so true! i've been on there since like '09 and have met a crap ton of my mutual followers irl they are rad people. omg you're so lucky then....
b-but i like it ; - ; maybe it's because balthier and fran remind me of reno and rude lulz.
i know right?! so lucky! u _ u but you are very much welcome :D lol that's quite alright, i am doing quiet fabulously. actually in disney world...
with all due respect there is an announcement at the top of the page with links to the rules section, i mean if anyone at least has any concerns with the bans they can click that thread and check it out. it's implied that most of the threads were revised with this update. idk just doesn't seem like it's too difficult to find and i know you're smart enough to read and check it out (no sarcasm intended). plus you can always just ask n _ n
aw thanks <3 i actually just found it when scrolling through tumblr one day. usually if you type in the tumblr search "pixel art" or "cute pixels"...
this so much of this omg fran and balthier <3
if you read between the lines of ashwin's terminator post you'd pretty much get at what has been decided lol. it'll be quick and easy i suppose.
hey guys add me on steam lol: Yeulia
juliana sounds like a name out of the renaissance i don't think i'm that old u turd.
brb let me get u a dustpan
it's quite alright we can soon, i get home from disney world tomorrow n _ n we shall talk on msn or something eventually.
we should do that sometime o:
i wish i could ; - ; i really like chilling here especially when i have wifi lol. i might meet u in tn one day, my ex-neighbors live there and my...
omg that is bad luck. well at least you can get a new ps3 slim.
i leave tomorrow D': i shall meet you one day i vow it. kh-vids road trip you can pick me up in your stretch limo.
i thought i told u i'm sry ; - ; although i'm surprised that i've been in florida like every year and i have yet to meet you. i see ur up in da...
Spoiler lolz in the car going to disney world
garrus from mass effect's VA is in there as one of the cops who went through mocap so yeeeeees. but i liked the game it was def unique. plus i dig the whole 1940s-50s vibes.
that word is reserved for cillian murphy, garrus vakarian, and reeses especially reeses