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  1. ZakuraRabbit
    Something similar happened to me once too.
    We were in spain, and me and my brother got a mix game for sharing, with both gold and silver version of it (fake of course)
    The files kept deleting themselves all the time, I don't think the game was capable of saving one file on gold and one on we traded it for a discman instead.
    Note to all: when in spain (or maybe other places near the ecvator) NEVER buy games from beach-shops, espesially not those with more games on one disk. Most of the time they're fake and will not work properly.
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 11, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  2. ZakuraRabbit
    Favourite bearer: Roxas-kun
    Favourite blade: Oathkeeper or oblivion. I tend to use both.
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 11, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  3. ZakuraRabbit
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 11, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  4. ZakuraRabbit
    Anything Britney Spears. I don't like her at all.
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 10, 2007 in forum: Music
  5. ZakuraRabbit
    Sonic is anime right? Cause I think it's that one.
    Otherwise Pokèmon was the first thing that got me into anime in the first time.
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 10, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  6. ZakuraRabbit
    Recently I've noticed that the "Newer" (meaning nrs 7-13) of the organization 13 have been called "neophytes" and I was wondering. What does that mean anyway?
    Thread by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 10, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. ZakuraRabbit
    Manga are comic books.
    Anime are cartoons;)
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 9, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  8. ZakuraRabbit
    I voted
    Axel: cause he's so cool
    Demyx: cause he's funny
    Roxas: cause I just adore that kid:D
    and Zexion: though I haven't played COM (only read the first volume of the manga) I'm really starting to like that guy:D
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 9, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. ZakuraRabbit
    There is a comic about it. I found it in a book store last week:D Currently I have volume 1.
    Well basically the longer Sora and his friends stay in the Castle (Castle Oblivion) the more they forget...would be a little time-taking if I was to explain it all's complicated and I haven't read it all yet.
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 9, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  10. ZakuraRabbit
    My name is pretty normal in Norway, I'd like to see how many of you can guess it?:p (Hurries of to delete evil signature:p)
    Nexhan (why can't I just be named true name is dull...)
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 9, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  11. ZakuraRabbit
    Both have their ups and downs.

    Donald is good at magic and keeps healing me.
    Goofy can carry more items which makes him useful for healing and other.
    Not sure who I prefer of the two.
    I like Riku best as a party member:D He's hot and almost every time I was about to die and take out a potion or use cure, he suddenly cured me:p saving me the trouble.
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 9, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. ZakuraRabbit
    I think Roxas and Namine are somewhat mysterious.
    According to the Secret Ansem Report a person is made up by sould, body and heart, and I think he said a nobody was created by the body and soul left behind, but Kairi and Sora still had their bodies afterwards... they didn't appear to have lost anything so what ARE Roxas and Namine made up of anyway?
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 9, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. ZakuraRabbit
    So that's what missingno stands for.
    I used that code before on my Pokèmon red game. It didn't hurt the game a lot, but my hall of fame list got messed up and when I tried to get my Ditto to transform into it...well...glitches appear on Ditto every now and then.
    My cousin caught Missingno, he got a lot of glitches because of that, not sure what but his game was pretty weird:p
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 9, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  14. ZakuraRabbit
    Aren't they the same only different pokèmon?
    Haven't really played Silver a lot though:p
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 8, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  15. ZakuraRabbit
    Ah... glorious Monthy Python:D I love that movie so much.

    "Spam, spam, spam spam spaaaam! Wonderful spam!" (Well I saw this on YouTube but it IS from TV)

