it had this effect on some people, and I'm glad it made me react this way. Good point; This is a beautiful yet simple looking anime, with fitting music and a story that pulls at your heart strings at the right moments as well as it being relatable, even if it isn't 100% you could still feel for each character as he or she went through their ordeal. Bad points; Although the story was bitter-sweet and I did enjoy it, I felt it was a tad bit rushed, maybe another few episodes would have allowed a better back story for some of the characters I felt pushed to the back when it's show they could have had a bigger role. Even the ones who the show did focus around, I did feel like one of them had his back story but on hold until the very last episode. Although the main characters are teenagers, this feels more aimed at adults who have lived their life a little and are able to look back and see if which character they could relate to more with their past selves. I would recommend this to anyone who likes a sad but happy ending story with highly relatable characters. Rating; Story - 7/10 Characters - 8/10 Music - 9/10 Pacing - 8/10 Style - 9/10 Overall - 8/10
But I dunno if I should be ashamed for liking it.
I feel so great yet so down in the dumps for the same reason...... Ah getting a bitch out of my life sure feels odd lol.
FOR I SEE THE ALL GREAT AND POWERFUL LINE-CHAN AS MY GOD!!!!!! ...................................... (I shouldn't make threads at 2 am XD)
Okay best place to start is by saying until I was 18 I never had a real friend and between the ages of 13 and 17 I did think about killing myself. And then when I was in college there were two people I became close to but they don't talk any more, then back in '10 I met two other people I became close friends with and last year thanks to me they met two other people that the three of us became friends with. But this year the second group of friends have almost cut me out of their life and only my ex talks too me, but when she gives me money she owes me, I know we'll walk away from each other as if we never knew each other. Their reasons? Well the first (Let's call her Jo) who is my ex's best friend hates me because I did something I really shouldn't of so she's the only one out of the three who has good reason too. Second, who is the second youngest (Let's call her Sam) I think she hates me because she too loves my ex but she knows her feelings will never be return, and I did cause a fight in her family, only because I wanted to find out why her mother didn't like me (turns out she didn't) Third, my ex's reason? Well the bad thing I did was towards her, (It happened Nov '10 while we started going out Dec '11) and she's siding with the other three mainly because of what I did to her. Last who is the youngest (Let's call her Tina) heck if I knew, my ex just told her I annoyed her but didn't give me any other reasons. My ex told me most of this today and since she was the only one who would talk to me, she was the one who had to deal with me having the worst B-Fit I've ever had, I am really pissed off that neither of them (other then my ex) talked to me about this, I can go to Sam and Tina's house (since we live in the same city and know where they live) and try to talking to them but I don't see the point in trying any more. So right now the only thing that is keeping me going is my third group of friends who I see every Tuesday, if I didn't have them, I don't know if I'd be here typing this. Kinda sad that this is pushing me to think about ending it all, but with my past and stuff going off now, thinking things like that come really easy... I just hope things get better for me once the four of them are out of my life.
Gonna see Dark Shadows with some friends, my mum has already seen it and said it wasn't as good as she hoped, but then again she enjoyed Battleship while I didn't, so I might like it.... Might not, I'll tell you all what I think of it when I get back
It's now the 11th of May..... Why is this important? Well to the rest of you it's not, but to me it's my 24th. And to think I joined KHV when I was 18.... Man how time flies.
My Swedish friend gave me this really creepy test thingy, so now I'm giving it you lot to try out, note you'll need to have your volume turned up a bit Oh and this is what I got.
I've just seen this on the news and being pro-gay myself (being a Lesbian and all) I glad he's doing this.
How is the best way to deal with this? My self-confident has never been that good because of my school life, (And other things) and last year I did have some confident thanks to some friends but due to some problems thanks to one of them being funny with me because we like the same person, I feel like I've lost my self-confident, apart from on Tuesdays when I had out with some other friends. So what do you lot suggest?
And Battleship was so boring the walls become more interesting then the film.
My mum is bugging me to go see Battleships, but should I go see it?
Whatever it is you're holding in you hand and never let go!!!