I can answer one of those things though, Namine is with DiZ because Sora saved her from the organization... Don't know more about the FM+videos though^^;
School's started again...dulll.... (though I've spent all but two classes on the computer room doing nothing of importance...:p)
That's what I feel like doing to my comp too sometimesXD Just hit it with a giant key...well perhaps not a giant key but you get what I meanXD
Today I decided to fix some things at my hamster cage, I added some cardboard a the sides so that the food wouldn't fall trhough the bars and onto the floor:p it's a little annoying to have hamsterfood on the floor.... Meanwhile Temari was running around in her hamsterball but it seemed to get boring for her in the ball after a while so I put her on the bed and then let the other hamster use the ball. Problem was I had to watch Tempus all the time or she'd jump of my bed:p But it went okay, both hamsters are back in their cages now and Temari's cage is newly cleaned:D (I even washed of the shelves in her cage because they were dusty)
Roxas merges with Sora at the start of KH2, he just doesn't appear untill later. The figth between Sora and Roxas was pretty much in his mind I think.
Yay:D That'd be Zakura's cousin.
I don't know what they are but they look awesome:o are those only in FM+?
Life of Brian got banned in Norway for being blaphemic. Now that's a funny though:p It's legal again now though, I saw it on TV last year:D Always look on the bright side of life! "We must work together against the real enemy!" "The judean people's front!" "NO idiots! THe romans!"
My bunnies got their names from Monthy Pyton. Zakura the Killer Rabbit and Sasuke the Legendary Black Beast (would have added "of aaargh" but it got too long, rules in contests)
I want to meet both Roxas, Axel, Demyx and Zexion, cause they're my favourites:D Can't say much about Zexion but to me neither Demyx or Axel seem very "evil".
I have 4. Sometimes 5. There is the dog, who's a family dog, my own two rabbits, my hamster and I sometimes take home a hamster from school. But that's never enough:p I try not to get too many animals than I can care for but I have no problem caring for the group I already have. (1. priority is still to get a mate for Sasuke:p meaning another rabbit)
Thanks a lot:D
What are the names of the three fairies from Sleeping Beauty that appear in Yen Sid's castle? I keep forgetting and I can't find it anywhere right now.:o
I got home from visiting some relatives today:) It was pretty nice. They had this really nice cat who kept suckling meXD Makes me want a kitty right now, wonder how that will work with my dog and my hamster? (I'm not too conserned if it's a kitten, my dog likes puppies and he's fine with my hamsters so maybe he'll learn to like a kitten too? But my parent's probably won't let me. Not right now anyway)
I'm usually a shy person, but get me started on the right person (animals, espesially rabbits or rodents, Kingdom Hearts or any other anime I'm fan of) and you'll probably get tired of hearing my voice pretty fast:p Online I'm like a completely different person, your average hyper fangirl:) I love my animals over everything, and love to take pictures of them and then publish them online. When I'm not online I'm playing, Kingdom hearts if the TV is available. (I have my own TV but my brother is often using it playing Wii)
Zakura means cherry blossom Rabbit means ...bunny. I've already written in another post how I came up with it but I'll say it again. The first time I used it was on a Naruto-website. I had already made up another net-name "Miss.Ecofreak" which I was using on two other pages, but that just didn't feel right at a Naruto page. So I picked "Zakura", which was the name of my rabbit (named from "Sakura" in Naruto) but that was taken so I wrote "ZakuraRabbit" Ever since then I've been using it everywhere, except Deviantart where I'm "Usagi-Zakura" but that's pretty much ZakuraRabbit in japanese:p
I think mine is original. Never seen anyone else used it (and I googled it) The first time I used it was on a Naruto-website, I originally wanted just "Zakura" but that was in use (big suprise:p) so I added "Rabbit" because Zakura is the name of my rabbit (coincidentally named from a Naruto-character, Sakura) Now I use that name anywhere:D
He's cute. Reminds me of Demyx as well:D My mom let me name our dog after a comic character, but his name's Max so it's a pretty common dogs name anyway^^; As for my other pets, (the rabbits and the hamster) they're my private so my parent's don't care what I call them (although my mom wanted Sasuke to be called Harald for some reason^^*)
Some of those things HAVE been explained... Not many...but some. Sora, Riku and Kairi knew there were other world's because Kairi is from another world (Radiant garden) Riku even says so, that he would never know about these other worlds if it hadn't been for her. "Ansem" wrote those reports before turning heartless I think... Riku learned how to travel in darkness from Maleficent didn't he? The Vexen thing has always confused me to. :p For a scientist he's really stupid...
I've been wondering about this since I've been hearing different things. Are the original characters (like Sora, Riku and all the others that have not featured in Final Fantasy or any Disney Movies) created by Square or Disney? I think I heard somewhere that all original characters came from Disney but they do look a lot like the final fantasy-crew... so which is it?