as long as he stays away from that fifty shades of poop book/movie then i'll be happy with whatever he does
ur so rite
they're making a remake of dis movie so i wonder how it's gonna go lulz
next time you guys do pls include me thx
because it shows excitement, get wit da program~~~~~~~~~ congrats jerome!! ur ps3 will be better then ever now ; - ;
lol you've got da rite idea T B H omg cam you caught me by surprise i kept seeing you saying you had connection problems so i waited until you would start the call again and you never did im disappointed omg???? plus like you cant just spring these things on me i have feelings too!
so why didn't we ever talk on skype cam? huh? connection problems good excuse!!11
well in that case i am quite flattered for being your super cool ghost of VMs past or something like that lol. i am good, i have no idea why i'm...
i'll ask ashwin to talk to him tomorrow that's his jurisdiction lol do you realize this is the first batch of VMs you have sent me since 2009 and...
I agree with you, it's such an easy way to rack up post count without actually doing anything. I spoke to the others about it and Ashwin is going...
gophers need love too
you forgot the part where they throw in jessica chobot as cameo character for eye candy.
yessss! lolz
omfg right? liara is always there even though i brought her and garrus for the run to the beam and garrus and kaiden for the first part of the...
yeah it's a pain to control omg here look at my burn scars because the damn thing drove straight into the lava on therum 500 times
yeah i agree they focus on them well enough for people to like them and stuff individually. i really liked thane even though he really was just...
god their suits in ME1 were so astronaut-y i love them much better now. the thane ones are fabulous max there's not enough thane in ME and he's a poster character wtf??? poor bby etc. etc. love the variety you made these with different cropping angles and coloring, very nice!! ME love is 4ever. Great job!!!! (。・ω・。)ノ♡
okay you have no idea how scary it is to be part japanese and going to japan and seeing things like this. SPARE ME. I think once I read the "watashi wa have a small question to ask" I died a little inside.
-has over 1500 tumblr followers- oops