ah yes, "date", a word that i do not associate with you :') lololol
yes cam very true!
if my profile had more you then it would literally be your profile lol
it's pretty funny/major gta satire and open world idk i liked it a lot but i'm not picky so take that as u will lol
i actually really liked saints row 3
if the song wasn't about me then it deserved to be deleted. (âjk)
welcome back good sir :3
good idea, good idea
destroy 5ever lmao did you use the extended cut?
congrats! which ending did you pick????
ahahahah i remember them but i miss everyone too ; - ; john is literally a mad scientist now with all his Facebook statuses about chemistry lol. DR. JOHN.
femshep all the way sry
me me me * o *
Sooooo this is being made, as everyone already knows. Buuuuuut Assassin's Creed THE MOVIE -cue explosions- will be having none other than Michael Fassbender produce and star as Desmond Miles. I mean, movie adaptations of games usually fall flat on their face (lololol Prince of Persia) but at least if this one does it can with Michael Fassbender, right? He's cute. RIGHT?! Apparently he was Ubisoft's first choice. â Read More Here â Personally I like Michael Fassbender, but I'm curious to see who will be playing the Assassin since Desmond is mostly sitting in the Animus the entire time. Unless Michael will be playing both, buuuut I'm not sure all we know now is that he is attached to the upcoming film. What do you lovely people think??? At least Ubisoft Motion Pictures is doing all the work, not some other movie studio. *jk moved it to Movies/Media lol ignore this.
omg i just realized there's so much red when you click on view conversation with our VMs and it's totally rad lolol
LMAO IKR!! some people just don't realize my greatness and i guess it intimidates them -cue me flipping my hair fabulously- thanks <3
i can dig the power of fists i gotchu i gotchu lol. and it will beautiful. mine are llave, the fuk?, and ghetto - in a perfect world i'd give everyone guns and call it a day. llave you can be white mage because healing is fun the fuk? is the gunner because i see you as a dude mounting a turret gun (ffversus13 style if we're talking final fantasy) ghetto can be the dark knight and our first enemy will be kefka because he looks like a clown/the joker get it?
(Moved this over to Square Enix since it's well, Square Enix lol/merged this with libre's existing thread.) As much as people are frustrated by the fact that they keep focusing on FFXIII I'm just happy that they are going to try to bring this to a close pretty soon with Lightning's story...unless they intend to keep making them and it becomes like FFVII Compilation with like 30 spin-offs or FFXIII-13. Then that's a little much. I do like Lightning, I really do so I don't really mind so much. Besides, it would probably be really cheap a few months after release anyways. FFXIII-2 is already $20 so that's a plus.
just wanted to say hi :3
peek a boo lolol