all your souls are belong to us t b h we feed off the tears of khv users.
besides there are a lot of things that still need to be tweaked so slow thy roll good sir
huh i didn't see that one coming.........
IDK it's 5:10 am here i think i've become delusional?????? you brits and your 5 hour time difference, what am i to do with you all? i literally...
A WILD STAFF APPEARED WHAT WILL U DO? run? bag? throw marshmallows at it? <<<<<<<< mwahahah u buttmunch ('∀'●)♡
hm maybe i shouldn't really say anything but i just figured i would throw my two cents in since this involves staff sooooo here we go. i have never once used the invisible mode feature, both when i was a member and even now when i am staff since i never really found the need to. however, what i don't understand is since i'm almost always available, even into the dead of the night running on times so that i can speak to my friends over in japan and russia but no one ever approaches me if they have a problem. probably in the entire time i have been staff only two people have ever said something to me that needed to be addressed. so if something is super urgent i'm pretty sure you can get in touch with me? unless you are super picky with your staff members then that is something else entirely. i see myself as extremely approachable and nice and i'm pretty sure numerous people will tell you that. i am really no different than any other member here and feel no different than i was before. i'm pretty sure the staff is the same way and there shouldn't be any of this "power going to one's head" nonsense because we are all pretty levelheaded and balance each other out nicely i think. no one on staff is telling anyone how to use their invisible mode, and if we were to even suggest such a thing everyone would go nuts. i understand your argument is saying that it is staff's job to be available, similar to how when on break at work you helped out a customer. but here is the thing, you are getting paid for your work and it is an obligation whereas KHV staff is voluntarily "employed". a common rebuttal to that would be that while yes, you did not have to help the customer, you did so anyways as it would look bad on yours and the company's part if you turned a blind eye to them. yet, for KHV, if you believe someone to be unapproachable, that is not really the staff's fault? we are not mind readers and we are not responsible for knowing what you want done. nearly all of us will relay the message to the rest of the staff for further discussion and out of the 20+ staff members aboard i'm pretty sure you can find one to communicate with. being picky and saying "oh, even 1 staff on invisible is a problem" is very unsatisfactory and stubborn. how do you know/how are you to judge what that person is doing? what if they are doing something important and are afk. besides, i'm pretty sure that the staff trust most of the members to be able to deal with the majority of their problems or at least hold off until someone is available. also, a lot of times staff gets criticized for locking threads in spam or whatever just because you were having your fun. not all the time, but it definitely does happen. is 8 hours really that long? no, i don't think so. i'm pretty sure all of you can find something to do in that time frame and normally most staff are on in a 24 hour period in cycles so it should be fine. since communication is at its root, many have said that they see staff on MSN or skype but apparently that isn't good enough? regardless of what we do we're not going to give you our personal home phone numbers like a tech support line so you can call and tell us a thread needs to be locked or a bot is roaming around. email, MSN, skype, report, VM, PM, even i have my linked so you can reach me in other mediums such as tumblr at my ask box. does anyone take the effort to click that i wonder? perhaps staff can make a public page for a list of all the staff contact services such as MSN, Skype, Tumblr, Emails, etc. but the condition would have to be that when requesting a staff member on these services you must leave your username and reason for communication in your request so we know it's not some random ass person requesting us? yes? even if a report PM, etc. is sent to all staff shouldn't that be what happens? why only reach one when you have the potential to reach a larger majority. that in my mind makes no sense. invisibility should not be the issue here and is obviously being used as a medium to criticize once again staff's misjudgment of members and/or their lack of understanding when in actuality that really isn't the case? perhaps the members should realize that the amount of members to staff ratio also means that things take time? planning events so you don't get bored, making technical changes, discussing further forum updates and the like. whether you like it or not a lot of the changes to the site are under the hood so that everything runs as smoothly as possible. we are humans just as everyone else here is, not robocop, okay? i have to multitask and respond to people and things get frustrating and while that is our job to juggle things, we also have optimal working conditions. different people work differently and i'm pretty sure that if someone doesn't respond to you right away you can always try someone else. at least make an effort on your part. newer members might not be as comfortable approaching staff but i remember back when i first joined the normies and prems weren't exactly a bunch of roses either. although i later learned that it wasn't exactly them being mean, it was just a form of internet humor you have to learn to get used to (although there are some dicks out there yes mhm yup) staff seemed approachable and things don't always translate well online. i know at least i am better with getting across my happiness or kindness online, but sometimes people are more muted in their emotions, it's not necessarily them trying to put you off. you come across people like that IRL too, not just online so it's something that anyone who interacts with someone must learn. tl;dr: if you are serious about your suggestion you'll read this. mhm! ( ̄(工) ̄)ノ°☆.。.:*・°☆
martyrdom like in the refuse ending of mass effect. f that.
ugh man the irony i literally just was watching the trailer again yesterday thinking when this was ever going to come out and then this i wanted to solve puzzles with my feathery dog looking creature wtf.
i start my college soph year on the 27th too it's approaching so fast x - x good thing my sched is easy this semester hehehehe.
yeah just for one book lol it sucked :') but i used it for two semesters and highlighted a **** ton and stuff so i guess it'll be worth it as a future reference. also do you have anne? she was da bomb.
that's what happens when someone makes threads on BSN about transformers in mass effect, yeah lmao
once you get past the fact that everyone there is an opinionated asshat it's not that bad :') lmao
hahahahaha aw
way 2 go college that was the cost of my anatomy book alone so i know that feel ughghhghggh -havent paid this semester's tuition yet oops should get on that oops again- i just thought you would enjoy this as much as reptar did when i showed her.
I KNOW i WAs LIkE...FuCKkkk.
i dont think tidus is that bad. besides, if being manly means picking on your young child and wife like jecht did then idrc about "manly". (although, you learn to forgive him at the end, or at the very least, understand him).
i really like english as the others have said. out of all of the languages i know, english is by far one of the most unique. specifically because it probably one of the most open to change. while english has some loan-words from other languages, more often than not you see other languages borrowing form english in order to fit into their structure. english rules are so loose which is why many foreigners have a tendency to have difficulty learning it, not really for the grammatical reason (because there are languages with far more complicated grammar such as russian) but because of the amount of slang used on a daily basis. many people ignore proper form unless they are writing a formal letter or essay, etc. and use words like "i GOTTA go". of course, "gotta" isn't a word, but it flows off the tongue better than "got to" does. coming from someone who has a father who came from another country (russia) who had to learn english and is now fluent with little accent, it takes a lot to not sound like a textbook while speaking english when you are learning the language, but it is indeed very pretty and different i think. dang tl;dr.
omg so someone made a post on bsn about how the galaxy would fare if there were transformers there to help against the reapers and would people...
very well put. a lot of japanese have difficulty remembering kanji so it definitely is hard for even japanese nationals to recall. what you see on many building signs is hiragana most of the time (speaking from personal experience). russian on the other hand has a pretty set structure but the word order has a tendency to shift around a lot. For example if one wanted to say "I love you" you could say Я тебе люблю or Я люблю тебе (easiest example i can think of since i say it all the time to my grandmother). Same meaning, different order. Other phrases are more strict, but it's just something you pick up over time through conversation. SEE WHAT YOU DID ASHWIN? MAKING ME TALK ABOUT LANGUAGES!!