It's pretty much confirmed that Sora likes Kairi. Roxas says it in the second game "You're that girl he likes":) They like each other, I'm still not going to back down on the fact that there are quite a few yaoi-referances in the game, but SoraKairi is definitely the official pairing:)
I think the big question is who DOESN'T hate crappy anime dubbing? I always prefer wathching things the way they were originally made, meaning anime should be in japanese, Disney Movies in english etc. I've never understood why a bunch of animes have these crappy openings in english. Why switch out an awesome song such as Chala Head Chala with a sucky dub? Or change "Butterfly" and "Target akai shougeki" with a song that only repeats "Digimon, Digital montsters, Digimon are the champions" all the time??? Now adays whenever I see a show that actually uses the original opening (even if it is dubbed) I get really happy:) Currently I've seen this in Dragonball (the original series, not DBZ or GT) DN-Angel (well the opening is all I've ever seen of that dub) FMA and apparently the newer episodes of Naruto, though I haven't seen them. I don't really like the Naruto dub, the names just sound too weird. (I should be getting used to it, I have a rabbit named Sasuke and no one can pronounce his name properly)
I don't really do a lot of yaoi but if I had to pick one my fav in the organization would be Axel+Roxas.
In the game he dies (so I've been told besides everyone else says it so I got to agree:p) Though the manga that is slightly different... he leaves to find his own identity followed by a bunch of failed Vexen clones:p It's a silly ending...
Final Mix is a special edition of the original Kingdom Hearts game that was only realeased in Japan. There is one FM for Kingdom Hearts and one for Kingdom Hearts 2 which also includes a PS2-version of Chain of Memories. FM includes new scenes and some new battles. None of them has yet made their way out of Japan, fans are still hoping KH2 FM+ and Re:Com (the ps2 chain of memories) will come out but it hasn't been confirmed by Square Enix yet.
I'm not talking about the monster, but the song. But I'm guessing is that from Fantasia too? For some reason I thought so, even though I haven't seen that movie, so I must have heard the song elsewhere. If it is from Fantasia someone myst have borrowed the song for something else (other than Kingdom Hearts that is)
Where's it from? Ever since I first heard it I knew I have heard it somewhere else but I can't make out where... anybody know? It's the song played when you're fighting that large stone monster in KH1.
When my old TV shut itself of for no reason I would hit it hard in the side. The funniest part is it actually worked:D However when my brother was frustrated cause he coudln't win a game, he threw the PS2-remote into the floor and that did not make matters better...the analog sticks got stuck so the remote stopped working:o (Luckily we had an extra, as a matter of fact now we have 2 funcioning PS2-remotes (+the one he trew that is now smashed to bits) and two PS1-remotes even though we don't have PS1...)
Yeah, I figured that too. So instead of making a fanfic where they act far too emotional for their own good (which they tend to do) I try to make them act more "heartless":p
Everytime I go on the internett I go through my entire favourite-listXD So it's obvious I'm also at KH-vids every day...
Maybe they do have a few feelings...or perhaps they act that way out of habit:p Either way in my fanfictions I'm finding it hard sometimes to write about someone with no feelings whatsoever...maybe that's what Square thought too:p
Here's a picture I did yesterday for my fanfic, Lost in Darkness (that chapter hasn't been written yet but I wanted to upload it anyway) Reason behind this picture is this: I keep transforming the Organization into animals, from the simple reason I can't draw them as people+ I think its fun:p As for Zexion, as I wondered what animal to make him into I tried doing a cat-version...then I put on a pink ribbon and a collar and that's how the story came to me. The name "Fluffy" was made up by a small child who adopts him as a pet:p no Nr 6's great disgrace. The kid thought it was too bad for his hair to cover his right eye, so she gave him a ribbon...Zexion hates that ribbon:p But enough rambling, here he is people. Fluffy the cloaked schemer:D
Kult, flere nordmen:D Velkommen skal du være.. Translation: Cool! More norwegains:D Welcome.
Either 2 or 3. Gah! Can't chose both,... I voted 3:D
Lucky you:p There's hardly any where I live, and absolutely none in weekends... Earlier this year I was wondering if the buss company even knew where my home town was, since the tables were all messed up and the busses were always late:( Today I figured something sad. I think one of the school hamsters (Pumba) might have lost her eye. There's nothing but a large scab on it:( Really not a pretty sight, she needs to see a vet, but I'm worried what will happen to her. Will the vet remove the eye or perhaps she will be put to sleep My teacher hasn't exactly prioritized vet visits for the animals... and considering Pumba isn't used for breeding:( EDIT: Pumba was put to sleep at the vet today:(
Why not? Maybe he just likes them:p or perhaps he doesn't have any other (cept for the opening when he's using Kingdom Key) Riku and Mickey never change their keyblades either..
I like the skateboard... When I found it in the underworld i was just like "wee! Roxas' skateboard!...what's it doing down here?" :P
I love that part too:D And of course "RUN! RUN AWAY!" "Okay?" Demyx is hilarious.:p
Right. See? SEE? That's what I've been saying all along. Square Enix were asking for Yaoi:p
I'm not home yet:p I won't get home untill 4....(although school ends at 14.45....busses are so darn slow where I live) it was worse last year though, back then I didn't get home untill 5 pm! D: That's what I get for going to a school in the middle of nowhere and then living somewhere else in the middle of nowhere-.-