i got to a comm college atm but thats because once i get my assoc in nursing the uni i will be transferring to is offering me a full ride and a...
im a sophomore at my college now yus no longer a freshman ever again!!!!11
the best of luck 2 u bro~
aw dang, that blows. what's your major, do you know?
okay well i'm a nursing major and stuff like that and my mom's a nurse as well so basically all i can really recommend you do is to explain to your dad that you should try to go to sleep at earlier times and to try to get more sleep for a period of about a week or two and if the headaches dont go away i would schedule an appointment tbh.
enjoying my last few days of break ; - ; when do you start your fall semester!!?
lol i know right?!?!?!? but thanks mah man (◡ ‿ ◡ ✿)
ah yeah, okay sounds good~
aw you're welcome!! glad i could help :)
yes following ur every move!!111 youre a cool dude and you post in gaming a lot and like idk i said to myself why not????? :c lolz
u da best ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
thank youuuuu, taken care of :')
gonna lock this too because of reasons stated in da other thread made by claw, yup. - END OF LINE -
i'm sorry guys, but this thread is like going no where (even though it kinda slowed down now). claw if you need help with anything as ashwin said please message staff or something of the sort. i remember back when i first joined khv a lot of the noobs/normies were joked with because they didn't really understand the humor some of the older members use. i literally stayed out of the spamzone until i knew i could be witty back with them and stuff like that. while there are some instances where people act crappily i don't think anyone intends to make you feel bad on purpose???????? if they do they aren't really worth your time. take what they say with a grain of salt etc etc. hit me up if you want to talk or something, kay bud? - END OF LINE -
Yeaaaah I drive a black 2010 Toyota Corolla I love it and it gets like 32 mpg.
bless u my bbies.
Spoiler deleted LOL me at my friend alice's bday party. she is on da right and i am on da left. mhmmmm. p.s. sam u are gorgeous wtf u must like stop traffic all the time alkdajfkljdsf
just think of how the soda feels
i see u r enjoying posts under 10 characters.