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  1. ZakuraRabbit
    The DeviantArt-description for this was just hilarious:D
    Ah. Glorious fanarts:)

    Oh look! My bunny-cages!
    Zakura's name tag
    Sasuke's cage is noticably empty compared to Zakura's... her's is stuffed!
    SAWDUST! Random enough for yah?:D
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 25, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. ZakuraRabbit
    Here's random stuff from my DeviantArt-gallery.
    (WARNING: once I start adding random pictures...I tend to add a lot, so prepare for a lot of pictures)
    Cloud...I want a bunny like that...
    Just a note: I can't draw people, so I keep drawing Roxas as an ottsel and Sora as...shadow heartlessXD...who'll eat anything...even the ice cream stick...
    Touch my banana and you're dead.
    This is my bunny Zakura the Killer Rabbit (don't laugh, that's really her name)
    Get of my property!
    Budgie, hanging around by her...beak?
    Spambots are evil. They must die-.- (the racoon-rabbit thingy is me, or my nutty alter ego, also known as "The Usagi"
    Enough with the photos already!
    Beware of the cuteness.
    Here's me trying to take pictures of a moose from my window in the middle of the night... if you can see a're good!
    Am I the only one who notices Pokèmon trainers are severe animal abusers?
    Orochimaru's got a new petXD
    Excuse me people, I'm searching for my bunny, have you seen him?
    When you're out of paper and pencils, find a bonfire and a rock.
    Ah... the joys of owning a rabbit:D (All these three pics are based on real events, Zakura does bite, eat comic books and chew up the wires of my PS2-remotes)
    This is my home-made pillow. His name is Gunnar.
    Once again...out of paper
    Zakura recommends...
    Zakura: it's better than carrots.
    Me: yes...wait what? Don't eat my books!
    Look at all the Naruto-bunnies!
    Rock Lee from Naruto as a rabbitXD
    Actually a scene from my crossover-fanfic, Dork Period, the full line is "Woho! I'm a bunny! Sakura-chan! HUG ME!"
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 25, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. ZakuraRabbit
    Don't even get me started on that company:(
    Did they actually ever do anything GOOD?
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 24, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  4. ZakuraRabbit
    I don't think PLaystation ever existed by the time FF1 came out did it? Not sure...

    I think it should be for Wii...then I could actually have a chanse of getting itXD
    Still I doubt:(
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 24, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  5. ZakuraRabbit
    You know... a sick childish part of me seem to want it... but I don't think I have the consol to play it, might be just as well since I tend to get sick of pokèmon-games a week after starting... I sold my Sapphire game and Game Boy Advance so now I'm playing Ruby (which is my brother's) on his DS:p I don't need the new ones.
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 24, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  6. ZakuraRabbit
    I just recently restarted a game on Pokèmon ruby and I'm already starting to miss the old characters. The starters in that game just don't match up with those from pokèmon Red, Blue, Yellow, Silver and Gold.
    I still think the games are good for time passing, the TV-series I stopped watching a long time ago.
    It is limited how much fun it is to watch some kid forcing some poor animals to fight each other (I would like to mention that if this was real life, Ash would have been arrested by the RSPCA a long time ago) and watching Team Rocket dig holes before being blasted of again by Pikachu, which they do in 80% of all the episodes:p They're supposed to be the main bad guys in the series, and I think they're doing a lousy job at it since whenever they show up I just go "not again" and would rather leave the room or switch the channel untill they're gone.

    Also: I DID catch 150 pokèmon at version Red. I was so happy, and what was the price again? A lousy diploma? Not much happened really... So I've never bothered trying for the rest of the games.
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 24, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  7. ZakuraRabbit
    I think I used about a week to beat KH2, yet I haven't beaten the first game yet^^; Right now I have an exuse, my brother got a Wii and keeps taking the TV (right now he's using MY TV, which I havent't used in ages because it's hardly working...but I got a new TV today...only he's using it...)
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 24, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  8. ZakuraRabbit

    Dbz Gt

    There is one other thing than the super-special-awesome attacks that everybody knows that bothers me in that series, it was so weird I thought I'd make a flash movie about it, check it out:D
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 23, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  9. ZakuraRabbit

    Dbz Gt

    I find Dragonball a little exagarated.. I still read the manga but I'm getting a little tired of enemies that just keep on getting stronger, aslo every attack they try that is supposed to be impossible everyone knows.
    Take the super sayians for once, it was supposed to come one in every millenium or so, even so every sayian character in the series (that doesn't die soon after appearing) turn super sayian:p Goten and Trunks does it with little or no effort as kids....That must have been though-.-
    Also in the original series, that turtle guy (can't remember his english name) claims you can only learn Kame Hame Ha after training for 50 years. Goku does it five minutes later, okay, he's super strong, we've got that, but a few chapters later EVERYONE CAN DO IT!
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 23, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  10. ZakuraRabbit


    Oh yea. Stupid me:o :p
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 23, 2007 in forum: Movies & Media
  11. ZakuraRabbit
    It's not my degu... it belongs to my school (we have plenty of animals)
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 23, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. ZakuraRabbit
    What are the differences between Road to Dawn and Souleater? I've never been able to take a close look on the two.
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 22, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. ZakuraRabbit
    My school went on a skiing trip today...and I didn't bring any skis. (I hate skiiing anyway) So I just walked around eating hot dogs all day:D I even brought the Chain of Memories-manga to read. Got the second volume on Tuesday:) It's awesome!
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 22, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  14. ZakuraRabbit
    Here comes some new picture of a ******ed ninja-wannabe... otherwise known as ZakuraRabbit who coincidentaly happens to be me:p
    So the pictures aren't too look completely wasted one of the school's degu are on my shoulders and didn't anyone mention ninja-headbands earlier? Well I've got one, with a metal plate and everything! (thugh it's broken at the middle.. but that doesn't show on the pictures)
    I've added a plastic kunai to the headband as well as some various other small stuff...such as the kanji for love on the left side (guess who's a Gaara-fangirl:D I should have gone with the Sunagakure-headband...)
    Hey! She slapped me! (actually she was only scratching my ears, but those claws are sharp!)
    Not that was better:D
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 22, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. ZakuraRabbit


    It's already out. I have it in Norwegian so the english version has to be out ages ago.
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 22, 2007 in forum: Movies & Media
  16. ZakuraRabbit
    I see no problem in hanging out with homosexuals.
    I've heard of some people who won't hang out with homosexuals simply because they fear they will fall in love or something, which is dumb:p
    I can be friends with boys and lesbians without having to worry about them falling for me, it's not like you love every single person of your sex if you're gay.
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 20, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. ZakuraRabbit
    The reason he makes such a lousy heartless is because he doesn't have a lot of darkness in his heart. That's my theory anyway.
    I think the more darkness you have in your heart, the stronger the heartless becomes. Kairi has none, so she doesn't even turn heartless even after loosing her heart.
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 20, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  18. ZakuraRabbit
    I'm 18 but don't feel like it.
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 20, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. ZakuraRabbit
    And Donald's way of defeating this threath is to hit it with his staff and tell it go get lost:p Idiotic duck...
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 20, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  20. ZakuraRabbit
    Weehee:D I finally turned heartless this weekend. Fun fun fun:D
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 19, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX