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  1. ZakuraRabbit
    That book's a fanfic isn't it?
    I know there was a romour going on about a new series called in aprils fools.... I saw a poster for it which was written in japanese, then a translated version which revealed a whole bunch of weird stuff:D

    As for the question, I'm not really that into dragonball (and haven't seen much of the anime) but I actually liked the original series. It was so funny:D
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Apr 4, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  2. ZakuraRabbit
    They don't show up for you? That's too bad:(
    I'll get a link to the original pages though so you can see them;)
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Apr 4, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  3. ZakuraRabbit
    I drew some of the Kingdom hearts characters as puppies:D (Mostly cause I'm physically incapable of drawing humans without having the referance pic underneath)
    First of: Riku, Sora and Kairi
    Then my four favourte Organization XIII-members+Namine.
    Axel, Roxas, Namine (with the lucky charm from CoM in her mouth) Zexion (reading) and Demyx, who couldn't fit in the box...
    Thread by: ZakuraRabbit, Apr 4, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  4. ZakuraRabbit
    I found links to my profiles on 3 animal forums, one link to a forum where I'm mod and KH-Vids:p

    At Picture-searched I found a bunch of Kingdom Hearts-pictures (from KHvids) and random avatars from forums I'm member of (but not mine, other random people's avatars showed up:p) + banners for some of the forums and some movies on YouTube (from my favourite list I guess)
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Apr 4, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. ZakuraRabbit
    X means 10 and II means two in roman numbers. So if you add X and II you'll get 12;)
    I learned roman numbers at school once and it's not so hard once you get used to them, here are a few:
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Apr 4, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. ZakuraRabbit
    I'm bored... so I took some VERY random pictures the other day...also adding a few that was already on my comp.
    My new aloe vera
    Two of my home made stuffies:) (That's right, I made these) Daxter and Gaara.
    Gaara-kun:D (He's a racoon btw)
    My TV. my brohter is playing Twilight Princess on it (what you see is Midna, but it's a little unclear as I photographed the TV darnitXD)
    A far-side comic my cousin sent me
    Everyone else has had more sex than me! (From a Music Video, this bunny is just so cute!)
    No one steal this picture! It's mine! (oh wait it's not a picture...its only writings...)
    My dancing stick man! Early flash animation:D
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Apr 3, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. ZakuraRabbit
    Gaara and Sasuke.
    I named my bunny Sasuke:) He's I kind of had to.
    And also I dig Kyuubi, the nine tailed demon fox:D Demons rule, foxes are adorable! (Shukkaku is pretty cool too)
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Apr 3, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  8. ZakuraRabbit
    oooh, a hamster (puts you in a cage to keep you as a pet...)

    Nah kidding.
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Apr 3, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  9. ZakuraRabbit


    Agreed. This is what my pet hamster thinks about humans.
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Apr 3, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. ZakuraRabbit
    I was in the city today looking for a CD, couldn't find it so I bought the soundtrack for High School Musical insteadXD My mom says I need to learn how to save my money.... The rest of the day I spent listening to the CD, and being on the computerXD
    My mom put my hamster on the computer table, that kind of freaks me out since I don't like having a rodent around all those wires:p

    Now I'm tired, it's 16 minutes past 23 here so I'm going to bed.
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Apr 2, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  11. ZakuraRabbit
    Even if Namine was created "By" Sora in some way, she is still Kairi's nobody because she was made from her heart...or something like that:p She looks more like Kairi than she looks like Sora either way:)
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Apr 2, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. ZakuraRabbit
    One Winged Angel and Real Emotion.
    The last one may have been one of the reasons I never finished FF X-2
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Apr 2, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  13. ZakuraRabbit
    Sounds like Zakuruh:p It's ZakurA darn itXD
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Apr 1, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. ZakuraRabbit
    I took a nice piccy of my hamster yesterday.
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Apr 1, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. ZakuraRabbit
    Riku, Sora and Kairi have turned into wolves:o
    I made that... I can't draw people so I keep doing them as animals instead:D
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 31, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. ZakuraRabbit
    That would fit me just fine as I don't have a PS3, but my brother has a wii:p
    Either way KH3 isn't coming out before loooong yet.
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 31, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  17. ZakuraRabbit
    You know you're obbsessed with digimon when you put your iPod (or anything that may look remotely like a digivice) and yell "open digiport!"
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 31, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  18. ZakuraRabbit
    Aha, it's a degu on the wall
    Oh my...
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 30, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. ZakuraRabbit
    Talking to animals is no problem, the diffuculty lies in actually getting them to understand you:p This bird likes shiny things, he eats jewelry and don't ever enter his cage with any type of piercing, that might get painful:p He also attacks my camera occasionally.
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 30, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. ZakuraRabbit
    Someone tried to destroy my headband today:D
    This bird took of the heart sticker on my headband:p But I can't stay mad at him, look how cute he is!!
    Post by: ZakuraRabbit, Mar 30, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone