卵焼き = tamagoyaki or the japanese version of an egg roll. egg rolls are traditionally chinese and you would say:蛋卷 = dan juan
ily2╰(・◡・╰) i'm talking to my friend who lives in japan rn and i showed him this vid and a vid of some chic saying "nyaaaaaa" over and over and he's was like "wtf?" except in japanese. i was like.........ikr.
this thread pains me.
pretty much everyone on the internet to my great dismay.
yeah this is really an awkward sentence because i usually don't see 私 twice but i translated it and it's like "I want to sleep peacefully like my cat." ya'll and ur japanese aw.
yay ps3, even though i'm not expecting much from the extra content i think that anything extra is a plus obviously sooooo yeah there's that. but just like most dlc or extra content those are so quick to finish that i probably wouldn't have noticed if it was in there or not. we shall see i guess.
aw rat i shall miss you ; - ; hmu sometime maaaaaan.
slow clap it out
-coughandrewvanwyngardenfrommgmtcough- i mean..wat.
okay im commander shepard with a knife i used for dinner at least i'm set for melee skills???????
i've been to tgs a few times but never a cosplay convention
yeah, usually EA is full of crap on numerous issues but this time i can see where they are coming from. i hate all of those games though, really. farmville, sims social, etc. it all has to go. i keep getting lame ass invites from friends and i'm like...no okay i will not join this.
http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Reaper#The_Cycle_of_Extinction according to this, 50,000 years.
Each of us is a center of the Universe, and that Universe is shattered when they hiss at you: "You are under arrest." welp, i knew going into this that it would be dark.
take a tylenol and drink some tea, maybe take a nap like the others said as well.
this actually isn't my desktop anymore, this was it a couple of weeks ago buuuut i'll post this one for now and then edit it again later. so cute.
i mean, i don't think this will work as the others have said, but at least they are looking into the whole business of "used" games. i never did like the idea that upcoming consoles and game companies are leaning towards preventing used games from being played again by a different account rather than the one it was originally bought for (aka linking a game to one account) so while gamestop might be into the $$$$$$ it's not like they are the only ones trying to stick their fingers into the game-sales pie. i don't really like to buy games digitally as a preference (i like game boxes and the box art) but i know that's the direction things are going soooo it's only natural that people are talking about something like this no matter how unrealistic it may seem?
i agree with this so much. i don't need a constant reminder every time i play a console game that i should pay a sweet price of what console games already are nowadays ($60) to unlock all the fabulous features of the game. if it goes that route it just becomes nagware and that is just annoying as ****. and to be honest, adding DLC to an already existing game with extensive and well drawn out gameplay and plot is not as big of a pain to sit and wait to download and install unlike downloading features to a "freemium" game that seems incomplete and perhaps boring to play. there's a reason MMOs and console games are in a league of their own. when i go to the store and pick up a box or download a game off of PSN, etc. i expect a finished product to be there (there probably would be a finished game in the box at the store, not so much if it is digitally downloaded). advertising something as free then making you buy things to unlock the full experience just are a hassle end actually make the thing LESS appealing imo. this sounds pretty much what that ouya console is trying to do. allow the player to play the games for free then decide to buy them later or have them purchase features. the whole ouya racking in $5 million+ seems so ridiculous to me but maybe they can be the guinea pig in this case and the rest of the industry can see how everyone reacts to the idea. Guild Wars 2 being sold at retail price reminds me of this new MMO that just came out called The Secret World. It's being sold in stores almost like a PC game for a single player would be, or more similarly, Diablo 3, but instead it's an MMO. i prefer that direction much more than "oh play to level 10 for free then buy this DLC, and this one too in order to get the full experience or just watch as everyone around you levels up and kicks your ass because they bought the DLCs."
games are sf expensive it's a bit ridiculous but i would never believe them to be $100 in the first place. however, even though this is nintendo i see a lot of the next gen and probably the next-next gen consoles utlilizing anti-used game software which is self explanatory. but if games ever reached a price higher than what they are already with no options for used game purchases then i can see a lot of blowback happening. ea is already doing anti-used game crap like that with their "online passes" needed to unlock either MP or day-one DLC stuff. but yeah, once again people already jumping to conclusions. the damn thing isn't even out yet and people assume the prices are locked in, which is silly.
i love adventure time but they've gotten progressively weirder sometimes i'm like wHY, yet i still love it and it is perf