    "And now to something completely different."
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 8, 2007 in forum: Movies & Media
  16. ZakuraRabbit
    Ehm...when was that?
    I had the gold version, bought it when it first came out (well actually my mom bought it after a lot of begging)
    After that I got Sapphire, sold the gold version,sold the GBA and the sapphire version so now I'm stuck with an ancient GBC and the fantastic red version:p
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 8, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  17. ZakuraRabbit
    Though I haven't seen a lot of it, I'd say FMA.
    I'm still shocked they actually kept the original openings :eek:
    Still, original is always the best:D
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 8, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  18. ZakuraRabbit
    Today I was bitten by a bunny at school when trying to feed it. Ungratefull little *******...kind of like my own Zakura before she got neutered, only she was 1000 times worse (wonder why I still have her? me too)
    Also I've been hunting some degu pups that got loose.
    Now I'm at the computer, can't acces and deviantart and hotmail are acting weird. I think my internet-connection is slowly falling apart:(
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 7, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  19. ZakuraRabbit
    Oversoul-Shaman King
    Northern Lights-Shaman King
    Hero's come back-Naruto Shipuuden
    Kanashimi Wo Yasasisha ni-Naruto
    Chala Head Chala-Dragonball Z
    Maka Fushigi Adventure-Dragonball
    Mezase Pokèmon Master-Pokèmon...duh...
    The Hamtaro-openingXD (nr 4)

    I can pretty much like anything as long as it's japanese, but these songs are luv:D
    I just realised I don't have Yura Yura on my PC:o Yet I have nearly every other Naruto-opening. Must fix... (heads to look for it)
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 7, 2007 in forum: Music
  20. ZakuraRabbit
    From Terkel in Trouble:
    May not be entirely accurate since I just translated it of the norwegian version.

    Terkel (calling) mom?
    Leon (wearing baby-clothes): no
    Terkel: oh hi dad
    Leon: no
    Terkel: dad, you've got to help me
    Leon: no
    Terkel: but I'm in the forrest!
    Leon: no
    Terkel: my new teacher is after me
    Leon: no
    Terkel: with a knife!
    Leon: no
    Terkel: he's trying to kill me!
    Leon: no
    Terkel: dad let me talk to mom
    Leon: no
    Terkel: dad this is serious!
    Leon: no
    Terkel: dad please!
    Leon: no
    Beate: let me talk to the boy!
    Leon: no
    (Beate takes the phone)
    Beate: is that you Terkel?
    Terkel: no. I mean yes.
    Beate: where are you calling from?
    Terkel: I'm in the forrest...
    Beate: in the forrest?? Then you can't go out furhter untill your navel or your feet will fall of
    Terkel: but...
    Beate: bye bye (hangs up)

    Terkel(coming home from school): I'm home
    Leon: yes. Nononono!
    Terkel: I'm home!
    Leon: er....
    Leon: (puts enourmous sign into his newspaper saying NO)
    Terkel: I'm home
    Leon: ...maybe?
    Terkel (starts pulling his hair out)
    Leon: (practising) no. no. no. no.
    Arne: ready now?
    Leon: yes.
    Terkel: ARGH!

    Talk about messed up parents:p poor kid.

    Monthy Python and the holy grail

    Tim: death awaits you! With big pointy teeth!

    Brother Maynard?(Don't remember) reads out loud: The grail is in the castle...aaaaaargh
    Knight: what?
    Maynard: he must have died when carving it...

    Ed (after beating up a guy for calling him a runt): so... who are these guys?
    Al: (thinking) so he was just subconsiously reacting to the word runt.

    DragonballZ (some movie... my brother was watching it...on his PC...but it counts!)

    Goten: it's not this one, it's not this one, it's not this one, it's this one, it's not this one... ops! (Runs back to get dragonball)

    South Park BLU

    Mr. Garrison: how would you like to go see the school counselour?
    Cartman: how would you like to suck my balls?
    Kids: gasp!
    Mr. Garrison: WHAT DID YOU SAY?
    Cartman: oh! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! what I said was (takes out megaphone)HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO SUCK MY BALLS? Mr. Garrison.
    Garrison: (glare)

    Sheila Broflosky: horrific horrible violence is okay, as long as people don't say any naughty words! That is what this war is all about!

    Canadian ambassador: CAN I FINISH? (silence) okay I'm done

    (From the series)
    Stan: (casually) oh my god, we killed Kenny
    Kyle: we killed Kenny?
    Stan: we killed Kenny, we're bastards.

    Kingdom Hearts 2 (it's on Tv...with PS2 installed)

    Demyx: I told them they were sending the wrong guy

    Axel: tell Kairi I'm sorry
    Sora: you can tell her that yourself!
    Axel: I think I'll pass... my heart just wouldn't be in it you know, haven't got one.
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 6, 2007 in forum: Movies & Media