That book's a fanfic isn't it? I know there was a romour going on about a new series called in aprils fools.... I saw a poster for it which was written in japanese, then a translated version which revealed a whole bunch of weird stuff:D As for the question, I'm not really that into dragonball (and haven't seen much of the anime) but I actually liked the original series. It was so funny:D
They don't show up for you? That's too bad:( I'll get a link to the original pages though so you can see them;)
I drew some of the Kingdom hearts characters as puppies:D (Mostly cause I'm physically incapable of drawing humans without having the referance pic underneath) First of: Riku, Sora and Kairi Then my four favourte Organization XIII-members+Namine. Axel, Roxas, Namine (with the lucky charm from CoM in her mouth) Zexion (reading) and Demyx, who couldn't fit in the box...
I found links to my profiles on 3 animal forums, one link to a forum where I'm mod and KH-Vids:p At Picture-searched I found a bunch of Kingdom Hearts-pictures (from KHvids) and random avatars from forums I'm member of (but not mine, other random people's avatars showed up:p) + banners for some of the forums and some movies on YouTube (from my favourite list I guess)
X means 10 and II means two in roman numbers. So if you add X and II you'll get 12;) I learned roman numbers at school once and it's not so hard once you get used to them, here are a few: I-1 V-5 X-10
I'm bored... so I took some VERY random pictures the other day...also adding a few that was already on my comp. My new aloe vera Two of my home made stuffies:) (That's right, I made these) Daxter and Gaara. Gaara-kun:D (He's a racoon btw) trash Hamsterfood My TV. my brohter is playing Twilight Princess on it (what you see is Midna, but it's a little unclear as I photographed the TV darnitXD) me A far-side comic my cousin sent me Everyone else has had more sex than me! (From a Music Video, this bunny is just so cute!) No one steal this picture! It's mine! (oh wait it's not a picture...its only writings...) My dancing stick man! Early flash animation:D
Gaara and Sasuke. I named my bunny Sasuke:) He's I kind of had to. And also I dig Kyuubi, the nine tailed demon fox:D Demons rule, foxes are adorable! (Shukkaku is pretty cool too)
oooh, a hamster (puts you in a cage to keep you as a pet...) Nah kidding. Welcome:)
Agreed. This is what my pet hamster thinks about humans.
I was in the city today looking for a CD, couldn't find it so I bought the soundtrack for High School Musical insteadXD My mom says I need to learn how to save my money.... The rest of the day I spent listening to the CD, and being on the computerXD My mom put my hamster on the computer table, that kind of freaks me out since I don't like having a rodent around all those wires:p Now I'm tired, it's 16 minutes past 23 here so I'm going to bed.
Even if Namine was created "By" Sora in some way, she is still Kairi's nobody because she was made from her heart...or something like that:p She looks more like Kairi than she looks like Sora either way:)
One Winged Angel and Real Emotion. The last one may have been one of the reasons I never finished FF X-2
Sounds like Zakuruh:p It's ZakurA darn itXD
I took a nice piccy of my hamster yesterday. Bleh...
Riku, Sora and Kairi have turned into wolves:o I made that... I can't draw people so I keep doing them as animals instead:D
That would fit me just fine as I don't have a PS3, but my brother has a wii:p Either way KH3 isn't coming out before loooong yet.
You know you're obbsessed with digimon when you put your iPod (or anything that may look remotely like a digivice) and yell "open digiport!"
Aha, it's a degu on the wall Oh my...
Talking to animals is no problem, the diffuculty lies in actually getting them to understand you:p This bird likes shiny things, he eats jewelry and don't ever enter his cage with any type of piercing, that might get painful:p He also attacks my camera occasionally.
Someone tried to destroy my headband today:D This bird took of the heart sticker on my headband:p But I can't stay mad at him, look how cute he is!!